A little experience in using JavaScript modal forms in ASP.NET

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  52

A little experience in using JavaScript modal forms in ASP.NET.

Today, I used ASP.NET to write an OA system, I feel that it is really trouble, especially if I continue to pop up new, modified windows, I feel a pain every time you type. So, a little summary, throwing the pop-up of the module window in a public class (actually what to do so early). eg: public string ModalWindow (string openAspxPage, int width, int height) {string js = string.Format ( "javascript: window.showModalDialog (/" {0} / ", window, /" status: false; dialogWidth: {1 } PX; Dialogheight: {2} PX / ")", OpenASPXPAGE, WIDTH, Height); Return JS;} I originally wanted to use StringBuilder to write, but StringBuilder wrote trouble, simply change String, no more affected impact . In addition, a method of closing the page is written, it is written, it will be used. Public string closepage () {stringbuilder js = new stringbuilder (); js.append ("