DOS command highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  50

DOS Command Collection The most common command CD change the current directory SYS Make DOS system disk COPY copy file DEL delete file DELTREE Delete Directory Tree DIR Column File Name Diskcopy Disk Edit Text Edit Format Format Disk MD Create Subdate MEM View Memory Status Type Display File Content RD Delete Directory REN Change the file name, how much, forget to go to class, the following four commands are new, give the command format, you try to see, learning the computer is important to explore. CLS clear screen [Applicable occasion] The screen is too messy, or there is garbled on the screen, clear the screen display content but does not affect any information inside the computer [usage] CLS Enter Move mobile file, change the directory name [applicable occasion] Mobile files to other directory [Usage] Move [File Name] [Directory] Mobile File to New Directory Move [Directory Name] [Directory Name] Reform Directory Name [Example] C: /> Move C: /autoexec.bat C : / Old  Move the autoexec.bat file to the OLD directory C: /> move c: /config.sys c: / temp Move the config.sys file to the OLD directory More Split screen display [Applicable occasion] When the output is a lot When the screen is displayed, it is useful for almost a command such as all commands, especially TYPE, etc. When using more, the disk does not have write protection, nor is it suitable for the CD-ROM. [Usage] TYPE [File Name] | More Split Screen Display File Content More <[File Name] Split Screen Display File Content [Example] C: /> Type Msdos.w40 | More Xcopy Copy Girls and Files [Applicable Operation] It is useful when copying with the synonym directory. When copying a large number of files, you have to make more [usage] xcopy [file name] [Directory] to the specified directory Xcopy [source directory] [Directory] Directory Lianzi Directory Approach xcopy *. * [Directory] / s copy file and non-empty directory to the specified directory Other common parameters also: V copy check, affect speed E and S, but even The subdirectory is empty, and it will be copied.

Attrib Settings file properties [Applicable occasion] When you do a special handleable process [Usage] attrib to display all files attrib r or -r [file name] set file properties to read-only Attrib h or -h [ File Name] Set whether the file attribute is implied with Attrib S or -S [file name] Set whether the file attribute is the system file Attrib a or -a [file name] set file attributes for archive attrib / s settings including subdirectory File Properties in File [Example] C: / Test> Attrib R WINA20.386 C: /> Attrib H *. * / S Include all files Date display and modification date [Applicable occasion] I want to know or Modifying time and date [usage] Date display and change the current date [example] C: /> Date 09-20-1996  change the date to September 20, 1996 C: /> Date  Current Date Is Tue 08-20 -1996 ENTER NEW DATE (MM-DD-YY): 09-20-1996 Month-Day-Year order modification The current date directly press Enter key to ignore the modified date Lable Set the volume marking number [Applicable occasion] to do it for disk Mark [Usage] Label Display Disk Table Label [Drive] [Volume Label] Set the Boosale of the Specified Dry [Example] C: /> Label Volume In Drive C Is Wang Volume Serial Number IS 2116-1DD0 Volume Label (11 Characters, ENTER for NONE)? You can enter the volume label. Direct Volume Label (Y / N) directly after entering! Press Y to remove the old volume label, press N without changing the doskey call and establish a DOS macro command [applicable occasion ] When you need to enter a repetitive command, there is a very large use [usage] doskey to resident Doskey, open up a buffer, The commands entered later will be saved in the buffer, you can call the Doskey [Macro command name] = [Command Name] at any time to the command, enter the macro command in the future, the computer will perform the corresponding command doskey / reinstall reinstallation Doskey Doskey / BufSize = Set Size DOSKEY / MACROS in Doskey / Macros Display All Doskey Macro Doskey / History Display Memory All Commands Doskey / Insert | Overstrike Sets whether the newly typed character overwrites the old characters [example] C: /> doskey C : /> DIR C: /> C: / TEMP /*. - N: C: /> DEL C: / TEMP /*. * C: />

Copy B: /*.* C: / TEMP The above four commands have been saved, and can be selected or modified by the up and down of the cursor control key, or all the saved commands saved by the F7 key can also be used. C: /> doskey di = DIR / W / P Definition Di is a macro command, meaning executive DIR / W / P FDISK hard disk partition [suggestion] Only hard drives are infected with viral infections, or a new hard disk needs partitioning, it is best to know Guide. Hard drives need to be used in low-level formatting, partitioning, formatting three steps, and hard drives in the finished computer have been processed. [Usage] Enter FDISK to press Enter to enter the prompt interface Prompt settings prompt [Applicable occasion] When you are tired of c: /> prompts or you want your prompt to unless, you can try it Try, very interesting DOS commands, you can display time and date at any time. [Usage] Prompt $ P $ g as a prompt, this is the most commonly used prompt Prompt $ T indicates that time Prompt $ D indicates that $ PROMPT $ Q indicates that = prompt $ V represents the current Version Prompt $ L indicates that Prompt Wang $ g Put Wang> as a prompt WANG> Prompt $ t $ d $ g Time, date and> number as a prompt 0: 01: 07.77thu 08-29-1996> Prompt $ p $ g C: / dos> Time display and modification time [Applicable occasions] For display and modification time, use with Date [example] C: / DOS> Time Current Time IS 12: 15: 26.04A Enter New Time: 11: 20: 20.00p On time: Sequential input time, Plus the ENTER button directly to ignore the modification time directly to the afternoon (A / P). SMARTDRV Settings Disk Accelerator [Proposal] It can improve the hard disk access speed, it is best to load it in the autoexec.bat file. [Usage] SmartDRV / X executes and resides in memory, opens up disk acceleration buffers, and masks all drive cache, is a more common method (generally use this command is enough), if you install Winnt, 2000, XP, etc. from the hard drive. Use this command to greatly speed up the installation speed. SmartDRV / C writes the information within the cache to the hard disk SmartDRV / E: Number Sets the amount of information of the mobile SMARTDRV / B: Number Sets the pre-read buffer size Subst path replace [recommended] A very interesting command, if often With Disc software, it may be useful.


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