VB programmer's C # 3

zhaozj2021-02-08  232

Events in C # are the same as the events in VB. But in C #, any class can generate a set of events, and any object can be bundled with these events. The event in C # is based on delegates. When designing events, it is usually considered delegates to accept two parameters: the first parameter is an object that causes an event, and the second parameter is an object containing an event argument.

Now we define a delegates for an event. When there is a new email, this event will be activated:

=== DELEGATE declaration ==============

Pubic Delegate Void NewMaileventHandler (Object Sender, NewMaileventargs E);

=== Event declaration =============

Public Event NewMaileventrandler OnnewmailHandler;


The attribute in the C # is the same as the properties in the VB. Please see an example of a simple attribute:

Class test



Public String Name;




Return Name




Name = value;




The GET method and SET method are so-called "Accessor" methods.

We can also use the Virtual, Override or Abstract modifiers to declare attributes. Now let's set the properties:

Test T = New Test ();

T.NAME = "this is the name"

As in VB, to establish a read-only attribute, you can omit "get". Note that attributes can be inherited.


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