Expo ARMING XPO Learning Three - Conditional Objects

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  72

Original: XPO learning three - condition object

XPO conditions related classes.

The conditional object of XPO is used to generate data filter conditions, actually the object representation method of SQL statement condition syntax (combination of conditions).

First, mainly related classes:

1. Inherited the class series of abstract class criteriaoperator.

Subclasses inherited in criteriaoperator:


Conditional expression of the range, such as: 1000 <= Total Price <= 2000


Binary expressions, the most basic expressions, such as: TotalPrice> 100


Contains expressions, such as exists


Combined expressions, using it for repeated nested combinations, it can form any complicated condition tree.


In a list of values, it can be considered to be in SQL.


Reverse expressions, corresponding to NOT in SQL


Take a null expression, corresponding to Isnull in SQL

2. Assist CriteriaOperator series.

Subclasses inherited from abstract CriteriaoPerand:


The aggregation operation can be used at this time (provided in an enumerated manner), similar to GroupBY plus HAVING


Reference class members (PROPPERSISTEN "or field (field) or field (field). The corresponding is the table field.


Value in the expression


OperandValue's base class.

Second, detailed description:

(A), conditional object series:


Conditional computation class is an abstract base class for all conditional objects. There is no specific method, just add the attribute Serializable in the class. (It seems that DEV wants to make you manipotype in a serialization method).


Range operation class: used to represent a conditional expression of a certain range.



Public Betweenoperator (String Property, CriteriaOperand LEFTOERAND, CRITERIAOPERAND RIGHTOPERAND): This

For example: 1000 <= Total Price <= 2000 Write into NEW BETWEENOPERATOR ("TotalPrice", 1000, 2000))


Binary operation objects, that is, a binary arithmetic expression.


Public BinaryOperator (CriteriaOperand Opright, BinaryOperatortype Type)

Public Binaryoperator (String PropertyName, Object Value, BinaryOperatorType Type): this

The type of TYPE is binaryOperatortype is a binary operator enumeration, and you know what it means.

BinaryOperatortype {Equal, Greater, Greaterorequal, Less, Lessorequal, Like, Notequal}

For example: TotalPrice> 100 is written: New Binaryoperator ("TotalPrice", 10, binaryoperatortype.greater)


Contains expression:

This original document is: useed in a search criteria to Filter Collection Contents.

Everyone knows between the two solid classes, one-to-many or more, one of the references to another class is implemented through the XPCollection type. Filter for this type of properties or fields must use ContaInPerator


Public ContainSoperator (OperandProperty ObjectProperty, criteriaoperator operand)

Public ContainSoperator (String Property, Criteriaoperator Operand): This (New Operandproperty (property), Operand

For example, two classes:

Public Class Customer: XPOBJECT



/// There are multiple orders, which are aggregated relationships.


[Association ("CustomerORDERS", Typeof (Order), aggregated]



Get {return getcollection;}




/// Order


Public Class Order: XPObject



/// The user of the order


[Association ("CustomerRorders")]]]]]

Public Customer Customer;


/// order amount


Public Decimal FREIGHT;


This connection is a pair of relationships, I want to query the user of the order equal to 1000.

XpCollection Collection = New XpCollection (TypeOf (Customer),

New ContainSoperator ("ORDERS", New Binaryoperator ("FREIGHT", 1000, BinaryOperatortype.equal);

It is actually used in combination of two conditional objects.


Combined expressions, very powerful, using it for repeated nested combinations, can form any complicated condition tree.

You can combine any classes of the CriteriaOperator class series, including itself.

Constructor: public groupopopertor (criteriaoperator [] Operands);

Operands are grouped by the groupoperatortype.and type.

Public Groupoperatorator (GroupoperAtortype Type, criteriaoperator [] Operands);

For example: there are such four classes, users, roles, addresses, orders

The relationship between them except that users and orders are one-to-many, and others are much more.


/// User


Public Class Customer: XPOBJECT


Public String Name = ""

Public String CompanyName = ""

Public String Phone = "";

Public String Fax = ""

[ValueConvertR (TypeOf (CodeConvertor)]]]]

Public String Sex = "2";


/// There are multiple orders, which are aggregated relationships.


[Association ("CustomerORDERS", Typeof (Order), aggregated]



Get {return getcollection;}



/// A user can have multiple addresses


[Association ("CustomeraDresses", TypeOf (Address)]]

Public XPCOLLECTION Addresses


Get {Return getCollection ("Addresses");



/// Role, one user can be in multiple characters.


[Association ("CustomersGroups", TypeOf (Group)]



Get {return getCollection ("groups");


Public Customer ()



Public Customer (String NewcompanyName, String Newphone, String Newfax)


Name = newname;

CompanyName = newcompanyname;

Phone = newphone;

Fax = newfax;




/// address


Public Class Address: XPOBJECT


Public String Street = ""


/// An address may have multiple users.


[Association ("CustomeraDresses")]]]

Public Customer Customer;

Public address ()



Public Address (String theest) {

Street = this.




/// Order


Public Class Order: XPObject


Public DateTime OrderDate;

Public DateTime RequiredDate;

Public DateTime shippedddate;

Public int shipvia;


/// order amount


Public Decimal FREIGHT;


/// The user of the order


[Association ("CustomerRorders")]]]]]

Public Customer Customer;

Public order ()



Public Order (DateTime NewRequiredDate, DateTime NewshippedDate, Int Newshipvia, Decimal NewFreight)


ORDERDATE = NewOrDerdate;

RequiredDate = newRequiredDate;

ShippedDate = newshippeddate;

Shipvia = newshipvia;

FREIGHT = NewFreight;




/// Character


Public Class Group: XPObject


Public String Name = ""


/// A user owned by a role


[Association ("CustomersGroups", Typeof (Customer)]]

Public XPCollection Customers


Get {Return getCollection ("Customers");


Public group ()



Public group (String newname)


Name = newname;



Find (role is Administrator and the order amount is greater than 20) or home address in Tianjin user's conditional object:

New Groupoperator



New ContainSoperator ("Addresses", New BinaryOperator ("Street", "Tianjin", binaryOperatortype.equal),

New Groupoperator



New ContainSoperator ("Groups", New Binaryoperator ("Name", "Administrator", BinaryOperatorType.equal),

New ContainSoperator ("Orders", New Binaryoperator ("FREIGHT", 20, BinaryOperatorType.greaterorequal)




Composition of an expression similar to the SQL expression:

Constructor: public inoperator (criteriaOperand [] Operands);

Public Inoperator (String propertyName);

Very simple, no exemplification


Similar to NOT operations in SQL.


Public NOTOPERATOR (CriteriaOperator Operand);

For example: New Nulloperator ("Company")


Take an empty value.


Public nulloperator (String PropertyName);

Public Nulloperator (OperandProperty Operand);

For example: New NullOperator (New Nulloperator ("Company"))

(B) Operator series of conditions:


The operator of the condition object, contains the number of arithmeters, operators, operations, and the like, is an abstract class.


The aggregation operation can be used at this time (provided in an enumerated manner), similar to GroupBY plus HAVING.

Constructor :

Public AggRegateOperand (OperandProperty ObjectProperty, Operandproperty AggregateProperty, Aggregate Type, Criteriaoperator criteria);

Still those classes, people who want to find the total amount of orders less than 100

new XPCollection (typeof (Customor), new BinaryOperator (new AggregateOperand (new OperandProperty ( "Orders"), new OperandProperty ( "Freight"), Aggregate.Sum, null), new OperandValue (100), BinaryOperatorType.Less))

It can be seen that the use of aggregate function type enumeration

Public Enum aggregate {avg, count, max, min, none}

Or address is similar to Shanghai, and this address is unique:

New XpCollection (TypeOf (Cutomor), New BinaryOperator (New AggregateOperand ("Addresses",

New Binaryoperator ("Street", "Shanghai%", BinaryOperatortype.like), New OperandValue (1), BinaryOperatortype.equal)


Reference class members (PROPPERSISTEN "or field (field) or field (field). The corresponding is the table field.


Public OperandProperty (String PropertyName);

The example is above, pay attention to the non-persistent class member is not directly used.


The value in the expression.


Public OperandValue; Object Value;

Nothing is saying.

OperandValueBaseOperandValue base class. Basically useless.


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