Deepen Win2000 Chart (2)

zhaozj2021-02-08  276

Control Panel Application Approval Profile In Windows 2000's Control Panel (Applet), each application appler has the ability to affected registry entries (with system with hardware and installation software features) Other application applets);

Table 2-1 Application Approval of Windows 2000 Control Panel and Its Function Application Application Approval Type The Item Assistant Option User HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CONTROL Panel

Add / Remove Hardware System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / HARD WA RE Add / Remove Program System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SOFT WA RE Management Tools System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SOFT WA RE / Time System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / Soft WA RE display system and user hkey _ local _ machine / system and hkey _current _ user folder option system HKEY _ local _ machine / Soft WA RE font system HKEY _ local _ Machine / Soft WA R EI NTERNET Options System HKEY _ LOCAL _Machine / Soft WA Re Keyboard System and User HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SOFT WA RE and HKEY _CURRENT _ User Mouse System and User HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SOFT WA RE and HKEY _C URRENT _ USER Network and Dial-Up System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SOFT WA RETERS HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SYSTEM Power Options System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / HARD WA RE Printer System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SYSTEM Zone Settings System HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE / SYSTEM Task plan system HKEY _ LOCAL _ Mac H i N E / S O f T Wa R e Voice and Multimedia System and User H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H i N E / S O F T WA R E and HKEY _C U R RE WA R E-Y Y _ L O c A L _ M A C H i N E / S O F T Wa R E, HKEY _L O C A L _ M A c H i N E / S Y S TEE M and HKEY_ CURRENT_USER

User profile creates a registry entry for desktop restrictions

User profile is a special database used by Windows 2000, which allows multiple users of the same computer workstation to save their settings for user interfaces, available shortcuts, "Start" menu items. Now there is a special mechanism for creating a user profile through M M C, while Windows 2000 systems will automatically create each logged in user. However, you can also create the command profile set by the system administrator and affect all users logged in under this account (this can be renamed N tuse r in the user configuration folder) N TUSE R. Man to fulfill). One useful user command configuration file is an entry for the management registry and set whether the user can operate the desktop. After creating a new user account (and a new user profile), and before rename the configuration file, follow the steps below to set the desktop limit of the user profile: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run" . Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go down the S Y S-t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item HKEY_CURRENT_USER Displays its sub-window. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control on the left to locate the / s O f T Wa R E / M I C R O S O f T / Wi N D O W S N T / C U N / P O L I c E S / E X P L O R E R Chubrograph. Click this subkey to pick it. Table 2 - 4 shows the values ​​associated in this item, and the effects set when the value is equal to 0 or 1. Prompt these values ​​may not exist when there is no existence, you can use "Edit" | Add Value "to create. 4) Use the Edit | The Binary dialog for the required changes. 5) After the modification is complete, close the registry editor and rename N t u s e r. D a T is N t u s e r. M a n. This allows you to determine that all the user's desktop restrictions on this command user profile account account. Table 2-4 A command user profile in the registry to limit the value value of 0 when the value value is 0, the effect is 1, N o c Ommon G Roups In the "Start" menu, the commonly used program group In the "Start" menu, you do not include common program group N o d esktop Show all desktop icons Hide all desktop icons N o D Rives make all drives to make the specified drive (1 = a, 3 = c) unavailable N o f Ile M ENU Allows the File menu of the Explorer Disable Explorer "File" menu n o f Ind allows the "Find" command in the Start menu to disable the "Find" command in the Start menu N o N et c onnect D IsConnect Displays the Network Shortcut menu item Hide "Network Shortcut" menu item N o N et h odage Display "Network Neighbor" icon hides "Network Neighbor" icon N o R UN Allow "Start" The "Run" command in the menu disables the "Run" command in the "Start" command N o s et f Olders Allow Control Panel and Printer Folder Disable Control Panel and Printer Folder N o S etc TA SKBAR Display Task Bar Hidden Task Bar N o TR AY C Ontext M ENU Allow Task Bar Shortcut Menu Disable Task Bar Shortcut Menu N o VI EW C Ontext M ENU Allow File Shortcut Menu Disable File Shortcut Menu R Estrict R UNEN Any Program Allows Run only specified The program can run N o c Lose allows the "Close System" menu item in the "Start" menu to disable the "Close System" menu item in the Start menu to be continued


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