Translation About Ai

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  70

(i.e., among the site under considration the best site

Advances Towards a Defended Site, We Want To SELECT Those

Agenda Stored As a Heap That IS Accurate and AcceptAbly

Algorithm is Run Twice, Each Time with a Different Cost

Algorithms Would Be SuiTable, We Have Chosen a PointBased,

Along a path increase, more visibility score control

And Overlapping Coverage Can Be Resolved Against A

Approach Path to Each of The Candidate Positions.

Approach paths).

Approaches to the Candidate Defensive Positions. in

Areas in an es Effort to Decrease Overall Path Length.

Avenues of Approach

BEST-FIRST Algorithm That Relies on a best-first-first

Both Cost Functions Result in REASONABLE Enemy

Cost Function Are More Circuitous Than Those from The

Cover Increased distances. The resulting path from this

Develop a New Set of Visibility Scores, this Time with a

Dispersion Requirements Imposed by the Template, THE

Each Point Along The Path. However, this Cost Function

Efficient. The Path Planning Agenda Is Initialized with All

Encouranges Paths That May "Cut across" Highly Visible

Exposure (Both to Observation and Direct Fire) AS IT



Implicitly Includes a distance component; as distances

In Order to Identify Concealed Approach Routes, WE

In The First Run, The Cost of Each Path Is Measured by

In the Worst Case. Additionally, Factors of Mutual Support

Maintaining a cumulative score of the visibility rating at

More Tan One Site.

Need for Mutual Support (LOS Between Sites), And Has

Northem orientation.

Northem Visibility Scores To Locate these Highly Concealed

Of the points on the southern boundary of the northern

Overall Cost for Longer Paths. Thus, The Costing Function

Overlapping Fues (Ability To Engage Concealed Routes "That Remain Concealed, Even WHOSE PATHS

Plan is to Identify Possible Concealed Avenues of Approach

Routes for movement. Althis SEVERAL DIFFERENT

Selecting Our Final Defensive Positions, We First SELECT THE

Site That Has The Highest-Cost, Least-Cost Approach Path

Sized Elements in Platoon Defensive Positions, ENSURING

Squad Positions That Have Highly Observable Approaches

Standard path Planning Algorithms Can Be Applied to the

Template That Matches Deployment Patterns for Squad

That An Attacking Force Will Attempt to Minimize ITS

The cumulative path cost, yielding a generally higher

The ReasonAbleness of The Overall Plan.

The Second Cost Function overcomes this by reasonding

The Sites Selected Are Those That Best Satisfy Both the

THIRD Step in Our Approach To Developing The Mission

To each of the remaining candidate positions. assuming

Visibility Map and the Executed to Find The Least-Cost

Will Have The Greatest Visibility Over Low-Visibility.


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