OMG Recommended Model Drive Schema FastStart Plan

zhaozj2021-02-08  487

OMG (TM) releases a MDA FastStart (TM) program, which is a new way to help IT organizations use OMG as soon as possible. Recently Omg found that many companies are very interested in applying MDA, but in terms of implementation of foreign aid, OMG has established a MDA FastStart program. MDA FastStart helps companies find experienced service providers, helping companies quickly start MDA applications while ensuring reasonable expenses. "The MDA FastStart program is an exciting development of OMG and its members, those enterprises that are interested in realizing the effectiveness of the MDA solution and assessing their processes, need to help through the FastStart program." OMG Chairman and COO Bill Hoffman said.

OMG MDA is a powerful way to use a unified modeling language UML (TM) to model corporate architecture modeling, UML has become an industrial standard for application design. MDA provides a standardized approach to enable all basic logic behind enterprise standards with specific middleware, used to implement middleware messages and middleware languages ​​- Corba (R), Web Services, Java, XML, etc. Clearly divided. When maintaining and upgrading its investment in existing platforms, IT companies have encountered a complete challenge to the new platform.

OMG Planner Michael Guttman Leading MDA FastStart Plan. Mr. Guttman is an MDA advocacy of IT companies' architecture, design, development and use of large-scale complex enterprise software systems and infrastructure. In the MDA FastStart program, Mr. Guttman and its assistants have been working with corporate experts to design the design of the service plan to find the service providers suitable for the use of this program and cooperate with them. When the ultimate user company requires MDA education and consulting services, the MDA FastStart Plan Office will recommend those experienced service providers to them. End users who need MDA FastStart services are available in these service providers, not only can provide MDA expertise, but also high quality guidance, training, and implementation support.

Guttman said, "When you use MDA across enterprises, it's the biggest role, but you must start from somewhere. We have established MDA FastStart plans to ensure that MDA end users who need help from OMG can find qualified services. Commercial, they need to use MDA as soon as possible. At the same time, the program should help speed up the market for developing MDA services and MDA tools. For everyone, this is a win-win method. "

Interested end users and potential MDA service providers can get more information by accessing


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