Deepen Win2000 Registry (8)

zhaozj2021-02-08  246

Network protocol and interoperability

Introduction Windows 2000 network has two main features: protocol (including TCP / IP, N et BIOS, IPX / SPX, and DLC), or interoperability, or running a variety of network APIs above the protocol (a Pple TA LK and N The ability to Ovell. The Windows 2000 network is closely related to the registry so that the system administrator can fine-tune and optimize the network functionality by appropriate modification.

The network protocol protocol is a "catheter" of LAN (L A n) and WAN (WA N). They control how information is transmitted along a physical line constituting the network. Windows 2000 supports many protocols, including: Network Device Interface Specification (NDIS): NDWork Interface Card, NIC) Universal Specification, which is developed by M i C R O S O F T. Transmission Control Protocol / I N T E R N e T Protocol / Internet Protocol, TCP / IP): T C P / I P is the protocol of I N t e R N e t, and Windows 2000 supports the protocol. . I n t e R n e t package exchange / sequential package exchange (Internet Packet Exchange / Sequence Packet X C H A N g E, I P X / S P x): N O V E L1 network protocol, Windows 2000 supports the protocol. Network Basic Input Output System, NetBIOS: I B M network protocol, Windows 2000 supports this protocol. . N e T Wa R e to N T binary link (N e T Ware to NT Binary Link, NWNBLINK): N w n b L i n k is a P i of IPX / SPX Novell protocol. . NETBIOS FRME FORMAT, NBF): is an enhanced version of the N e T B I O S extended user interface (NETBEUI), which is a P i of the I B M network supported by Windows 2000. Data Link Control, DLC: D L C is a special protocol used when the large computer and some H p printer communications.

Network Interoperability Windows NT has the ability to run several network A P i above its protocol, including N O V E L1, Windows Lan Manger, a P L e TA L K, and Macintosh File (MacFile) system. Many of the registry included in the registry can affect interoperability, and the most important items will be introduced in a direct solution. 1. Novelln O V E L1 provides a product called N e T Wa R E, which has been widely used in the early MS - D O S. Starting from Wi N D O W S3, M i C R O S O f T provides compatibility with N e T Wa R E, and Windows 2000 is no exception. Windows 2000 also includes an expansion of enhanced performance, which can be used when there are two Windows 2000 computers running on the N e T Wa R e LAN. 2. Windows Lan MangerWindows 2000 provides a basic LAN system: Windows Lan Manger. Windows LANs can complete basic network tasks such as shared files and access to shared resources (such as modems and printers). It also implements a secure limit and can interact with several different file systems (including FAT and N T f s). 3. AppleTalk and Macintosh file system Windows 2000 supports the A P P L e Talk LAN system for M a C i N T O S H and M A c i n t O s H file system. In this way, Windows 2000 computers can share files with M A c i n t o s h nodes, and vice versa.

Set the value of the Novell Frame window

N w n b L i n k is a service that enhances Windows 2000 Normal N e T B I O S protocol. You can modify the registry and set the number of frames sent before sending a confirmation frame (so can greatly improve performance). To modify the registry, you can do it as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RO I C E S / N W N - Sub Items of K / P A R A M E T. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry of value a c k Wi N D O W. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of A C K ​​Wi N D O W to 0. Close confirmation (assuming all the computers are on a fast local area network), or the number of frames that can be received before the A c k Wi N D O W is set.

Enable Novell equipped

N w n b L i n k is a service that enhances Windows 2000 Normal N e T B I O S protocol. You can modify the registry confirmation (Acknowledgment Piggyback). Confirm that the mount allows an acknowledgment request to be added in a N e T B I O S packet, rather than sending a confirmation request as a message as a message. To enable confirmation, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RO I C E S / N W N - Sub Items of K / P A R A M E T. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value E n a B L E P i g g y b A c k a c k. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of E N A B L E P i g g y b a c k a c k to 1, enable confirmation mount; change to zero, the characteristic is prohibited. Enable NWNBLINK extension

N w n b L i n k is a service that enhances Windows 2000 Normal N e T B I O S protocol. You can modify the registry, allowing various N w N B L I n k to expand (you need to use the frame window settings described in the first two direct solutions and confirmation). To enable N w n b L i n k extension, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RO I C E S / N W N - Sub Items of K / P A R A M E T. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value e x t e n s i o n s is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of E x T E N S I O N s to 1, enable N w N B L I n k extension; change to 0, prohibit this characteristic.

Set IPX Dial Properties

I P x and s p x is a network transport protocol supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to configure the dial-up connection how to manage. To configure I P x and s pd dial-up connections, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / N W L N K I P A RO of Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Entries for positioning the value D i S A B L E D i a L i N e T B I O S. The value of D I S A B L E D i N N e T B I O s is one of the values ​​shown in Table 8 - 1 using the D WO R D editor. Table 8-1 Sets the dial attribute value of N e T B I O S Description 0 You can send and receive 1 (default) can only be sent, can not receive 2 can only be received, can not send a SAP Dial outlet

I P x and s p x is a network transport protocol supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to prohibit S A P from transferring on the dial-out line (to prevent the line from being blocked by the server). To prohibit S a P from transferring on the dial-out line, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until Wi N D O W S Chapter 8 network protocol and interoperability use 105 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / N W L N K I P A RO of Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value D i S A B L E D i a L O U T S A P. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of D I S A B L E D I A L O U T S A P to 1, and S a P is prohibited from transferring on a dial-out connection; changed to 0 to return to normal S a P communication.

Enable Ethernet data packet packing function

I P x and s p x is a network transport protocol supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to allow old-fashioned N i c (Network Interface Card) to use Ethernet frame fill. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / N W L N K I P A RO of Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value E t h e r n e t p A D to E V E n are positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of E T H E R N e T P A D to E V to 1, enable the fill function of the old network interface card; change to 0, to prohibit this feature for the NIC that does not need to use this feature. Set a single network so that Novell server detection

I P x and s p x is a network transport protocol supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to disable a local area network or a wide area network when N O V E l L is started to correctly configure it correctly. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / N W L N K I P A RO of Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning the value S i n g l e n e t w o r k a c t i v e. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of S i n g l e n e t w o R k a c t i v E to 1, forced only the local area network or wide area network (which makes N o V E L L correctly detects the network at startup).

Control SPX Time I P x and S X is a network transport protocol supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to set S P x attempt to connect with the remote node connection timeout. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S / N w L N K S P X / P A R A ME E TET Er. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value C O N n e C T I O N Ti M e O U T is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of C O N n E C Ti N Ti M e O U t to a higher value for slow connection. Tip The value of ConnectionTIMEOUT must be between 1 and 65 535 and is specified in half a second (500 milliseconds). Control SPX packets I P x and S x are network transport protocols supported by Windows 2000. You can use the registry to set the maximum size of the packet used by S P x. To specify the size of the S P x packet, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S / N w L N K S P X / P A R A ME E TET Er. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to the value m a x p a c k e t s i z e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M A X P A C K ​​E T S I Z E to the size (in byte) that is adapted to the network connection speed and communication.

Set AppleTalk login message

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to set up the login message to connect to the network using the M a C F i L E system. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value L O g i n m s g. Use the string editor to change the value of L O g i n m s g to the value suitable for the current system. Enable the performance enhancement feature of the MacFile server Windows 2000 supports M a C i N T O S H file system and A P P L e TA L K network protocol. You can use the registry to enable several performance enhancements, such as maximizing the number of sessions that can be performed simultaneously, the page cache memory pool restriction, the limitations of the non-page cache memory pool. To activate these enhancements, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. Table 8 - 2 shows three values ​​that enhance M a C F I l E performance. Table 8-2 Sets the type format of the M AC F ILE performance enhancement characteristic Registration format Description M AX S Essions REG _ DWORD 0 X fffffff When the number of users is not limited, or the value of the maximum number of users at the same time, the maximum number of users P Aged M EM L IMIT REG _ DWORD 0 x 3 E 8 to 0 x 3 E 8 0 0 0, unit K Max Page file cache memory N on P Aged M EM L iMit REG _ DWORD 0 x ff to 0 x 3 E 8, unit K Maximum non-page file cache memory

Allow MacFile servers to log in to guests

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to allow guests to log in. To allow M A c f i l e and a p L e TA L K to log in, you can use the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value S e R v E R O P T I O N S is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to add the current setting of S e R v E R O P T I O N s, enable the login to log in; reduce the current settings to 1, and the guest login is prohibited. Allow MacFile servers to use clear text

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to allow the express text portal. To allow the use of the express text port, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value S e R v E R O P T I O N S is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to add the current settings of S E R v E R O P Ti O N S to 2, enable the express text portrait; reduce the current settings 2, and the expressing document will be prohibited.

Allow MacFile servers to save local passwords

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to allow local passwords to be saved. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value S e R v E R O P T I O N S is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to add the current settings of S E R v E R O P Ti O N s, enable local passwords; reduce the current settings, and disable local passwords. 8.2.15 Setting up the maximum customer of the MacFile server Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t O S H file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can maximize the number of users connected at the same time using the registry. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to VO L u m e. Use multiple string editors to locate and change M a x u s e s entries, change it to the desired maximum customer. Tip: You can set the value of m a x u s e s to 0 x f f F f F, allowing unlimited users.

Setting the property of the MacFile server volume Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t O S h file system and a P P L e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to set the properties of a M a C f i L E volume. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to VO L u m e. Use the multiple string editor to locate and change the value of P R O P E R T I E S to Table 8 - 3. Table 8-3 Setting the attribute value of the M ac f ILE volume Definition 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 read / write access, guests can not access 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 read / write access, guests can access 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 read-only access, guests can access 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Default) Read-only Access, guests can not access 8.2.17 Re-set the MacFile server user password Windows 2000 supports the M acintosh file system and a Pple TA LK network protocol. You can use the registry to clear the old, have been forgotten, so that users can enter new passwords. To clear your password, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to VO L u m e. Use multiple string editors to locate and turn the value of P A S S W O R D to a null value. Warning: You can clear your password, but you can't change it because it is encrypted by the system.

Fixed an error in the MacFile server volume path to support M a C i N T O S h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can change the path to the M a c f i l e volume by registering when using Windows 2000 to prevent errors after the system administrator moves files. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / MacFile / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to VO L u m e. Use multiple string editors to locate and change the value of P A T h to the correct position. WARNING Even if you don't use M A C F I L E, you should not delete the VO L U m e registry entry. Enable AppleTalk router

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can use the registry to specify whether a computer should start as a P P L e TA L K router. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE TA L K / P A R A ME E TE E R S Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value e n a b l e R O U T E R is positioned. Use the D WO RD editor and turn the value of the e Nable R Outer to 1, allowing a machine to start as a Pplet TA LK router; if the router should start on another server, set e Nable R Outer to 0 .

Set the name of the AppleTalk port

Windows 2000 supports M a C i N t o s h file system and a pp l e ta l k network protocol. You can specify a P P L E TA L K port name using the registry. To specify a P P L E TA L K port name, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Positioning the tree control using the left window to the S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e talk / adapters / [Adapter Name], where [Adapter Name] is a specific N i C of A p L e TA L K. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P O R t n m e. Use the string editor to change the value of the A P P L E TA L K to the value desired by the A P P L e TA L K system (specified in the A P P L e TA L k document). Hide network configuration control panel apps NDIS

You can use the registry to hide the N D i s adapter in the control panel. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to Soft Wa RE / M ICROSOFT / [D River N AME] / C URrent VE RSION / N et r ules child, where [D River N AME] is the NIC you want to use. The name. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry of the value H i D D e n. Use the D Wo R d editor to change the value of H i D D e n to 1, hide the adapter in the adapter list of the control panel, so that the user cannot change its configuration. Change it to 0 and restore the adapter to the list.

Update NDIS binding when configuring changes

You can automatically update the binding of N i C when N i c is reconfigured using the registry. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to Soft Wa RE / M ICROSOFT / [D River N AME] / C URrent VE RSION / N et r ules child, where [D River N AME] is the NIC you want to use. The name. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value R e v i e w. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of R e v i e w to 1, so that the I n f file of N i c will be called whenever the control panel indicates that it is updated, the I n F file of N I C will be called; the characteristics can be disabled. Allow TCP / IP to use DHCP you can allow T c P / I P to allow T C P / I P to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Enter the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select the dialog box 112 to use the Windows 2000 registry to manage and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / S Ervices / [A Dapter n AME] / P Arameters / TCP / IP sub-item, where [a dapter n ame] is Nic name . Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value e n a b l e d h c p. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of E n a b L E D H C P to 1, and D h c p is enabled; changed to 0, and D h c P is prohibited.

Prohibited from using TCP Data Report in TCP / IP

You can disable a column port using the T C P datagram (to prevent unauthorized packet transmission). To prohibit T C P datagram, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / S Ervices / [A Dapter n AME] / P Arameters / TCP / IP sub-item, where [a dapter n ame] is Nic name . Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value TC P a L O W e d P O R T is positioned. Use multiple string editors to add or delete port numbers that allow T c p datagrans to transmit. Tip You must use E N A B L E S E C U R I T Y F I L TE E R S Entext to enable secure filtering characteristics to use TC P a L O W E d P O R t S. To disable secure filtering characteristics, as long as the TC P a L O W E D P O R T is now available. If there is no input port number, no port allows the T c P datagram. Prohibit UDP Datasters in TCP / IP

You can disable a column port using a column port (to prevent unauthorized packet transmission). To prohibit U D P datagram, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / S Ervices / [A Dapter n AME] / P Arameters / TCP / IP sub-item, where [a dapter n ame] is Nic name . Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value U D P a L O W e d P O R T is positioned. Use multiple string editors to add or delete port numbers that allow U D p Denomes to transfer. Tip You must use E N A B L E S E C U R I T Y F I L TE E R S Entext to enable secure filtering characteristics to use U D P A L O W E DP O R T: To disable secure filtering characteristics, just remove U D P A L O W E D P O R Types. If there is no input port number, no port allows the T c P datagram.

Prohibited from using PPTP gateways in TCP / IP

You can ban a server from using P P T p (P O I N To-Point TunneLing Protocol, point-to-point tunnel protocol) by configuring a registry. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / S Ervices / [A Dapter n AME] / P Arameters / TCP / IP sub-item, where [a dapter n ame] is Nic name . Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value D o N t a d d e f A U L T g A t e w a y. Using the D WO R D Editor to turn D O N t a d D D e f A U L T g A TETED value to 1, prohibiting a server from using P P T P; set to 0, allowing this feature. Enable Ethernet-II frame in NWLINK

You can use the registry to allow IPX / SPX to use the Ethernet-II frame. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R E N T C O N T R O L S / N W L i N K I P X / N E T C O N F I G / D R I V E R S Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry of value B i n d s a p. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of B I n d S a P to 1, enable e t h e R n e t - i frame; set to 0, prohibit use.

Set the type of NWLINK packet

You can use the categories used by the Registry Set Protocol. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until you find Wi N D O W S114 using Windows 2000 registry management

2 0 0 0 The root directory (usually W i N n t). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R E N T C O N T R O L S / N W L i N K I P X / N E T C O N F I G / D R I V E R S Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value Pk T Ty P e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of Pk T Ty P e to one of the values ​​shown in Table 8 - 4. Table 8-4 Sets the type value of the NWLINK IPX / SPX packet contains 0 E THE R n e T - I I1 Ethernet 802.52 8 0 2. 23 S N A P4 A R C N e t Set NetBIOS T1 Timeout Value

You can use the registry to reload setting T 1 timeout value using the registry. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value D e f A U L T 1 Ti M e O U t. Using the D WO R d editor to change the value of D E f A U L T Ti M E O U T into a higher value to compensate for a slower network.

Set the T2 timeout value of NetBIOS

You can use the registry to re-transfer setting T 2 timeout value. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. Chapter 8 Network Protocol and Interoperability Use 115 3) Use the Tree Control of the left window to position to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e R v i c e S / N b F / P A R A m e t E R s child item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value D e f A U L T T 2 Ti M e O U t. The value of D WO R D editor is changed to a higher value to a slower network.

Set the TI timeout value of NetBIOS

You can use the registry to set the TI timeout value for the re-transfer setting of the packet. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value D e f A U L T Ti Ti M e O U t is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of D e ​​f A U L T Ti Ti M E O U t to a higher value to compensate for a slower network. Handle unreliable network connection in NetBIOS

You can use the registry to change the number of LLC I-frame before waiting for a remote response. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L c m a x wi n d o w s i z e is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of L C M a X Wi N D O W S I Z E to a relatively low value to handle unreliable network connections.

Adjust the maximum output number of NBF frames in NetBIOS

You can use the registry to resolve the frame blocking problem caused by invalid registry entries. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Enter the S Y S TEE M directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it in dialog box 116 using Windows 2000 registry management

And click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value M a x i m u m I n c O m i n g f R a m e s is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M a x I m u m u n c o m i n GF R A M μm to a set of registry valg of M a X i m u m u U t G O i n g f R on the high speed computer. This prevents blocking. Microwave NBF memory in NetBIOS

You can control N b f how N b f how to use available memory by modifying the registry. To control the memory usage of N b F, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value m a x r e q u e s t s is positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M A X R e q u e s t s to allow the available N b F memory to maximize the utilization value (this value is obtained by test error). Tip Set the value of m a x r e q u e s t s to 0 and prohibit optimizing memory usage.

Adjust the slow address resolution timeout in NetBIOS

You can modify the registry, adjust the timeout due to the address parsing in the slow network connection. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value A d D n a m e q u e r y ti m e o U t. Using the D WO R D Editor Put a D N A M e q u e q u E R Y TI M E O U T 8 Network Protocol and Interoperability Use 117 to change to a larger value to compensate for the slow network.

Adjust the slow network timeout time in NetBIOS

You can modify the registry, adjust the network timeout caused by slow network connection. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry of value g e n e r a l Ti M e O U t. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of G E N E R a L Ti M E O U t to a larger value to compensate for the slow network. Adjust the name query timeout in NetBIOS

You can modify the registry to adjust the timeout caused by the name query failure on the slow network connection. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value n a m e q u e r y Ti M e O U t. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of n a m e q u e r y Ti M e O U t to a larger value to compensate for the slow network.

It is forbidden to use source routes in Netbios

You can modify the registry and prohibit the source routing in the token ring network. To open: 1) Open the Start menu and select Run. Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 118 Using Windows 2000 Registry Management

3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y e m / c u R R E N T C O N T R O L S e t / s e RO I c E S / N B F / P A R A m E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value Q u e r y Wi T H O U T S O U R C E R O U T I N g is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to turn the value of Q u E R Y Wi T H O U TS O U R C E R O U T, turn off the source routing of the token ring network. Adjust DLC timeout time

You can set several useful registry parameters for D L c, including its timeout. To set D L C timeout, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Position the tree control using the left window to the System / C Urrent C ontrol S etc / s ervices / dlc / p arameters / [a dapter n ame] sub-item, where [A DAPTER N AME] is with the host or HP printer Communication NIC. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value T 1 Ti C K o N, T 1 Ti C k TW O, T 2 Ti C K n e or T 2 Ti C k Tw O were positioned. Use the D Wo R d editor to change these values ​​to higher or lower values ​​as needed.

Enable DLC address exchange

You can set several useful registry parameters for D L c, including multi-bit (B i T - F L I P P i N g) Ethernet address. To allow pressing speeds, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Position the tree control using the left window to the System / C Urrent C ontrol S etc / s ervices / dlc / p arameters / [a dapter n ame] sub-item, where [A DAPTER N AME] is with the host or HP printer Communication NIC. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry of value s W a p. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of S W a p to 1, enabled by bit to flip; change to zero, it is forbidden to turn on the bit.


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