Deeper Win2000 Registry (10) Remote Access Service

zhaozj2021-02-08  226

Remote access service


Remote Access Service (RAS) provides the ability to log in to Windows 2000-based local area networks and wide area networks via a modem, I S D N connector, and X. 2 5 Digital WAN. It meets the needs of administrative and sales staff on the trip, providing them with the same services provided with I NTERNET Service Providers (ISP) through the Transmission Control Protocol / I NTERNET Protocol (TCP / IP), and lines Create a full range of network networks with dedicated connections. RAS features include all kinds of network protocols (such as network basic input and output system [N et Bios], M AC, I NTERNET package exchange [IPX], routing information protocol [RIP] and network device interface specification [NDIS]) gateway, Support for a set of universal services, audit functions, TCP / IP and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).

The protocol supports RAS provides dial support for many network protocols, including:. Netbios. AsyncMac. Ndiswa N. nwlnkipx. Nwlnkrip. RDR. TCP / IP and PP PR AS work is based on dial-based computer and local area network or intranet Translation network protocol between network computers. It also ensures that security issues can be properly handled and prevented from happening, so that remote customers cannot be accessed bypassing the normal authentication process.

Review defaults, Windows 2000 RAS does not review (audit) - The system administrator must enable R a S by configuring the registry. This chapter describes how to enable and manage R A s audits by modifying the registry.

GM WINDOWS 2000 Services WINDOWS 2000 RAS provides universal services including authentication and retry authentication, authentication timeout, automatic disconnection of idle connections, back call remote connection, and enable N e t b i o s gateway. Each of the above features corresponds to a useful registry entry and will be introduced in the direct solutions of this chapter.

TCP / IP and PPPR AS support for TCP / IP and PPP also include support for the following: Windows Internet Name Service (WINS): RAS provides full support for WINS name servers, including backup And multiple servers. Address Resolution Protocol, ARP: R A S supports A r P to issue a multicast communication package, but does not support input multicast communication or broadcast communication. Compression Control Protocol, Compression: R A S supports C O M P C P, which is a method for compressing the P P P data stream using the L E M P E L - Z E V compression algorithm. R A S supports C O m P C P by providing a connection to the C O m P Dynamic Library (D L), but D L is itself must be provided by a third party.

Enable RAS audit

By default, the R a S session will not be recorded (audit). To save all R a S session information to the event log file of Wi N D O W S2 0 0, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value e n a b L e a u d i t. Use the D Wo R d editor to change the value of E N A B L E D i T into 1, enable R A S review. Set the log function of the RAS port

By default, R a S is connected to the serial port is not recorded (audit). To save all connection information of the R A S serial port to the device log file of Windows 2000, you can modify the registry with the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlset / Services / Rasman / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value L O g g I n g. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of L O g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g to 1, enable the recording function of R A S.

Change the maximum number of RAS retry certifications allowed

Windows 2000 Registry Universal section There is a key R a S entry that controls the maximum number of retry R a S-connected connection (this can cause connection difficult due to security issues). To increase the maximum number of retry R A S-connected connection, you can modify the registry: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning to the value A u T H e N T I c a t e r e t R I e s. Set the value of this R e G_D W O R D Type to a value that your user thinks convenient. Change timeout time of RAS authentication

Windows 2000 Registry Universal section There is a key R a S entry, which allows you to set the time limit, the user must successfully complete the authentication during this, otherwise the connection will be closed. To configure this feature, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value A u Ti N T I c a t e ti m e is positioned. Set the value of this R e G_D W O R D to your users think convenient.

Set timeout time for non-active RAS connections

There is a critical R a S entry in the WINDOWS 2000 Registry Universal section, which allows you to set the non-active time allowed before the connection is automatically disconnected. To configure this feature, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value A u T O D I S C O N e c T. Set the value of this R e G_D W O R D to you want non-active connections to keep the number of minutes. WARNING: Set the value of A U T O D i S C O N N E C T to 0 to turn off the A U T O D I S C O N n E C T function. Change RAS back call waiting time

Windows 2000 Registry Universal section There is a critical R A S entry, which controls the time of the server waiting before the recall server. To set this feature, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value C a L B A c k Ti M e. Set this R E G_D W O R D type value to your user think the most convenient second number.

Enable Ras NetBIOS gateway function

Windows 2000 Registry Universal section has a critical R a S entry, which determines whether dialing customers can use the entire network. To access this item, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until you find Wi N D O W S134 using Windows 2000 registry management

2 0 0 0 The root directory (usually W i N n t). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E RE E SE S / S S / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value N e t b i o s g a t e w a y e n a b l e d. If the value of the R e g_ d W O R D type is 1, then the customer can see the entire network; if the value is 0, then unless you use P P p or they can't see the entire network. WARNING Do not change the value of N e t b i o s g a t e a y e n a b l e d! You must use the R A S setting tool to change this information. Ras NetBIOS communication priority to multi-site broadcast communication

One problem that R a S may encounter is that it is sometimes ignored by its packet due to priority to local network communication. To prevent this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries positioned to the value M C A S T f W D W H E N S E S I O N TR A FF I C. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M C A S tR a FF I C to 1, the priority of the R a S is enhanced to multiple access broadcast communication. This makes the priority of the R a S communication higher than the network communication.

Enable RAS Broadcast Dataset

Broadcast datagram enhances the performance of R A S, but its traffic is very large. If your bandwidth can support the broadcast datagram, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value e n a bl e b R O A d C A S T is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of E N A B L E B R O A D C A St to 1, and start broadcast dataset on the R A S network. Enable RAS NetBIOS session review

If you encounter R a s questions, you can modify the registry, allow all RAS NetBIOS communication to record in the Windows 2000 log file. However, this will have a big impact on performance, so it should only be used in short-term use when tracking a difficult problem. To record all RAS NetBIOS communication, complete: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value E n a b L e n e t b I O S e s S I o N s A u D i N g are positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to transform the value of E N A B L E N e T B I O S e s S I O N E D i N g to 1, write all N e t b i o s information to the Windows 2000 log file.

Set the maximum number of RAS broadcast data packets for each customer

One problem that R a S may encounter is that the datagram may be lost due to insufficient buffer. To prevent this situation from happens, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning to the value M a x b c a s t d g b u ff e r e d. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M A X B C A S T D G B u ff e r E R to a higher value until a value that is prior to preventing packet loss can be found. Setting up the maximum RAS broadcast data package of each group RA S may have encountered a problem that the Data report may be lost due to insufficient buffer. To prevent this happens throughout groups, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value M a x d g b u FF E R E D P E R G R O u p n a m e are positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M A X D G B u p n a m e to a higher value until a value that can prevent packet loss can be found.

One problem that the memory allocation R a S that sets each RAS customer is that network communication may be lost due to insufficient buffer. To prevent this, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x d y n m e m o R y. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M A x D Y N M E R y to a higher value in bytepetion until a value that prevents packet loss needs. Set the number of Ras NetBIOS names for each customer

One problem that R a S may encounter is: After using the customer's unique name. To prevent this happen, you can modify the registry as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value m a x n a m e s is positioned. Use the D Wo R d editor to change this value to a higher value to meet the needs of users.

Set the maximum number of Ras NetBIOS sessions for each server

One problem that R a S may encounter is: There are too many N e t b i o s sessions running on a network. It is necessary to prevent this 10th chapter of remote access services for use 137

The situation is incident, and you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value M a x S e s I O N s are positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change M A X S E S I O N S to a client on the network, so all customers will not exceed the system's limit value 2 5 5. Controlling the forwarding of RAS multicast broadcast

One problem that R a S may encounter is: Data report is lost due to network problems. To prevent this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value M u L T I C A S T f O R W A R D R A T E. Using the D WO R D Editor Sets the value of M u L T I C A S T f O R W A R D R A T E to prevent packet loss. WARNING Sets the value of M u L T I C A S T f O R W A R D R A TE to - 1 can prohibit the multiple access broadcast packets.

Improve RAS performance by allowing multiple network connections to be handled simultaneously

One problem that RAS may encounter is: must be serially handled its network connection (that is, even if the network has the ability to handle both two connections simultaneously, you must wait for the first connection to process the second connection after the first connection), because The default configuration is this. To increase the performance of R A S by allowing simultaneous processing of multiple network connections, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value N u m r e c v q u E R Y I N D I C A T I O N s are positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of NumRecv Queryi N D i C A T I O N s to a larger connection to prevent serial processing connection requests.

Set the maximum number of data packets issued at the same time for each group

One problem that R a S may encounter is that a customer may use a dataginary network. To prevent this situation from happening throughout groups, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning the value R C V D g S UB m i t t e d p E R G R O u p n a m e. Using the D WO R d editor to change the value of R C V D g S UP N A M E to the lowest level that does not affect the reliability, so it can prevent the data from overundating the network.

Controlling the RAS Access Level of LAN Customers

One problem that R A S may encounter is that the customer computer may not have enough access to local resources. To prevent this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value R E M O T E L I S t e n is positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of R E M O T E L I S E N to a higher value, give remote customers more access rights. Control a WAN customer's RAS access level

R A S administrator must determine how high network access is given to the dial-up customer. To do this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value S e t T I N g m e a n i n g r e m a r k are positioned. The value of the S e t t I n n n n g r e m a r k is changed to a certain setting in Table 1 0 - 1 using the D WO R D editor. Table 10-1 Setting RAS Dial Customer WAN Access Level Value Remote Customer WAN Access Level 0 Cannot Access, can only be connected to server 1 single-way, customers can only use resources, do not access other customers 2 two-way, customers are online A complete node

Optimize RAS server information block protocol

One way to optimize R A S is to optimize the server information block (Server Messageb L O C K, S M b) protocol by setting its work buffer. To do this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T R O L S e t / s e a c c E S / P A R A m E TE E R S / N E TE B I O S G A T E W A Y. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value S i z Wo R k B u f. The value of S i z WO R K B u f is changed to 4 500 using the D WO R D Editor, which is the best value of S M b. Set the size of the RAS ASYNCMAC frame

R a s dials can cause information loss when using large-sized frames on a noise data line, so the size of the frame needs to be reduced. The following describes how to adjust the registry to reduce the size of the frame: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / A S Y N C M A C / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x f r a m e s i z e. Use the D WO R d editor to change M a x f R a m e s i z e to a lower value, reducing the information loss on the noise line.

Set the timeout time of the RAS NetBIOS gateway

When using a slow connection or noise, R A S may have a problem with the N-E T B I O S gateway timeout, thus need to increase the wait time. The following describes how to configure the gateway timeout setting by adjusting the registry: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / A S Y N C M A C / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value Ti M e O U T B A S e. Use the D WO R d editor to change Ti M e O U TET B A S e to a higher value in seconds, reduce the number of times on the noise line. Set the IEEE address of RAS NDIS

You may need to reset the initial address byte of the N D i s information. The following describes how to modify the value of the registry: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the S Y S-t E M / C U R R E N T C O N / P E S / N D I S WA N / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value N e t w o R k a d r e s s are positioned. According to the document, the value of N e t w o R k a d r e s s is used to change the value required by the system.

Disable NetBIOS RAS Dial

You can access the registry directly when needed to close the R a s dial of N e t b i o s. The following describes how to change the registry to close the R A S dialing of N e T B I O S: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R V I C E S / N W L N K I P A RO of Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Entries for positioning the value D i S A B L E D i a L i N e T B I O S. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of D I S A B L E D i N N e T B I O S to 1, and N e T B I O S is prohibited. Control RAS NetBIOS broadcast packet

You can use the registry to control the R a S how to forward N E T B I O S broadcast packets to the network. To do this, follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select Run. Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y t e m / c U R R E N T C O N T R O L S / N w L N K R I P / P A R A M E TET E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value N e T B I O S R O U T I N g. The value of N e t b i o s R O U T I N g was used to change the value of N E T B I O S R O U T I N G to the value shown in Table 1 0 - 2 using the D WO R D editor. Table 10-2 Setting the route value of the N e t b i o s data packets 0 packet routing level 0 does not forward 2 customers to WAN 4 wide area network to customers 6 wide area networks to customers, and customers to WAN

Increase NetBIOS through RAWIO

You can increase the throughput of N e T B I O S by enabling R a W I O or the transmission of the raw packet. The following describes how to modify the registry to enable R A W i o: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S-T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R / P I C E S / R D R / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value R A W I O Ti M E L I M I T is positioned. The value of R A W I O Ti M E L I m I T is changed to the value shown in Table 1 0 - 3 using the D WO R D editor. Table 10-3 Setting the R A W I o Timeout Value Value R A W I O of N E T B I O Stext Disabled 5 Disabled Channel 1; Enable Channel 29 Enables Channel 1 or 2 Forcing RAS Serial Port Adopt FIFO Queu

The serial port uses F i f O queue, which is more efficient than L i f O, but it must be enabled in the registry. The following describes how to configure the registry to enable F I F O queue: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Norms of the S-Y S-t E M / C U R RE N T C O N T R O L S / S E RO N R OL S / S E R I C E S / S E R I A L using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value F o R C e f i f O e ​​n a b L e is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of F O R C E F I f O E N A B L E to 1, forcing serial ports to use the F I F O queue.

Enable the FIFO log feature of the RAS serial port

After enabling the F i F O queue of the serial port, you can also record it to capture the problem, but you must enable the recording function at the registry level. To enable R A S Serial Port F I f O records, follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Norms of the S-Y S-t E M / C U R RE N T C O N T R O L S / S E RO N R OL S / S E R I C E S / S E R I A L using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value L O g f O. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of L O g f O to 1, and the f i f o record of this port is enabled. Allow sharing RAS serial port

A serial port can support multiple R A S sessions, but to configure the registry correctly. To do this, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Norms of the S-Y S-t E M / C U R RE N T C O N T R O L S / S E RO N R OL S / S E R I C E S / S E R I A L using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P e r m i t s h a r e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of P e R M I T S H A R E to 1, enable R a S serial port sharing.

Setting the queue size serial port of RAS TXFIFO using the F i f O queue than using L i f O higher efficiency. When using F i f O, the queue size must be set in the registry, as shown below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Norms of the S-Y S-t E M / C U R RE N T C O N T R O L S / S E RO N R OL S / S E R I C E S / S E R I A L using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value f x F I f O. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of F x f O to the system to allow the maximum number of T C P / I P sessions that supported by the port.

Set the queue size of RAS RXFIFO

The serial port uses the F I f O queue than using L i f O higher efficiency. When using F i f O, the queue size must be set in the registry, as shown below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Norms of the S-Y S-t E M / C U R RE N T C O N T R O L S / S E RO N R OL S / S E R I C E S / S E R I A L using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value r x f i f O. Use the D Wo R D Editor to change the value of R x F i f o to the system to allow the maximum number of T C P / I P sessions that supported by the port. Change the name of the RAS WINS server

Many R A S parameters involve T C P / I P, and can be set in the registry. There is a registry to allow you to change the I P name of the W i n S server. To change the I P name of the W i N S server, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 144 Using Windows 2000 Registry Management

2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to position to S Y S Y t R O L S e t / s e a c c e S S / P A R A m E t E R S / I P child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value w i n n a m e s e r v e r. Use the string editor to change the value of W i n s n a m e s e r v E R to the I P name or address of the W i n S server on the network.

Set backup of the RAS WINS server

Many R A S parameters involve T C P / I P, and can be set in the registry. There is a registry to allow you to specify the backup server address of the W i N S server. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to position to S Y S Y t R O L S e t / s e a c c e S S / P A R A m E t E R S / I P child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value W i n s n a m e s e r v e r b a c k up. Use the string editor to change the value of W i N S N A M E RE RV E R B A C K ​​u P to the I P name or address of the W i N S backup server on the network. Set multiple RAS WINS servers

Many R A S parameters involve T C P / I P, and can be set in the registry. There is a registry to allow you to specify the I P name of the W i N S server, and additional cascading W i n s servers for large network addresses recognition. To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to position to S Y S Y t R O L S e t / s e a c c e S S / P A R A m E t E R S / I P child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value w i n n a m e s e r v e r. Use the multiple string editor to change the value of W i n s n a m e s e r v E R to the I P name or address of the W i N S server on the network.

Enable RAS ARP broadcast

You can use the registry to enable RAS ARP broadcast (simultaneously sending the same data package). By default, Windows 2000 does not use RAS ARP to broadcast and prohibit it. Here is how to configure the registry to enable R A S Chapter 10, a remote access service is used 145

A R P Broadcast: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N T R O L S E T / S E R P / P A R A ME E TE E R S. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value F i l T E R B R O A D C A S T are positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to turn the value of F I L T E R B R O A D C A S T 'to 1, allowing a computer that supports A R P broadcast to enable A R P broadcast. Set PPP RAS termination - confirm timeout

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls the number of times the network assumes the termination of a customer who is sent before the connection is lost. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x te r m i n a t e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M A X Te R M I N A T E to meet the current network environment. Higher settings (for example, 1 0) can result in awareness of the connection termination significantly (inevitably cause loss of network performance), but lower settings (e.g., 1) can cause non-confirmation of the termination RAS connection, Thereby the system resource allocated to the termination connection is lost.

Set PPP RAS configuration - request timeout

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls the number of configurations sent before the network assumes a client to lose its connection. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x c o n f i g u r e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M a X C O N f I g U R E to meet the current network environment. Set PPP RAS configuration - no confirmation timeout

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control the number of configurations sent before the network assumes a customer to lose its connection - no confirmation message. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x f a i l u r e. Use the D Wo R d editor to change the value of m a x f a i l u r e to meet the current network environment.

Set PPP RAS configuration - reject timeout time

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control the number of configurations sent before the network assumes a certain customer to lose its connection. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value m a x r e j c t. Use the D Wo R d editor to change the value of M A X R e J C t to meet the current network environment. Set up PPP RAS packets to wait time

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control the time waiting for R a S to assume a packet loss; this value can be used to configure a Wi N D O W S counter, if the counter is allowed to be triggered, it will cause the R a S to return the packet. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value R e S t a R t ti m e r. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of R e S t a r t ti m e r to meet the current network environment.

Set PPP RAS configuration timeout time

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls the delay time of termination when the protocol cannot work. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to the value N e g o T I a t e ti m e. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of N E G O T I a t e ti m e to meet the current network environment. Forced RAS PPP password encryption

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether the password encryption is used when authentication. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window.

4) The entries of the value F O R C e n c R y p t e d p A s w o r d. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of F O R C E N C R Y P e d P A S W W O R D to 1, forced to use password encryption; or change the password encryption.

Enable PPP RAS log function

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls whether P pp is allowed to record when tracking problems. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value L O g g I n g. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of L O G G I N g to 1 to 1 allowed record; Enable PPP COMPCP software encryption

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether the data stream is encrypted with C O m P C P software. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value D i s A B L E S O F T W A R E C O M P R E S I O N are positioned. The value of D I S A B L E S q ie was changed to 1 for C O m P C P encryption using a D WO R D editor using a D WO R D Editor; COT was changed to 0 allowed C O m p C p encryption.

Set the location of CBCP DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a D l L path to the RAS PPP in the registry, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. Registry Editor Starts, display all configuration units to different laminate windows Chapter 10, remote access services for use 149

in. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / CBCP child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to provide the path name of D L L served by the echo control protocol (C A L L B A C KControl Protocol, C B C). Set the location of Chap DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a D l L path to the RAS PPP in the registry, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Note to System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / Chap child using the tree control of the left window. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the D l L of the C H a ​​P service.

Set the location of Compcp DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a DLL path to the Compression Control Protocol, Compression Control Protocol, a Highly Compressed PPP Protocol, a highly compressed PPP protocol) to the registry, which can be performed in the following steps: 1) Open the "Start" menu and select "Run" . Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window is positioned to S Y S-t E m / C U R R E N T C O N ^ E S / R A S M A N / P P P / C O m P C P. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the D l L to provide the compression control protocol service.

Set the location of IPCP DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To use Windows 2000 Registry Management

Add a D lp path to the IPCP (IP Compression Protocol, IP compression protocol, another data compression protocol) of RAS PPP in the registry, which can be operated as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / IPCP child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the path name of D L L for the I P compression service. Enable Van Jacobson header compression in RAS PPP

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether the powerful Van Jacobson header compression system is used. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value A c c e p T V J C O m P R e s I O N is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of the A c c e pt V J C O M P R E S I O N to 1 Open V J header compression; change to 0 to close V J header compression.

Enable the package address detection of the RAS PPP network interface card

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls whether "S N i ff)" I P Packets and uses "HO TP O T A T A TO) routing to save network bandwidth, but the cost is to reduce the performance of the remote request. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use.

3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value P R I O R t y b a S e d o n-u b n e t w o r k. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of P R I O R T Y B A S e DO N S U B N e T W O R K to 1 Enable "hot potato" routing; change to zero. Enable RAS PPP DNS and WINS Name Services

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether W i n s and d n are decoded when the I P address is decoded. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning the value R e q u e s t n m e s e r v E R a d r e s s is positioned. If the system uses W i N S and D N s, the value of the D WO R D editor will change the value of R e q u e s t n m e s e r v E R A D R E S S; if there is a routing table inside the system, it is changed to zero.

Prohibit Van Jacobson header compression request in Ras PPP

When R A s uses P P P, it needs to know how to configure its local system-based network request, and these settings can be found in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether the ability to check the customer using Van Jacobson header compression. The following describes how to configure this registry setting: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S y E m / c u R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P sub item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value R e q u e S t v J C O m P R e s S I O N are positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of R e q u e s t v J C O m P R e Q U O N to 1, ask if the customer supports V j header compression; change to 0 for an inquiry. (You may want to prohibit the situation) includes: You know that customers do not support V J header compression, the server is not supported or both do not support.) Set the location of IPXCP DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a D l L path to the RAS PPP IPXCP (IPX Compression Protocol, IPX Compression Protocol, IPx Compression Protocol, IPX Compression Protocol, IPX Compression Manager), which can be completed as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S Y T E M / C U R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P / I P x C P x C P. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the path name of D L1 that provides the I P x service.

Set the location of the NetBeui frame control protocol DLL in RAS PPP

To access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a D L path to the n e t b e U I frame control protocol of RAS PPP in the registry, you can perform: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / NBFP child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T H to provide the path name of D L1 of the N b F service. Setting the location of the PAP DLL in the RAS PPP to access a service in many special network access, the D lp path of the service must be entered in the registry. To add a DLL path to the PAP (Password Authentication Protocol, password authentication protocol, a low-text document port login system) of the RAS PPP in the registry, which can be completed as follows: 1) Open the "Start" menu and Select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / PA P child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the path name of D L1 to provide the PA P service.

Setting the location of the SPAP DLL in the RAS PPP to access a service in many special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered into the registry. To add a DLL path to the RAS PPP SPAP (Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, Shiva Password Authentication Protocol, SHIVA LAN ROVER), which can be operated as follows: 1) Open the Start menu and select Run. Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / SPA P child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the path name of D L1 to provide the S PA P service.

Setting the location of the RAS PPP to Accepted Skill Signal Layer DLL to access a service in many special network access, the D lp path of the service must be entered into the registry. To add a D L path to the RAS PPP in the registry, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Rasman / PPP / SSL child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use a string editor to change the value of P A T h to the path name providing D l L of the S S1 service.

Setting the location of the virtual point to the point tunnel protocol DLL in the RAS PPP to access a service in numerous special network access, the D L path of the service must be entered into the registry. To add a D L path to the RAS PPP in the registry, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window Tree control to be positioned to S Y S Y t R O L S e T / S E R V i C E S / R A S M a N / P P P / V P P T P. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value P a T h. Use the string editor to change the value of P A T h to the D l L of the V P P P T P service.


Virtual Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is a way to customize the IP packet by i n t e R n e t, which can be used as a safe "virtual wide area network". You can follow these steps to enable this feature at the registry level: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the tree control to S Y S y E M / C U R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P / Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries are positioned to the value E n a b L e v p pt p. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of E N A B L E V P P P to 1 Open the virtual private network (Virtual private network); change to 0 can be turned off. The SSL encryption socket protocol layer (Secure Sockets Layer) that enables RAS PPP is encrypting all the packets sent by the P P P link. You can use the following steps to enable S s L: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the tree control to S Y S y E M / C U R R E N T C O N / P E S / R A S M A N / P P P / Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value e n a b l e s s. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of E N A B L E S1 to 1 to open the encryption sleeve protocol layer; change to 0 to be closed.

Enable RAS PPP SPA encryption authentication is a protocol that allows encrypted password data to authentication users when logging in. You can enable S PA at the registry level as follows:


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