Good book finishing series - Design mode: can be used for object-oriented software foundation 7

zhaozj2021-02-08  297

Appendix A Glossary Abstractract Class is a class that is mainly used to define interfaces. Some or all of the abstract classes are delayed in their subclasses. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Abstract Coupling If class A maintains a reference to abstract class B, you are called class A abstraction to B. We call the abstract coupled because a point to an object type, not a specific object. Abstract Operations A declared operation of the type (S I g n a t u R) without an implementation. In C , the abstract operation corresponds to a pure virtual member function. AcquainTance RelationShip If a class points to another class, there is a acquaintance between these two classes. Aggregate Object) A object containing a child object. These sub-objects are called part of the polymer object, while the polymer object is responsible for them. The relationship between aggregation relationship polymerization objects and parts thereof. Classs define this relationship for its objects (eg, aggregate objects). Black-Box Reuse An object-based multiplexing method. These combined objects do not open their respective internal details, so they are compared as "black boxes." The interface and implementation of the class (C L a S) class defines the object. It specifies the internal representation of the object to define an operation of an object. Class Diagram Class Diagram Description Class and its internal structure and operation, and static relationship between the class. Class Operation is operated by a class rather than a separate object. In C , class operation is called a static member function. Concrete Class does not contain abstract operations. It can be instantiated. The constructor (C O N S T R u C T O R) is in C , and a system automatically calls the initialization of the new object instance. The degree of interdependence between the coupling (C O U P L I N g) software components. Entrust (D E L E G A Ti O N) A implementation mechanism, that is, an object forwarding / delegate the request to another object. The trustee will represent the operation of the original object to perform the request. Design Pattern Design Mode For a repeated design problem in the face-phase object system, a general design is proposed and is systematically naming and motivation interpretation. It describes questions, solutions, and uses this solution and its effects under any conditions. It also gives an implementation points and instances. The solution is to solve a set of well-arranged generic classes and objects of this issue, and can be used to resolve problems in specific contexts. The destructor (D e s T R u C T O R) is in C , and a system automatically calls (F i n a l i z e) the operation of the object that is about to be deleted. Dynamic Binding is associated with an object with an object with an object at runtime. In C , only virtual functions can be dynamically bind. The result is hidden by the representation and implementation of the objects in the package (E N C A P S U L A T I O N). In addition to the object, it does not see its internal representation, and it cannot be accessed directly. Operation (O P E R A T I O N) is the only way to access and modify the object.

Frame (F R A M E W O R K) A group of collaborative classes that form a reusable design of a certain type of software. The framework will be designed into a set of abstract classes and define their respective responsibilities and cooperation between each other to guide the architecture level design. Developers customize the framework by inheriting the class and combined examples in the framework to generate specific applications. Friend Class In C , A-$ B is bed to refer to the operations and data of A to B. Access rights as B itself. Inheriting (i N h E R I T a N c) is a relationship between two entities, one of the entities is defined based on another entity. Class inheritage defines a new class based on one or more parent classes, which inherits the interface and implementation of its parent class, called subclasses (C ) or derived classes. Class inheritance includes interface inheritance and implementation. Interface inheritage defines new interfaces based on one or more existing interfaces; implementing inheritance defines new implementations based on one or more implementations. Instance variable defines the data represented by some objects. The terminology used in C is a data member. Interaction Diagram Displays a schematic diagram of a request flow between an object. Interface (i N T E R f A c e) A collection of types defined by an object. The interface scrapped a collection of an object-responsive request. The class (M E T a C L a S s) is also an object in S M a L t a Lk. Metacies are classes of class objects. Mixin Class is a class designed to bind to other classes by inheritance. The mixed class is usually an abstract class. Object (O B J E C T) A operating entity that encapsulates data and operations acting on these data. Object composition assemblies and combines a set of objects to get more complex behavior. Object Diagram describes a schematic diagram of a specific object structure of the runtime. Object reference (Object Reference) is used to identify one value of another object. The data of the Operation (O P E R A Ti O N) object can only be accessed by its own operation. The object is executed when the object is requested. In C , the operation is called a member function, and the S M A L t a lk uses the term "method". Refine (O V E R R I D i N g) is defined in a subclass of operation (inherited from the parent class). Parameterized Type A type containing an undetermined ingredient type. When using, the unstextable type is processed into parameters. In C , the parameterization type is called a template (T E M P L A T E). Parent class (Parent Class) is inherited by other classes. S m a lt A Lk is also known as superclars (S u p e r C L a s s), and C is also known as base classes, sometimes referred to as Ancestor Class. Polymorphism (P O L Y M O R P H i S M) The ability to match each other can be replaced with each other. Private inheritance (Private Inheritance) is in C , an inheritance of achieving purposes only.

The expansion of the Protocol (P R O T O C O L) Interface Concept is included in the request sequence that specifies the allowable request. Receiver (R e c e i v e r) a request target object. Request (R e q u e s t) A object is performed when a corresponding action is subject to a request for other objects. Normally request is also known as messages. The type (S I g n a t U r e) is a model that defines its name, parameter, and return value. Subclasses (S U b C L A s s) inherit another class. In C , subclasses are also called derived classes. Subsystem (S u b S Y S Y M) A set of relatively independent portions formed by collaboration, completing a certain function. Sub Type (S UB T Y P e) If a type of interface contains another type of interface, the previous type is called the sub-type of the subsequent type. The hyperbolic (S u p e r t y p e) is a parent type of other types of inheritance. Toolbox (T O O L K i T) A group of classes that provide practical functions, but they do not contain any specific applications. Type (T y p e) a name of a particular interface. White-Box Reuse is a reuse based on class inheritance. Subclass multiplexed the interface and implementation of the parent class, but it may also access other private parts of their parent classes.


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