xiaoxiao2021-03-05  36

Acroread 7: Add XIM = xim to begining of acroread or it will conflict with SCIM (Fedora Core 3) grep: export GREP_OPTIONS = '- color = always'This environment variable is passed to "grep" as options.GREP_COLOR will control the highlighting color being used.NOTICE:. running "man" with option "-k" depends on the behaviour of "grep" so this applies too This may lead to some problems because "color code" is just inserted into the plain text, the Output is indeed being change. Try "man -k aio" and "man -k aio | grep IO _". Less: edit /etc/profile.d/, add line "export lesscharset = UTF-8" IN . order to make "less" display UTF-8 encoded Chinese textThe config file is FC3-dependent / etc / profile might be a better place for a "portable" solutionRealPlay10: Disable esd in gconf; / desktop / gnome / sound / enable_esd ( Uncheck) or realplay will not start (Ubuntu Hoary 5.04)

RealPlay10 (by hellwolf) After running RealPlay, editing ~ / .realplayerrc, add: Code: [Helix] SoundDriver = 2 ... This item specifies that RealPlayer uses ALSA sound drivers instead of OSS drivers. XORG: Edit / etc / x11 / xsessions, add line [code]. "$ 1 / $ f" [/ code] after line [code] echo "$ 1 / $ f" [/ code] in function run_parts () OtherWise Configs in /etc/x11/xSessions.d/* Would Not Function Properly (Ubuntu Hoary 5.04)


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