Deeper Win2000 Registry (13) I N t e R N e t information server

zhaozj2021-02-08  261

I N t e R n e t information server

Introduction I I S represents an Internet Information Server, which is a product that Mix C R O S O f T blocks a number of server applications facing I n t e R N e t together. These applications include F T P, G O P H E R, H T T P (W W), and I N D E X (supporting a word search-based online document search system). All I I S server applications use registry to save and operate the most important aspects of their behavior, such as threads, caches, and security.

The supported protocol uses I I S, and the system administrator can provide a complete set of complete I n t e R N e t solutions. IIS supports the following I NTERNE TRFC (Request for Comments, requested annual request, it is an early i NTERNET based on the alien standard mechanism) protocol:. File Transfer Protocol, FTP): Allow Remote Upload and File (Text File or binary files can be available). Hypertext Transfer Protocol, H T T P): Provides a full WE B site capable (including Active Server Pages, an active server web page). Encrypted HTTP (Secure HTTP, H T T P S): provides the capabilities of a complete WE B site (including A C T I v eServer Pages, an active server web page). G O P H E R: Provides an old-fashioned visual information display capability, just like Wa I S (they are all useful, because a lot of information is converted to both formats before W W W appears). Wide Area Information Server (WA IS): Provides an old-fashioned visual information display capability, just like g opher (they are very useful, because the large amount of information is converted to the WWW. Both formats). . Secure Sockets Layer (Secure Sockets Layer, S S L): electronic commerce (e - c o m m e r c e) activity can be performed without the use of credit card numbers to worry about theft or other sensitive information.

Most of the I I s services in the cache will use their data memory cache to improve performance. The cache setting is controlled by the registry. For example, suppose a web page is often requested by a client, but it is connected to a very slow network. Save the WE B using a cache, I I s can meet the user's request at a faster speed, because the WE B page has been stored in the memory of the server computer. Similarly, a large-size F t p file that is often requested can also be placed in a cache so that customers can quickly get it because each request is not necessarily positioned on the disk.

Thread IIS allows you to run on a Windows NT / 2000 server, so it can use symmetric multi-processing (SMP), and maintain a thread pool for each processor to handle the input service request (all 3 2-digit Wi The NDOWS operating system is multithreaded, but only NT servers support SMP). This thread pool is controlled by a set of registry entries.


I I S supports the security mode of Windows NT, which continues to Windows 2000, but except, it 190 uses Windows 2000 registry management

It is also necessary to support guest users in several ways: Anonymous FTP (Anonymous FTP): The F t P service of I S has an option that allows users to log in using General Name "a n o n y m o U s". A set of registry entries tracks the accounts used by this anonymous user, monitors their registration and logout, and of course there is a registration of non-anonymous users. Anonymous http (anonymous http): Anonymous H t t is a standard (that is, no registration information will be sent along with the H t t pu). But for some security reasons, you can use the registration table to close anonymous H t t. Guest logins: The security mode of Windows NT / 2000 provides the "G u e s t" account (whose user name is g u e s t, the password is empty). Although this account is disabled by default, it is careful when operating a registry for some IIS services, because they can be set to allow IIS customers to use the "G uEST" account to get NT / 2 0 0 0 users privilege. Enable IIS server memory cache

I I S can cache (stored in memory) various number of work data to speed up the response to the information request. To enable this feature, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value D i S A B L E M E M O R Y C A C H E. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of D I S A B L E M E M O R Y C A C H E to 0, enable I I S memory cache. Tip If the value D i s a b L e m e m o R Y C A C HE does not exist, then you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it. WARNING D I S A B L E M E M O R Y C A C HE can only be modified by registry, I N t e R N e t service manager cannot change it.

Increase the maximum value of the IIS server to participate in the queued connection

I I s allows the connection to queue to improve performance. In some cases, the default settings may not take full advantage of hardware and resources of a server. In these cases, you can use the following steps to modify the registry, increase the maximum value of the connection to the queued connection: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value L i S t e n b a c k L o g is positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of the L i S t e n B A C K ​​L O G to a higher value (the default value is 2 5), increasing the number of I I s connections to the queued. WARNING L i s t e n b A c k L o g value does not have a limit, so change it does not have a warning. Increase the update frequency of the IIS log file

I I s saves its log file in memory until a certain size is reached. Then I i s will write the log file to the disk. You can reduce the number of R a M used by the log file, you can also forth to modify the registry forcing more frequent update log files in the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L O g f i l E B A T C H S I Z E. Use the D Wo R d editor to change its value to a smaller kilobyte, forced to update the file more frequently. It is suggested that the range of L O g f i l E B A t c h s I z E is from 1 to 0 x f f f F f F, and its default value is 6 4. If the value of L O g f i l EB A T C H S i z E does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value.

Adjust the maximum number of threads running on each processor during IIS during I / O block

I I s has the ability to wait for I / O to run multiple threads on all processors of the machine. In this way, the information processing can be allowed to continue during a lengthy network operation. Typically, I I s uses an internal algorithm to determine this value, but in this case you might want to increase or reduce the concurrency of threads. To do this, you can change the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value m a x c o N c u R R e n C Y. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M a X C O N C U R RE N C Y to the number of concurrent threads allowed, or the value of M a X C O N C U R R E N C Y is 0, allowing the system to determine the number of threads using algorithms inside the operating system. It is suggested that the range of M a X C O N C U R R E N C Y value is from 0 to 0 x f f f F f F, and its default value is 0. If the value m a xc o n c u r r r r, you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it. Increase IIS thread pool of each processor

I I s maintains a thread pool responsible for monitoring a network request. When the request arrives, I I s will obtain the request from the network and start processing. Each processor has such a thread pool whose default setting is created when I I s is installed. You may want to increase or reduce this value to get the best performance. To do this, you can change the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value M a x P O L T h r e a d s is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M a x P O L T H R e a d s to you want to monitor the number of threads owned by the network request. It is suggested that the range of M a X P O L T H r E a D s value is from 0 to 0 x f f f f F, and its default value is 1 zero. If the value M a XP O O L t h r e a d s does not exist, then you can use "Edit" | Add Value "to create it. WARNING Due to the load on the environment, the value of M a X P O L T H R E A D s should not exceed 2 0.

Increase the number of RAM assigned by IIS memory cache

I I S can cache a lot of work datasets in memory in memory to improve performance. After opening this feature, you must determine how much R a M assigned to the I I S memory cache, and install the following steps to properly change the registry: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value M e m o R Y C A C H e s I z E. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of M E M O R Y C HE E S I Z E to the Number of R a M that is desirable to be allocated by the best performance. It is suggested that the range of M E M O R Y C A C H E S I Z E is from 0 to 0 x f f f f F, which is default to 30 720 000 (3 m b). If the value m e m o R Y C A C H e s i z e does not exist, then you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value.

Preventing the transmission of IIS files due to slow connection

I I S has a file transfer timeout value (number of bytes sent within fixed time intervals) to detect file transfer on the network. In some I n T R a N e t, this setting can cause file transfer timeout. You can modify the registry as follows, reset the number of bytes sent to a lower value to solve this problem: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry positioned to the value m i n f i l e k b S e C. Use the D Wo R d editor to change the value of M i N f i l e k b s e c to the value adapted to your network environment. It is suggested that the range of m i n f i l e k b S e C is from 1 to 8 192, and its default value is 1 0 0 0. If the value m i n f i l e k b s e c does not exist, you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it. WARNING Although there are two letters "k b" in the name of the value entry, its setting is based on bytes (B Y T E S), not kilobytes (k i l o b y t e s).

Adjust IIS TTL Cache Settings

The I I S Cache Manager includes a "Clear" cache code that deletes its data that is not referenced (read or change) within a certain number of seconds (this is called the use period, TIME to Live, or T L). If the system has a very variable data set, this value may need to be adjusted to a lower value. Conversely, if the data in the cache requires a slow network communication, then this value may be required. No matter which case, you can use the registry to change the setting of the T t l cache. To do this, you can change the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value O b J E C TI CH c H e t tl. Use the D WO RD editor to set the value of the o Bject C Ache TTL to a lower value (in seconds) to improve the speed of the cache reuse; change to a higher value (in seconds) allow longer Cache survival. It is suggested that the default value of O b J E C T L is 3 0. If the value O B J E C TI C a c h e t t does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value. WARNING: Set the value of O B J E C T C A C HE E TI to 0 x f F f F f F, prohibiting the clearance of cache. Adjust the TTL settings for the IIS thread

I I S is usually maintained in its thread pool when there is no I / O activity. However, after a fixed time, I I s will assume that they are not needed to release them. You can modify the registry as follows to adjust the thread to survive during idle period: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value T H r e a d Ti M e O U T. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of T H R E A D Ti M E O U T into I I S thus to survive the number of seconds allowed during idle. It is suggested that the default value of T H R E A D Ti M e O U T is 86 400 (24 hours). If the value T H r e a d ti m e o is does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value.

Adjust the TTL settings for IIS anonymous user security tokens

I I s allows an anonymous users to use its various services. To allow an anonymous user, I I S creates a user security token for anonymous users and stores in a cache, so that the internal Windows 2000 login process does not have to prepare the security token for each anonymous registration. This token has a preset T t L in the cache before being cleared because it is not used. Take the time to Live. You can change this value to optimize system performance or prevent security vulnerabilities (this may happen when an illegal process is illegally acquiring this token). To do this, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / InetInfo / Parameters child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. Chapter 13 Internet Information Server Use 195 4) The entry of the value U S e r to k e n t t L. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of U S E R to K E N TI to the Save the number of seconds that want an anonymous user security I D token in the cache. It is suggested that the default value of U S E R to K E N T L is 9 0 (1 5 minutes). If the value u s e r to k e n t t does not exist, you can create it using "Edit" | Add Value. Permit anonymous users to use some IIS services

You can modify the registry, configure or refuse anonymous registration, configure or refuse anonymous registration, use some I I S service: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s ervices / [s e rv IC en ame] / p arameters sub-item, where [s e rvice name] means providing FTP services MSFTPSVC, providing GophersVC for G Opher service, providing W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to value a L O W a N o N y M o U s. Use the D WO R D editor to turn the value of A L O W A N o N y M O U S to 1, allowing anonymous registration to use a certain I I S service; change to 0 is disabled. Tip If the value a l o w a n o n y m o is does not exist, then you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it.

Check the actual username used by anonymous IIS login

If you intend to allow the user who registered users to use some I I S service, you must also configure an anonymous user who uses the username used when I I s. If an anonymous registration user uses I I s problems, you can check the registry to ensure that the username is not destroyed. To check this value, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s ervices / [s e rv IC en ame] / p arameters sub-item, where [s e rvice name] means providing FTP services MSFTPSVC, providing GophersVC for G Opher service, providing W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value a n o n y M o U S u s e r n a m e is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of A N O N Y M O U S U S E R N A M E to the desired value. More suitable for the current network conditions. WARNING: Value A N O N Y M O U S U S E R N A M must be set via I N t e R N e t service manager, so that its password can be set. Prevent slow IIS connection timeout

I I s presets timeout values ​​for inactive connections. In a few cases, the slower I n t R A N e t may need to increase this value to prevent invalid timeout. You can adjust the registry with the following steps to solve this problem: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree control using the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s erforces / [S ERVIC EN AME] / P Arameters child, where [Service Name] refers to the MSFTPSVC that provides FTP services, providing G The Opher service GophersVC provides W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value C O N n e C T I O N Ti M e O U T is positioned. The value of C O N n E C Ti N Ti M e O U t is used to make the current network condition. Set by using the D WO R D Editor. It is suggested that the default value of C O N N E C T I O N Ti M E O U T is 6 0 0 seconds.

Set the log file path for IIS logs

I I S service writes a variety of events to log files. You can control many behaviors of log files through registration items. For example, you can specify the directory written by the log file, which steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s Ervices / [S E RVICE NAME] / P Arameters sub-item, where [S e rvice name] refers to the MSFTPSVC that provides FTP services. GophersVC for G Opher service, W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L O g f i l e d i r e c t o R y. Use the string editor to change the value of L O g f i l e d i r e c t o R y to a directory you want to create a log file. Set the log file format for IIS logs

I I S serve various events to log files at runtime. System administrators can control many behaviors of log files through registry, including NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Application, Chapter 13, using 197), where many I NTERNETs have been used there, including 197. The first WE B browser) format. To specify whether the log file uses N c S a format, you can follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s Ervices / [S E RVICE NAME] / P Arameters sub-item, where [S e rvice name] refers to the MSFTPSVC that provides FTP services. GophersVC for G Opher service, W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value L O g f i l e f O r m a t is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of L O g f i l e f O R m a t into 3, using N c S a format; change to 0, using standard format. It is suggested that the default value of L O g f i l E f O R m A t is 0. If the value L o g f i l e f O R m A T does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value.

Setting the time interval for the IIS log to create a new log file to write a variety of events to the log file. You can control a lot of behaviors of log files through registration items, including log files, create once a day, weekly, monthly, or only if the file size is limited. To specify the frequency created by the log file, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select Run. Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Windows 2000 is found (usually W I N n). Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s ervices / [s e rv IC en ame] / p arameters sub-item, where [s e rvice name] means providing FTP services MSFTPSVC, providing GophersVC for G Opher service, providing W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L O g f i l e p e r I o d. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of L O g f i l e p e R I O D to Table 1 3 - 1. Tip If the value L O g f i l e p e R I O D does not exist, then you can use "Edit" | Add Value to create it. Table 13-1 IIS service log file creation interval setting value creation interval 0 No time interval, create new log files when the old log file exceeds size limit 1 Create a new log file 2 every day to create a new log file 3 monthly creation New log file

Prevent create new log files

I I S service writes a variety of events to log files. You can control many behaviors of log files through registration items, including file size restrictions. When you specify the file size limit, and the file size reaches this limit, I I s will force the creation of a new log file. To specify the size limit of the log file, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s ervices / [s e rv IC en ame] / p arameters sub-item, where [s e rvice name] means providing FTP services MSFTPSVC, providing GophersVC for G Opher service, providing W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L O g f i l e tr u n c a t e s i z e. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of L O g f i l e TR U N c a t e s i z e to a file size in a bytes, which specifies when I I s starts to create a new log file. It is recommended that the default value of L O g f i l e tr u n c a t e s I z e is 0 x f f f F. If the value L o g f i l e tr u n c a t e s i z e does not exist, then you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it. WARNING Setting the value of L O g f i l E TR U N C A T E S I Z E is 0 indicates that the file can have unlimited sizes. Forced IIS logs to write an ODBC database

I I S service writes a variety of events to log files. You can control many behaviors of log files through registration items, including writing log file information into an O D b C database instead of file. To do this, you can modify the registry: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s ervices / [s e rv IC en ame] / p arameters sub-item, where [s e rvice name] means providing FTP services MSFTPSVC, providing GophersVC for G Opher service, providing W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Locate the entry to the value L o g Ty P e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of L O g Ty P e to a certain value shown in Table 1 3 - 2. Tip If the value L O g Ty P e does not exist, then you can use "Edit" | Add Value to create it. Table 13-2 Log file creation mode setting value creation mode 0 Not logged 1 Record to file 2 Record to the O D b C database adjustment Up to the same simultaneous IIS connection

The busy network of communication may sometimes encounter unexpected problems, then I I s begins inexplicably refused to connect. In fact, this is due to the maximum number of connections that exist at the same time reaches the internal limit. The solution is to adjust the maximum connection value of I I s in the registry in the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s Ervices / [S E RVICE NAME] / P Arameters sub-item, where [S e rvice name] refers to the MSFTPSVC that provides FTP services. GophersVC for G Opher service, W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value M a x C O N n e c t i o n s. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of M A x C O N n e C T I O N s to the settings consistent with network communication requirements. It is suggested that the default value of M A x C O N n E C T I O N s is 100,000.

Change login annotations for an IIS service

Some I I S services provide a connection message that it will be sent when it is successful. You can modify the registry as follows, customize universal messages: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Tree controls using the left window to locate the System / C Urrent C ontrol S et / s Ervices / [S E RVICE NAME] / P Arameters sub-item, where [S e rvice name] refers to the MSFTPSVC that provides FTP services. GophersVC for G Opher service, W 3 SVC for WWW / HTTP services. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) targeted to the entry value S e r v e r C o m m e n t a. The string editor value S e r v e r C o m m e n t a welcome message to a customized. It is to create a "value added" | prompt If the value of S e r v e r C o m m e n t does not exist, then you can use "Edit." Change Access Denied Messages for WWW IIS Services

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that you can configure is a message that is sent when a user's H t-TP access is rejected. You can change the value of A C C E S D E N i E D M E S S A G E to a simple H t m L string that contains an instructions for reporting issues. To modify the value of A c c e sd d e n i e d M e s A g e, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value A c c e sd d e n i e d m e s s a g e is positioned. Using the string editor to change the value of the A c c e sd D e n i e d m e s s a g e to customized messages, for example, explain how to report the wrong H t m l text. Tip H T M L does not need to be wrapped and enrolled.

Allow guests to log in to use WWW IIS services

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting you can configure with whether W W W is allowed to log in to use the G u e s T account. To access this registry setting, you can follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value A l O W g u e s t a c c e s s is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of A L O W G u e S t a c c e s s to 1, allowing a guest to log in; change to 0, prohibiting logging in a guest. It is suggested that the default value of A L O W G U E S t a c c e s s is 1. If the value a l o W g u e s t a c c e s is does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value. WARNING Login usually has a high level of access. They should only be allowed when all possible users are considered to be suitable for use of this type of access. Enable IIS ISAPI extended memory cache

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry that you can configure to control I S A P i extension is reloaded by a cache or each call. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value C a c H e e x t e n s i o n s is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of C A C HE EE x T E N S I O N s to 0, prohibiting the use of a cache; change to 1 to enable a cache. It is suggested that the default value of C A C HE E E X T E N S I O N s is 1. If the value C A c h e e x t e n s i o N is does not exist, then you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value. WARNING Close I S A P i extended cache will greatly reduce system performance. Therefore, it can only be disabled when positioning problems, and then re-enabled.

Prevent IIS WWW service files from using agent file cache

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that you can configure to control the ability of the proxy server to disable file cache (prevent frequently changing files that are not properly cached). To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry is positioned to the value g l o b a l e x p i r e. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of G L O B A L E X P I R E to 0 to ensure that the agent file cache is not used. Tip If the value g L O B A L e x P i r e does not exist, then you can use "Edit" | Add Value to create it. Allow successful WWW IIS service request to write to log files

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry key to allow you to control whether the successful H t t request is written to the log file. Enabling this setting will allow you to track communication of the H t t p server, but this will also generate a much larger log file. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value L O g S u c c e s f ul r e q u e s t s are positioned. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of L O g s u c e s f u L R e q u e s t s to 1, allowing write to log files; changed to 0, prohibiting writing. Tip If the value L O g S u c c e s f ul r e q u e s t s does not exist, then you can create it using "Edit" | Add Value.

Allow unsuccessful WWW IIS service request to write to log files

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting (L O g e r R O R R E Q u E E E E E E E S TI) Controls Whether to write the wrong H t t p request to the log file. Enabling L O g e r R o R R e q u e s t s will allow you to track communication of the H t t p server, but this will also generate a much larger log file. To access this registry setting, you can follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entries of the value L o g e r R O R R e q u e s T s are positioned. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of L O g e r R r r R e q u e s t s to 1, allowing write to log files; changed to 0, prohibiting writing. Tip If the value logerrorRequests does not exist, then you can use "Edit" | Add Value to create it. Allow WWW IIS services to use ODBC database connection pools

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that allows IDC (Internet Database Connector, I N TEM N e t database connector) and ODBC (Open Database Connectivity, open database connection) connection pool and reuse to avoid re-creating the load generated by the database connection. To access this registry setting, you can follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value P O L I d C C O N n e C T I O N s is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of P O O L i D C C O N n E C T I O N s to 1, allowing the connection pool to be enabled; changed to 0, prohibiting the use of the connection pool. Tip If the value P O L i d C C O N e c t i o N is does not exist, then you can use the Edit | Add Value to create it.

ODBC connection pool to prevent WWW IIS services

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. As introduced in the previous direct solution, you can configure the registry to allow the connection pool and reuse of the IDC (Internet Database Connector, I NTERNET Database Connector), and ODBC (Open Database Connectivity, open database connection) to avoid recreation The load generated by the database connection. The registry also contains how long it is placed in the pool before being turned off. This setting may need to be increased to accommodate slow connection. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value P O L I d C C O N E C T I O N s Ti M e O U T is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of P O O L i D C C C O N n E C T I O N STI M e O U t to a larger second, preventing a connection pool during a slow network. It is suggested that the default value of P O O L i d C C O N N E C T I O N S Ti M E O U T is 3 0 seconds. O D B C connection pool must be enabled before you can use this feature. If Value P O L i D C C C O N E C T I O N S TI M e O U T does not exist, then you can create it using "Edit" | Add Value. Preventing the CGI scripts from WWW IIS services to timeout on slow network

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting to determine how long I I s will wait for the response of the C G i script. For slow networks, you may need to adjust the wait time. To do this, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value S c R I P T Ti M e O U T is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of S C R I P Ti M e O U t to a higher millisecond value to accommodate the slow network. It is suggested that the default value of S C R I P T Ti M e O U T is 3 8 4, and its value ranges from 1 to 8 0 0 0 0 0 0. If the value s c r i p t ti m e o is does not exist, then you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value.

Set the SSL port of WWW IIS service

I I S's H t t p / w w W service Saves a lot of critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that specifies the port used for the S s L connection used for e-commerce. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the left window to locate the SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / W3SVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value S e c u R e p O R t. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of S e c ur e p O R t to the value of the S S1 desired to use. It is suggested that the default value of S e C U R E P O R T is 0 x 1 b. If the value s e c ur e P O R T does not exist, then you can create it using "Edit" | Add Value. Disable guest access to IIS FTP services

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that specifies whether the F t P login is allowed to use the guest account. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / FTPSVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value A l O W g u e s t a c c e s s is positioned. Use the D WO R D editor to change the value of A L O W G u e S t a c c e s s to 1, allowing a guest to log in; change to 0, prohibiting logging in a guest. It is suggested that the default value of A L O W G U E S t a c c e s s is 1. If the value a l o W g u e s t a c c e s is does not exist, you can create it with "Edit" | Add Value. WARNING Login usually has a high level of access. They should only be allowed when all possible users are considered to be suitable for use of this type of access.

Disable IIS FTP Keep-Alive Negotiation

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting to control whether the F t P service uses the KEEP-alive negotiation. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S Y t e m / c u R R E N t / s e r v i c e S / F T P S V C / P A R A m e t E R S child item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value A L O W k e e p A l i v E. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of A L O W k E E P A L i V E to 0, prohibiting FTP Keep-Alive negotiation; change to 1, allow. It is suggested that the default value of A L O w k e p A L i V e is 1. WARNING Close K E E P - A L I v E negotiation will greatly affect the performance of the F t p server. Change greetings message for IIS FTP service

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting specifies greet messages that are sent when the user successfully logs in to the F t P service. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S Y t e m / c u R R E N t / s e r v i c e S / F T P S V C / P A R A m e t E R S child item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value G R e e t I n g m e s s a g e is positioned. Use the string editor to change the value of G R e e t I n g M e s s a g e to your company's custom message.

Change the exit message for IIS FTP service

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting specifies that the message issued when the user successfully logs out of the F T P service. To configure the logout message to the F t P user, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S Y t e m / c u R R E N t / s e r v i c e S / F T P S V C / P A R A m e t E R S child item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value e x i t m e s s a g e is positioned. Use the string editor to change the value of e x i t m e s s a g e to your company's custom message. Allow logging of non-anonymous IIS FTP login information

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls whether the non-anonymous login information is recorded to the event log of the F T P service. To access this registry setting, you can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select Run. Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / FTPSVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of the value L O g n n n n o n y M O U S is positioned. Use the D WO R d editor to change the value of L O g n n N o N y M O U S to 1, allowing recording of non-anonymous login information; changed to zero, disable recording. It is suggested that the default value of L O g n n N o N y M o U is 1.

Allow lowercase files in IIS FTP operations

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls whether you can use lowercase and uppercase characters in the F t P file. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / FTPSVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value L o W e r C A S e f i l e s is positioned. Using the D WO R D Editor to change the value of L O W E R C A S E F I L E S to 1, allow lowercase file names to be compared; change to zero, the lowercase file name is prohibited. It is suggested that the default value of L O W E R C A S e f i l E S is 0. Change the Too Many Connections message for IIS FTP service

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting specifying a message when the F TP service refuses to connect when the maximum number of its current connection is reached. To access this message, you can follow these steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S Y S Y t e m / c u R R E N t / s e r v i c e S / F T P S V C / P A R A m e t E R S child item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning the value m a x c l i e n t s m e s a g e. Use the string editor to change the value of M a X C L I e n T s M e s S A g e to your company.

Allow directory output for IIS FTP services for MS-DOS mode

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting that controls the directory output to the F t p customer uses the M s - D O S format or U N i x format. To access this registry setting, you can follow the steps below: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / FTPSVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) Position the entry to the value M s D O S D i R O U T P U t. Use the D WO R D Editor to change the value of M s D O S D I R O U T P U t to 1, enable M s - D O S style directory list; change to 0, enable U N i x style directory list. Tip: The default value of M S D O S D i R O U T P U t is 1. Allow IIS FTP service pre-read

I I S's F t P service saves many critical parameters in the registry. There is a registry setting to save the number of bytes of the buffer before the Control is forwarded to the F t P client. To access this registry value, you can follow the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to locate the System / CurrentControlSet / Services / FTPSVC / Parameters sub-item. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry to the value U P L O A D r e a d a H e a d. Use the D WO R d editor to transfers the value of U P L O A D R E A D A H E A D to the number of bytes read before transmitting control to the application. Tip U P L O A D R E A D A H E D The default value is 48 000, and its range ranges from 0 to 80 000 000.


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