Deeper Win2000 Registry (12) Windows 2000 Help

zhaozj2021-02-08  232

Windows 2000 Help

Introduction Windows 2000 is the first primary operating system version of M i C R O S O F T. Because hypertext help are based on H t m L, it has the ability to include activity content, so Windows 2000 adds a powerful troubleshooting system in the help system. At the same time, hypertext help inherit the characteristics of very useful context-sensitive help from Wi N H E L P era and "What is this" help. Many of the key features of Windows 2000 help relies on the registry entry, we will introduce these entries in the direct solutions of this chapter.

Windows 2000 Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Hypertext Help Systems include a powerful new feature called Troubleshooter (T R O U B L E S H O O O T E R). You can help you solve many aspects of questions, including: 16-bit Wi NDOWS program. Blue screen (system crash). Blue screen (system crash). Blue screen (system crash). Hardware compatibility Network. Modem. Display. TCP / IP

What is another feature from the early Wi N D o W S helping the system is "What's this?) Help. This help feature typically appears near the "Off", "Minimize" button of the dialog in the form of a small button. Click "What is this" button opens a special cursor. Next, when you click a user interface element, a pop-up help window opens and gives a simple description of the element. Figure 1 2 - 2 shows "What is this" help in operation.

Context sensitive helps old Wi N h e l p system a better feature is based on your requirements to accurately position a location of a big help file. Hypertext help keep this ability.

Hypertext help

Old Wi N h E l P systems use only H L P files. Most users can quickly know the file extension and understand that the H l P file should be avoided. Hypertext help use three different file types: C H m, C H i and D S Z. Each file type plays a different role in hypertext help systems. 1. CHM file C h m, which is Compiled Hypertext Material, is the main data file for the help system. Double-click the C H m file to open it in a hypertext helper application. 2. The CHI file C h i file is an index file for the C H m document. The C H i file can generate the tree control on the left in Hypertext Help Viewer. If you delete or move the C H i file, then its main C H m file is still open, but no more browsing is no longer available. 3. The DSZ file D S z file is a script file for Windows 2000 troubleshooter. They interact with C H m and C H i files based on the answer to a question displayed. Move or delete the D s z file will make troubleshooters.

Positioning troubleshooting program installation directory

Almost all Windows 2000 troubleshooters are placed in a place. If this folder is renamed, moved or deleted, then the troubleshooter will stop working immediately. To recover the troubleshooting program that cannot work because of this reason, the system administrator can modify the registry with the following steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S O F T W A R E / M I C R O S O F T / Ts H O O T Chub. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The entry of positioning the value F u L L p A t h to r e s o U r C e. Make sure the F u L L p A T h TO R E S O U R C is points to an effective position. If this is not the case, change the location or recover the contents of the folder from the backup. Repair disconnection troubleshoot connection relationship

Troubleshooting procedures are actually a file of collaborative work, all files are bundled with a registry entry. Deleting these files or change this registry entry will disconnect this necessary connection relationship. Fortunately, the system administrator can easily restore the connection relationship using the following technique. 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Position the tree control using the left window to the S O f T / Ts HO TE / TR O U B L E S HO O t / TR OE S / [N A M E] sub-item, where [N a M e] is the name of the troubleshooting program that has occurred. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) View value f n a m e and p A T h entry. Make sure they point to an existing location and file. If this is not the case, the file is restored from the backup and / or changes the entry where the path is located.

Verify the installation of third-party troubleshooters

M i C R O S O f T has disclosed the format of its troubleshooting system to the Hyperplate Help developer of the third party. Therefore, this ability will be included in third-party products. If the third party's troubleshooter does not work properly, the system administrator can solve the problem correctly by checking the troublepogenerator: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S O f T / Ts HO O T / TR O U B L E S HO O O TE R L.. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) View the child in TR O U B L E S H O O T E R L I S T Item, find the name of the troubleshooter of a third-party product. If not found, it means that the troubleshooter is not installed. Otherwise, use the steps introduced by the previous direct solution to solve the problem. Repair the destroyed developer studio MSDN online help installation function

Developer Studio (also known as Visual Studio) occasionally unable to install its online help system from M S D N. The system administrator can follow the steps below to fix this error: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S O f T Wa R E / M I C R o S O F T / h T m L HE E L P C O LE.E. be used. 4) Child D e V e l O P E R C O L E C T I O N S is different because of various factors (eg, local language settings), but they have children containing values ​​f i l e n a m e. Check this entry, make sure its path is correct, if not correct, set it to the correct path used by the current Visual Studio installation.

Fixed an abnormal hypertext help window display

Sometimes (usually when the setting change is displayed), the hypertext help will become abnormal and cannot be navigated or reset correctly. System administrators can fix this error by modifying the registry by following the steps: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ L O c a l _ m a c h i n e, its sub-window display. Maximize this window for use. 3) Use the tree control of the left window to position to S O F T Wa R E / M I C R O S O F T / Windows Help Child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) According to the new display resolution, edit four value entries (X R, X L, Y R, Y L), and change them to a suitable value. Positioning hypertext help display applications

Like Wi N h e l, hypertext help is also supported by an application. If the hypertext helps stop working, you may need to figure out whether this support process has been moved or deleted. The following describes how to access the registry entry you need to view: 1) Open the Start menu and select "Run". Click the "Browse" button to start navigation until the root directory of Wi N D O W S2 0 0 0 (usually W I N N T) is found. Go to the S Y S t e m directory and find R E G E D T 3 2. E X E, select it to the dialog and click the "OK" button. The Registry Editor is launched, and all configuration units are displayed in different laminate windows, respectively. 2) Select "Window" menu item H k e y _ c l a s e s _ r o O t, its sub-window is displayed. Maximize this window for use. 3) Position the tree control using the left window to. C H m. F i l E / S H E L L / O P E N / C O m M A n D child. Click this subkey to select it, display its value in the right window. 4) The default value of the Command child is the path to the application H h. E X E, the program displays hypertext help. Check and make sure that the path is valid, and the file H h. E x e is not deleted.

Determine if the local troubleshooter is installed


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