How do Java beginners take AOP first step - use the Java dynamic agent to implement AOP (transfer)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  37

At present, the entire development community is highly supported by AOP (Aspect Oriented Program), and a large number of excellent Framework, - Spring, Jac, JBoss AOP, and more, which support AOP. AOP seems to become a trend. Java beginners can't help but make a feeling, OOP has not learned, come to AOP. This article is not to specifically explain what AOP is theory. Why do IP. To learn more about learning AOP, you can go to its Here is just a simple example to show how to make AOP.

For the sake of simplicity, the example did not use any third party AOP Framework, but using the dynamic agent function of the Java language itself to implement AOP.

Let us go back to the AOP itself, AOP is mainly used in logging, performance statistics, security control, transaction processing, etc. Its main intentions will be clearly divided into logging, performance statistics, security control, etc., and we can put these behaviors a problem to be solved by the system, which is the so-called problematic. Programming (I don't know if AOP is translated as a problem-oriented programming). Through the separation of these behaviors, we hope to be independently configured to business methods, and to changing these behaviors do not need to affect business method code.

Suppose the system is completed by a series of BusinessObject, and the system requires logging when performing a logic processing. Here we go to the specific business logic code.

Public interface businessinterface {

Public void processbusiness ();


Public Class BusinessObject Implements BusinessInterface {

Private logger logger = logger.getlogger (this.getclass (). getname ());

Public void processbusiness () {

Try { ("Start to Processing ...");

// Business logic here.

System.out.Println ("Here Is Business Logic"); ("End Processing ...");

} catch (exception e) { ("Exception Happends ...");

// Exception Handling




The code and logging code for commercial logic here are mixed here, which gives a certain difficulties to future maintenance, and also cause a lot of code repeat. The exact same LOG code will appear in every businessObject of the system.

According to AOP thinking, we should separate the logging code. To separate these code, it involves a problem, we must know when the business logic code is called so that we will insert the log record code. Generally, intercepted a method, we can use a callback method or a dynamic agent. Dynamic agents generally have to be more flexible, and most of the AOP Framework is mostly implemented by dynamic agents. Here we also use dynamic agents as an example.

JDK1.2 provides a dynamic agent support, programmers provide an execution processor by implementing the java.lant.reflect.InvocationHandler interface, then get a proxy object through java.lang.reflect.proxy, through this proxy object to execute business Method, while the business method is called, the execution processor will be automatically called.

With this support for JDK, we have to do just provide a log processor.

Public class loghandler imports invocationhandler {private logger logger = logger.getlogger (this.getclass (). getname ());

Private Object delegate;

Public logHandler (Object Delegate) {

This.deLegate = delegate;


Public Object Invoke (Object Proxy, Method Method, Object [] ARGS) Throws

Throwable {

Object o = NULL;

Try { ("Method Stats ..." Method;

o = Method.invoke (Delegate, Args); ("Method Ends ..." Method;

} catch (exception e) { ("Exception Happends ...");

// ExcetPion Handling.


Return O;



Now we can remove all log processing code in BusinessObject.

Public Class BusinessObject Implements BusinessInterface {

Private logger logger = logger.getlogger (this.getclass (). getname ());

Public void processbusiness () {

// Business processing

System.out.println ("Here Is Business Logic");


The code for the client calls the business method is as follows.

BusinessInterface businessimp = new businessObject ();

InvocationHandler Handler = New LogHandler (Businessimp);

BusinessInterface Proxy = (BusinessInterface) proxy.newproxyinstance

Businessimp.getClass (). getClassLoader (),

Businessimp.getClass (). getInterfaces (),


Proxy.ProcessBusiness ();

The program output is as follows:

Info: Method Stat ...

Here Is Business Logic Info: Method Ends ...

At this time, our first small attempt is completed. It can be seen that after using AOP, logging and business logic code are completely separated.

If you want to change the logging in the future, you only need to modify the logging processor, and the business object itself (BusinessObject) does not need to do any modifications. And this log record does not cause duplicate code, all commercial processing objects can reuse this log processor.

Of course, in practical applications, this example is too rough. Since JDK's dynamic agent does not directly support multiple InvocationHandler, then we need to do some to do it if you have a logging method to perform statistics. Generally we can define a Handler interface, then maintain a queue to store all Handler, when the InvocationHandler is triggered, we call your own handler. Fortunately, almost all AOP Framework provides good support for this. It is recommended to use brick.

Welcome to reprint in the case of retaining!


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