World's own English novels

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  38

Wang Xiwei National Library Reference Group Director

The "Contemporary Library" editorial group of 51Test51Test US Blue Light Bookstore selected a hundred English novels in this century between July 1998. This rankings are published, that is, the world's resonance and comment. Although domestic media also reported this news, but unfortunately, only the list of the top ten novels is listed, and the general readers are still unable to see all the other. The author saw the list of this hundred novels on the "American Libraries" magazine 1998, taking the Chinese name of the title of his novel author, and in general. There is a popular translationist for prioritization, if there is no Chinese, refer to the "Da Ying Baiko", "Da Mei Encyclopedia" and "Cambridge Encyclopedia" in the "Cambridge Encyclopedia", and plus the author of the country And publishing the ages, is listed after the reader or library reference. The circle of the hundred novels, the controversy is inevitably; however, this is one of the reference lists of the classic novels of this century. It is both English novels, the elected nationality, the United States, the beauty of the United States, Ireland, Hungary, the Qianda, the India, etc., the India is full of fills; if it does not see Canada, Australia and other large English-speaking countries Entry, it is regrettable. Among the top 100 books, it is selected for the UK Navigation writer, and the other, such as Joyce, Falkan, Lawrence, Foster, James, Otz, Mount Selected. Joyce's "Yuriths" is the first place, this book is selected in other units (such as the "Big English Novel" and New York Public Library of the New York Public Library "The Book of Century", etc.) also ranked the best, and the literary status can be armed. In the publication of the era, the earliest is the earliest "Jia Li sister" and "Jim Friend" in 1900; the most recent "Ziyuan Grass" in 1983; there is no selected work in 1985, it can be seen that literary works need to be Starting test. The first two phases of this issue have served the list of New York Public Libraries (175 kinds), and then compared to the basic English novels in the current period, the classics of this century, about the mid!

20th century Big English novel 1. James Joyce Ireland "Ulisses" 19222. Fs Fitzgerald) US "Trend Gatsby" 19253. Joe James Joyce Ireland's "Portrait of The Artist As a Youngman" 19164. Nabakov (Lolita) (Lolita) 19555. 赫 赫Aldous Huxley, British "Beautiful New World) 19326. William Fary 19297. Joseph Heller United States "22) (CATCH-22) 19618. Arthur Koestler Hungary's" Darkness Dark "(Dark Dark", DH Lawrence, British, British, British (Son and Lovers " And LOVER) 191310. Sintn Steinbeck, "Angry Grape" (The Grapes of Wrath) 193911. Under The Volcano 194712. Butler ( Samuel Butler) The Way of All Flesh 190313. George Orwell's "1984" (1984) 194914, Robert Graves, British "I , Claudi (I, Claudius) 193415. Virginia Woolf British "to the Lighthouse" 192716. Drai (An American Trage " Carson McCullers, "The Heart Is A Longly Heart" 194018. "Kurt Vonnegut" Slaughhouse-FIVE 196919. Ellison (Ralph Ellison) "Invisible Man" 195220. Richard Wright, "Nativeson" 194021. Henderson The Rain King 195922. Ohara (John O "

HARA) USA "APPOINTMENT IN SAMARRA) 193423. John Dos Passos US" United States "(USA) 193624. SHERWOOD Anderson" Small City Story "(Winesburg, OHIO) 191925. Em Forster Britain's" Hindu Tour "192426. The Wings of The Dove 190227 Henry James "The Ambassadors 190328. Fs Fitzgerald) US" Night Not "193429. James T. Farrell USA "Stads Lonigan-triation" 193530. Ford Madox ford, "The Good Soldier" 191531. GEORGE ORWELL "Animal Farm" 194532. James "The Golden Bowl 190433." Sister Carrie "190034. Otzte "A Handful of Dust) 193435. William Faulkner, USA, USA (AS I Lay Dying) 193036. ValentT Penn Warren, USA "All the king" S Men "194637. The Bridge of Sanluis Rey 192738. Foster (EM FORSTER) "Howards end" (the James Baldwin) "Go Tell It On The Mountain) 195340." The truth of the Grene "British (TH E Heart of the Matter 194841. Delitiam Golding Britain's "Deliver" 195442. Delivers Delivers 197043. Powell (

ANTHONY POWELL) "A dance to the music of time" 197544. Point Counter Point 192845. Hemingway ("Ernest Hemingway) Sun Also Rise 192646. The Secret Agent 190747. Joseph Conrad British "Nostroo" (Nostromo) 190448. Rainbow 191549. Lawrence (Women in love) 192050. Miller's "North" Tropic of Cancer 193451. Norman Mailer US "Naked and Dead" 194852. Rose '"Potnoy" (Portnoy "s "Pale Fire" (Pale Fire) (Pale Fire), American American (Pale Fire) (Light In August) 193255, USA. Jack Kerouac "" on the road "(on the road" 195756. The Maltese Falcon 193057. Ford Madox Ford British "Parade" S end) 192858. The Age of Innocence 192059. Bilrand (Jewrka). Zuleika Dobson 191160. Walker Percy, "The Movieg" 196161. Death Comes To Archbishop 192762. James Jones, "of the" THEN CHEEVER "in the United States (The Wapshot Chronicles) 195764. Shalinji (JD Salinger) )

"The Catcher In The Rye" 195165. Anthony Burgess British "A clockwork orange" 196266. W. somerset maugham British Human Bondage 191567. Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness) 190268. Sinclair Lewis," Main Street "(Main Street) 192069. Warton ( "The House of Mirth" 190570. Darrell Durrell, the Alexandraia Quartet, 196071. Hughes' "Jamaica" "A high wind in jamaica) 192972. VS Naipaul, Qiarda, the" Mr. Biswas "196173. Witch (" locust) The Day of the Locust 193974. Ha Mingwei (A FAREWELL TO ARMS) 192975. Sofelyn Waugh, British "exclusive news" (SCOOP) 193876. Sitted ( "Joan" in the UK. Miss Brime of Miss Jean Brodie 196177. James Joyce Ireland's "Finnegan Wake" 193978. Rudyard Kipling UK (Kim) 190179. Fost (A room with a view) 190880. The "BRIDE SHEAD Revisited" 194581. Ang Bello US "Achi Auro" (Angle of Repose) 197183. 波 耳 (VS Naipaul) ) "Rhending" in the Bowen, the Death of the Heart 193885. Conrad (


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