The following is the code snippet: private sub page_load (Byval e as system.EventArgs) Handles mybase.load 'placed the initialization page here's user code response.write ("Function getPrivate () {" & VBCRLF For i asse integer = 1 to session ("private"). Tostring.Length Response.write ("Private"). Tostring, i, 1), i)) Next Response.write ("} ") Response.end () end sub private function menushow (byvali as integer) AS String Select case i copy 0 menushow =" Document.all ['Menu "& t &"] .style.display = ''; "& VBCRLF case 1 Menushow =" Document.all ['Menu "& T &"] .style.display =' none '; "& vbcrlf end select end function
Description: The session ("private") is the value of the permissions field removed from the database, its format is "0100", the corresponding permissions are DIV or TDs of the menu of the ID in sequential control page. Whether it is displayed, 0 is displayed, 1 is not displayed