HTC Basics (3) - Objects

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  34

PUBLIC: Component Elements ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Indicate the contents of the document with HTC.

The new content of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 LiteralContent property is a new possible value support nested, creating a nested text content element behavior.


Attribute ID is optional. Unique identifier string of the component in the component. This property is similar to the id attribute in DHTML. Lightweight is optional. Specifies whether the HTC file contains a string of the tag. If the HTC file does not contain a tag, this property should be set to true to improve the performance effect. This property is valid for any HTC file. The TRUE HTC file does not include a tag, so there is no need to parse and perform a custom label every time. These tags are defined by the HTC file and is used in the main document. False default. The HTC includes a custom label that must be parsed and manifested. These tags are defined by the HTC file and is used in the main document. LiteralContent is optional. Specifies the content contained in the custom label to be parsed and manifested, or is a string that is treated as a data island. This attribute is only valid when the HTC file defines an element behavior, and the tagname property is required. For more information, please refer time. False default. The text and label within the tag defined by the tagname property is also parsed and manifested. NESTED Internet Explorer 6 and later versions. Content Withnin The first opening and last closing of the tag defined by the Tagname attribute is what is used as a data island and is not pased or rendered. For more information, please refer to the LITERALCONTENT property. True Content WITHING THE TAG Defined by The Tagname Attribute Is Treated as a data island and is not pased or rendered. Name Options. Specifies a string of the name of the behavior submitted in the main document. Supporteditmode is optional. Specify whether the HTC file content is editable. This attribute is only valid when the HTC file is defined. True HTC file contains tags to edit. False default. The tab containing the HTC file is not editable. You can overload this property value by setting the iSconteTedITable property for each element in the HTC file to be Variant_true. Tagname is optional. Specify a string of the custom tag name, this tag is defined by the HTC file and imported into the main document. This attribute is only valid when the HTC file is defined. For more information, please refer time. URN is optional. String, in a Unified Resource Name (URN) format, so that this component is uniquely identified. Therefore, it is possible to uniquely identify when multiple behaviors occur in the same name. When an event occurs, the SRCURN property of the EVENT object is set to a URN that happens in an event.

Element information child elements have appeared at most PUBLIC: Defaults One or more times PUBLIC: ATTACH, PUBLIC: Event, Public: Method, Public: Property Remarks PUBLIC: Component element can define two distant different types of behavior. One is the connection behavior, using the Behavior Stamping Style Table (CSS) property to modify the behavior of an existing element. The second type is described in Internet Explorer 5.5, called an elemental behavior. One element behavior is used to define a custom label used in the web page as the standard HTML tag. An element behavior means creation and use of a custom label in the web page. Therefore, when the HTC file defines an element behavior, it is necessary to define the tagname property of the public: Component element. As previously indicated, some of this element is specifically designed for elemental behavior. More information clear query element behavior. When multiple behaviors are connected to the same element, the Name property is particularly useful. Because it allows you to call the properties and methods of the behavior they need in the document. If multiple behaviors in a document are connected to a element, you can use the DELAY properties of the behavior named BehavioRabc using the following format. Myspan.behaviorabc.delay = 1000; public: attach element -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- binding One function is on an event, so the function is called when each event occurs on a special object.


Attribute Event is required. Specifies a dynamic HTML (DHTML) event, or any string of the HTML component (HTC) specified by the HTML component (HTC) in the HTC reference. For options. Specifies a string in the following value to identify the event source. Document references the Document object. ELEMENT default. Reference elements of behavior connection. WINDOW references to the Window object. ID is optional. The unique identifier string of the PUBLIC: Attach element in the component. This property is similar to the id attribute in DHTML. Onevent must be selected. Direct declaration of the event handler or specified string of the in-line script.

Element Information Parent Elements PUBLIC: Component Child Elements No Note PUBLIC: Attach Elements is a statement for the Attachevent method. When the specified event occurs when the behavior is connected, the element is first called the element's event processing section, and before the active event processing. If multiple behaviors are connected to an element, the plurality of event processing sections are defined on the same event of the same element, and the function is randomly called after the element event processing section is called. When providing one value for Onevent, avoid the name of the event processing partial function that already exists in an existing DHTML event. The name of using an existing DHTML event may be recursively incorrect. The name of the event is sensitive to all scripting languages.


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