To use .NET's serialization, you must add a reference to System.xml in the solution and introduce System.xml.Serialization namespaces in the class file. This allows the various characteristics required to use serialization in the file.
If you miss the XML Serialization, please refer to yourself:
Realize the sequence of sequence in .NET
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"
= "123456">
> 2005-04-05 ORDERDATE > < Items > < Item > < Name > Object sequence Name > Item > Items > ORDER > The above example contains typical XML common elements: XML declaration, XML root node, XML node, XML property, XML collection. In addition to the XML declaration, there are corresponding features in .NET to define these elements. These features include: XMLRootttribute, XmLTyPeattribute, XmlattributeAttribute, XmlarrayAttribute, and XmlarrayItemAttribute. In addition, there are two commonly used features, XmlignoreAttribute is used to mark a portion that needs to be ignored when the object serialization is used, and XMLinCludeAttribute is used to mark the type that needs to be included when generating XML Schema. If no characteristics are explicitly tagged, the default class features the characteristics of XMLTyPeattribute, class members to XMLELEmentAttribute, and names for class or class members. E.g: Public Class ORDER Class Order Public ID AS STRING PUBLIC ORDERDATE AS STRING END CLASS If you do not do any characteristic tag, use the following code serialization: DIM o AS New ORDER WITH O.ID = 123456 .Ordad = Date .Now.toshortdateString End WITH DIM Writer AS New XMLTextWriter " ABC.XML " Encoding.utf8) DIM Serializer AS New XMLSERIALIZER ( Gettype (Order)) Writer.Formatting = Formatting.indented Serializer.Serialize (Writer, O) The serialized XML is: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < ORDER XMLns: XSD = "" XMLns: XSI = "" > < Id > 123456 Id > < ORDERDATE > 2005-4-11 ORDERDATE > ORDER > It can be seen that The XML declaration is automatically added .NET, but encoding is specified in XmlTextWriter, if you do not specify eNCoding, then the XML declaration is only XML Version = "1.0"?>. I am using .NET 1.1, only support XML 1.0 version is supported. Also, if encoding is not specified, the default encoding may also be UTF8 (not found). .NET defaults to the ORDER class adds two W3C namespaces for Xmlschema and Xmlschema-Instance. This namespace can also specify themselves, the method is another serialize method for using XMLSerializer. DIM ns AS New XMLSerializerNamespaces ns.add ( "" , "" Writer.Formatting = Formatting.indented Serializer.Serialize (Writer, O, NS) To set the class sequence to an XML node: < XMLTYPE " ORDER " ) > _ Public Class ORDER Class ORDER 'Any Code Here. End Class To set the class sequence to XML root node: < XMLROOT " ORDER " ) > _ Public Class ORDER Class ORDER 'Any Code Here. End Class When using XMLRootattribute, XMLTYPEATTRIBUTE in the class, the type in the serialization document is based on XMLRootAttribute: < XMLROOT " ORDER " ), XMLTYPE " Anotherordername " ) > _ Public Class ORDER Class ORDER 'Any Code Here. End Class To serialize the class member into an XML node: < XMlattributeAttribute ( " id " ) > _ Public Id AS String To serialize the class member as an XML property: < XMlattributeAttribute ( " id " ) > _ Public Id AS String To serialize the class member to an XML collection: < XMLROOT " ORDER " ), XMLTYPE " Anotherordername " ) > _ Public Class ORDER Class Order XMLTYPE " ORDERITEM " ) > _ Public Class ORDERITEM Class ORDERITEM PUBLIC NAME AS STRING END CLASS