Classes Shared Between MFC and ATL

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  34

Shared Visual C Classes Reference

Classes Shared Between MFC and ATL

See Also

Shared classes

The Following Table Lists The Classes Shared Between MFC and ATL.

ClassDescriptionHeader fileCFileTimeProvides methods for managing the date and time values ​​associated with a file.atltime.hCFileTimeSpanProvides methods for managing relative date and time values ​​associated with a file.atltime.hCFixedStringTRepresents a string object with a fixed character buffer.cstringt.hCImageProvides enhanced bitmap support, including the ability to load and save images in JPEG, GIF, BMP, and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) formats. atlimage.hCOleDateTimeEncapsulates the DATE data type used in OLE automation.atlcomtime.hCOleDateTimeSpanRepresents a relative time, a time span. atlcomtime.hCPointA class similar to the Windows POINT structure that also includes member functions to manipulate CPoint and POINT structures. atltypes.hCRectA class similar to a Windows RECT structure that also includes member functions to manipulate CRect objects and Windows RECT structures.atltypes.hCSimpleStringTRepresents a CSimpleStringT object. Atlsimpstr.hcsizea class similar to the wi ndows SIZE structure, which implements a relative coordinate or position. atltypes.hCStrBufTProvides automatic resource cleanup for GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer calls on a existing CStringT object.atlsimpstr.hCStringDataRepresents the data of a string object.atlsimpstr.hCStringTRepresents a CStringT object.cstringt.h ( MFC dependent) atlstr.h (MFC independent) CTimeRepresents an absolute time and date.atltime.hCTimeSpanAn amount of time, which is internally stored as the number of seconds in the time span. atltime.hIAtlStringMgrRepresents the interface to a CStringT memory manager.atlsimpstr .hsee also

Shared classes

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