Approximately a little thing written in VS7 Beta in 2001, it is not a general childish. . . The advantage is to run :), see the code to have a friend on the 9CBS to C #, I don't want to make ugly. (Convert into VS03 project)
Combinatorics.cs code list
Using system;
Using system.collections;
/// Combined Mathematical Function Set
/// summary>
Public Class Combinatorics
#Region public function
// / convert the two-dimensional array array to a data sheet
/// summary>
Public Static DataTable TwodemisionInTarrayTodataTable (int [] Source)
DataTable DT = New DataTable ();
DataRow DR;
INT b1 = source.getupperbound (0), b2 = source.getupperbound (1); // Get various dimension lengths of the two-dimensional table
FOR (i = 0; i <= b1; i ) // Create the fields of the data table with the second dimensional length
Dt.columns.add (i.tostring (), System.Type.gettype ("System.Int32"));
For (i = 0; i <= b2; i ) // Return to each return
DR = dt.newrow (); // Prepare to insert a new line
For (j = 0; j <= b1; j ) // fill in the secondary element of the return arrangement in the new row
DR [j.tostring ()] = source [j, i]; // Use the order pointer to get the value of the original element
Dt.Rows.Add (DR); // Insert a new line
Return DT;
/// Conversion function
/// summary>
Public Static Int Product (int Start, int finish)
INT factorial = 1;
For (int i = start; i <= finish; i )
Factorial * = i;
Return Factorial;
/// step-by-step function
/// summary>
Public Static Int Factorial (int N)
Return Product (2, n);
/// Arrange function
/// summary>
Public Static Int ArrangeCount (int M, int N)
Return Product (n - m 1, n);
/// Generate a row function
/// summary>
Public static int [,] arrange (int M, int N)
INT A = arrangecount (m, n); // Since the number of arrays, arrange the first dimension of the array
INT [,] arrange = new int [m, a]; // definition return array
ArrayList E = New ArrayList (); // Setting an element table
For (int i = 0; i E.Add (i 1); Arrange (Ref Arrange, E, M, 0, 0); Return Arrange; } /// /// combined number of functions /// summary> Public Static Int CombinationCount (int M, int N) { INT A = Product (n - m 1, n), b = product (2, m); // a = n-m 1 * ... * n; b = M! Return (int) a / b; // c = a / b } /// /// Generate a combined table function /// summary> Public Static Int [,] combination (int M, int N) { INT a = combinationcount (m, n); // request the number of arranging, arrange the first dimension of the array int [] combination = new int [m, a]; // definition return array ArrayList E = New ArrayList (); // Setting an element table For (int i = 0; i E.Add (i 1); Combination (Ref Combination, E, M, 0, 0); Return Combination; } #ndregion #Region internal core /// /// Arrange function /// summary> /// Return Value param> /// An array of elements available param> /// The target selected element is param> /// Current return value array column coordinate param> /// Current return value array row coordinate param> Private static void arrange (ref int [,] reslut, ArrayList Elements, Int M, INT X, INT Y) { INT SUB = ArrangeCount (M - 1, Elements.count - 1); // Requires the number of forces of the previous sub-arrangement for (INT i = 0; i { INT VAL = RemoveandWrite (Elements, I, REF RESLUT, X, Y, SUB); If (m> 1) // recursive conditions are greater than 1 Arrange (Ref Reslut, Elements, M - 1, X 1, Y); Elements.insert (i, val); // Restore the elements just deleted } } /// /// combined function /// summary> /// Return Value param> /// An array of elements available param> /// The target selected element is param> /// Current return value array column coordinate param> /// Current return value array row coordinate param> Private static void combination (ref int [,] reslut, arraylist elements, int m, int x, int y) { ArrayList TmPElements = new arraylist (); // All elements used in this loop will be temporarily stored in this array INT Elementscount = Elements.count; // Record the number of optional elements int SU; For (INT I = ElementScount - 1; I> = m - 1; I - Y = Sub) // From ElementsCount-1 (ie N-1) to M-1 cycle, move each time pointer { Sub = combinationcount (m-1, i); / / to see the number of front sub-combination INT VAL = RemoveandWrite (Elements, 0, Ref Reslut, X, Y, Sub); TMPELEMENTS.ADD (VAL); // store this optional element to a temporary array, and restore it to the Elements array after the loop is ended. IF (SUB> 1 || (Elements.count 1 == M && Elements.count> 0)) // Recursive conditions for sub-combiners greater than 1 or optional elements 1 equal to the current target selection element number and Optional elements are greater than 1 Combination (Ref Reslut, Elements, M - 1, X 1, Y); Elements.IsertRange (0, TMPELEMENTS); // restores the optional elements of the above loop deleted to the optional element array } /// /// Returns the optional element value specified by index, and delete it in the array, then start from the Y row in the X column to continuously write SUBCOMB value /// summary> Private Static Int RemoveandWrite (ArrayList Elements, Int Index, Ref Int ", INT X, INT Y, INT Count) { INT VAL = (int) Elements [index]; Elements.Removeat (Index); For (int i = 0; i RESLUT [X, Y I] = VAL; Return Val; } #ndregion } Test Forms FRMTEST.CS code list: Using system; Using system.drawing; Using system.collections; Using system.componentmodel; Using; Using; Namespace Combinatoricslib { /// /// Form1 summary description. /// summary> Public class frmtest: System.Windows.Forms.form { Private Gridshow; Private Numm; Private Btngo; Private domainfunction; Private statusbar1; Private panelrrmsg; Private Numn; /// /// The required designer variable. /// summary> Private system.componentmodel.Container Components = NULL; Public fmtest () { // // Windows Form Designer Support // InitializationComponent (); // // Todo: Add any constructor code after INITIALIZECOMPONENT call // } /// /// Clean all the resources being used. /// summary> Protected Override Void Dispose (Bool Disposing) { IF (Disposing) { IF (Components! = NULL) { Components.dispose (); } } Base.dispose (Disposing); } #Region Windows Form Designer Generated Code /// /// This method is content. /// summary> Private vidinitiRizeComponent () { This.gridshow = new (); THIS.DOMAINFunction = new (); This.Numm = new (); THIS.NUMN = New (); THIS.BTNGO = New (); This.statusbar1 = new (); This.PaNelerrmsg = new (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (). BeginInit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.Numm). Begininit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.NUMN)). Begininit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportinitialize) (this.PaNelerrmsg)). Begininit (); THIS.SUSPENDLAYOUT (); // // GridShow // this.gridshow.alternatingbackbackcolor = system.drawing.color.lavender; THIS.GRIDSHOW.BACKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.whitesmoke; THIS.GRIDSHOW.BACKGROUNDCOLOR = system.drawing.color.lightgray; This.gridshow.Borderstyle =; THIS.GRIDSHOW.CAPTIONBACKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.lightsteelblue; THIS.GRIDSHOW.CAPTIONFORECOLOR = system.drawing.color.midnightBlue; THIS.GRIDSHOW.DATAMEMBER = ""; THIS.GRIDSHOW.FLATMODE = TRUE; This.gridshow.font = new system.drawing.font ("tahoma", 8f); THIS.GRIDSHOW.FORECOLOR = system.drawing.color.midnightBlue; THIS.GRIDSHOW.GRIDLINECOLOR = system.drawing.color.gainsboro; THIS.GRIDSHOW.GRIDLINESTYLE = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridLineStyle.none; THIS.GRIDSHOW.HeaderbackColor = system.drawing.color.midNightBlue; This.gridshow.headerfont = new system.drawing.font ("tahoma", 8f, system.drawing.fontstyle.bold; this.gridshow.headerforeColor = system.drawing.color.whitesmoke; THIS.GRIDSHOW.LINKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.teal; THIS.GRIDSHOW.LOCATION = New System.drawing.Point (24, 88); THIS.GRIDSHOW.NAME = "GridShow"; This.gridshow.parentrolsbackcolor = system.drawing.color.gainsboro; This.gridshow.parentrowsforecolor = system.drawing.color.midnightBlue; THIS.GRIDSHOW.READONLY = true; This.gridshow.selectionbackColor = system.drawing.cadetBlue; this.gridshow.selectionforecolor = system.drawing.color.whitesmoke; This.gridshow.size = new system.drawing.size (648, 344); this.gridshow.tabindex = 0; // // DomainFunction // This.domaInfunction.backcolor =; This.domaInfunction.Font = New System.drawing.Font ("Song", 36F, System.drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.drawing.graphicsUnit.Point, ((System.byte) (134))); This.domaInfunction.ForeColor = system.drawing.color.teal; This.domaInfunction.Items.Add ("c"); this.domainfunction.Items.Add ("a"); this.domainfunction.location = new system.drawing.point (24, 8); = "domainfunction"; THIS.DOMAINFunction.Readonly = true; this.domainfunction.size = new system.drawing.size (48, 62); this.domainfunction.tabindex = 1; this.domainfunction.text = "c"; // // Numm // THIS.NUMM.BACKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.peachpuff; This.Numm.font = New System.drawing.Font ("Song", 12F, System.drawing.FontStyle.regular, System.drawing.graphicsUnit.Point ((System.byte) (134)))); This.Numm.Forecolor = system.drawing.color.teal; this.numm.location = new system.drawing.point (80, 8); this.numm.maximum = new system.decimal (new int [] { 20, 0, 0, 0}); This.Numm.minimum = new system.decimal (new int "{ 1, 0, 0, 0}); THIS.NUMM.NAME = "NUMM"; THIS.NUMM.SIZE = New System.drawing.size (56, 26); THIS.NUMM.TABINDEX = 4; This.Numm.Value = new system.decimal (new int "{ 2, 0, 0, 0}); // // Numn // THIS.NUMN.BACKCOLOR = system.drawing.color.bisque; This.numn.font = new system.drawing.font ("Song", 12F); THIS.NUMN.Forecolor = system.drawing.color.teal; This.numn.location = new system.drawing.point (80, 40); this.numn.maximum = new system.decimal (new int "{ 25, 0, 0, 0}); this.numn.minimum = new system.decimal (new int [] { 1, 0, 0, 0}); THIS.NUMN.NAME = "NUMN"; This.numn.size = new system.drawing.size (56, 26); THIS.NUMN.TABINDEX = 5; This.numn.Value = new system.decimal (new int "{ 4, 0, 0, 0}); // // btngo // This.btngo.Backcolor = system.drawing.color.paleturquoise; this.btngo.location = new system.drawing.point (184, 24); THIS.BTNGO.NAME = "btngo"; This.btngo.size = new system.drawing.size (88, 32); this.btngo.tabindex = 6; this.btngo.text = "go!"; = new system.eventhandler (this.btngo_click); // // statusbar1 // THIS.STATUSBAR1.LOCATION = New System.drawing.Point (0, 453); THIS.STATUSBAR1.NAME = "statusbar1"; THIS.STATUSBAR1.PANELS.Addrange (new [] { This.Panelerrmsg}); THIS.STATUSBAR1.SHOWPANELS = TRUE; This.statusbar1.size = new system.drawing.size (704, 32); this.statusbar1.tabindex = 7; THIS.STATUSBAR1.TEXT = "statusbar1"; // // panelrrmsg // This.PaNelerrmsg.autosize =; This.PaNelerrmsg.Text = "iDLE"; this.PaNelerrmsg.width = 39; // // frmtest // THIS.AUTOSCALEBASESIZE = New System.drawing.size (6, 14); This.ClientSize = New System.drawing.size (704, 485); This.Controls.add (this.statusbar1); This.Controls.Add (this.btngo); This.Controls.add (this.numn); This.Controls.add (this.numm); This.Controls.add (this.domainfunction); This.Controls.add (this.gridshow); THIS.MAXIMIZEBOX = FALSE; = "frmtest"; This.startPosition = THIS.TEXT = "frmtest"; (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.Gridshow). Endinit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.Numm). Endinit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.numn)). Endinit (); (System.comPonentModel.isupportInitialize) (this.PaNelerrmsg). Endinit (); This.ResumeLayout (false); } #ndregion /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// summary> [Stathread] Static void main () { (new frmtest ()); } Private void btngo_click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E) { int [,] reslut; INT M = (int) Numm.Value, n = (int) Numn.value; IF (m <= n) { PaneLerrmsg.Text = "Running ..."; IF (domainfunction.text == "a") RESLUT = Combinatorics.Arrange (M, N); Else Reslut = Combinatorics.combination (m, n); Paneelerrmsg.Text = "Showing ..."; Gridshow.datasource = Combinatorics.twodemisionInTaRrayTodataTable (reslut); PaneLerrmsg.Text = "iDLE"; } Else PaneLerrmsg.Text = "Input Number is invalid"; } } } The operation is as shown in the figure: It feels nothing to talk nonsense, using the DataTable output to facilitate the enumeration of the binding entity value (such as the attack dictionary). The highcomers have laughed.