CWINAPP members

zhaozj2021-02-08  300

CWINAPP members

Data Members Constructed Function Operator Overloaded Function Initialization Command Operation

Data member

m_pszappname Specifies the application's name m_hinstance identifies the current instance of the application M_HPREVINSTANCE in the 32-bit application to nullm_lpcmdline points to a string ending with NULL, specifying the application line m_ncmdshow specifies how to display the window m_bhelpmode Whether the user is in a HELP context mode (usually using SHIFT F1 activation) m_pactiveWnd When an OLE server is activated, it points to the module name of the main window M_PSZEXENAME application for the container application M_pszhelpFilePath application Help file M_PSZProfilename application The .ini file name m_pszregistryKey is used to determine the complete registry key for the main setting of the application.


CWINApp constructs a CWINAPP object


LoadCursor loads the cursor resource loadStandardCursor loaded in Windows.h IDC_ constant designated Windows predefined cursor loadoemcursor loaded in Windows.h OCR_ constant designated Windowsoem predefined cursor loadicon Load icon Resource loadStandard loading Windows.h The Windows predefined icon specified by IDi_ constants LoadOemicon loads the Windowsoem predefined icon RunAutomated check the application's command line to specify the / Automation option. Needless. You should use the value Runembedded to check if the value of the value in ccommandlineinfo :: m_brunembedded after calling ParseCommandline. Needless. After the call should be used CCommandLineInfo ParseCommandLine :: m_bRunEmbedded values ​​of parameters and flags ParseCommandLine parses each command line ProcessShellCommand process command line arguments and flags GetProfileInt acquiring an integer from one inlet WriteProfileInt .INI file the application will be an integer Write the application of the application. INI file GetProfileString Gets a string WriteProfileString from an entry of the application's .ini file to write a string to the application. Init AddDdDoCtemplate to add a document template to the application The available Document Template list GetFirstDoCtemplatePosition gets the location of the first document template to get the location of the document template. You can recursively call the OpenDocumentFile by the framework to open a document from the file to add a file name to the recently used (MRU) file list Selectprinter Select the printer created by the user in the print dialog box to create a printer device GetPrinterDeviceDefaults Default printer equipment

Overloaded function

InitInstance can be overloaded to perform Windows instance initialization, such as creating a window object RUN running default message loop. You can be overloaded to customize the message loop OnIdle can be overloaded to process the application specified by the application to process the exitInstance can be overloaded to perform the clerution operation when the application ends HideApplication to hide the application closeAllDocuments before closing all documents. Close All Open documents PreTranslateMessage in the message is dispatched to the Windows function :: filter messages SaveAllModified prompt before TranslateMessage and :: DispatchMessage user to save all changes to application documents DoMessageBox achieve AfxMessageBoxProcessMessageFilter intercept specific messages ProcessWndProcException interception application before the message reaches the application The message and command handle the unrextusted exception Dowaitcursor turned on or off Wait a Cursor OndDecommand Framework to call this function to respond to dynamic data exchange (DDE) execution command WinHelp calls Windows WinHelp function initialization

LoadStdProfileSettings loads standard .ini file settings and allows MRU file list feature SetDialogbkcolor Settings dialogging and message box default background color setRegistryKey Saves the application's settings in the registry, instead of .ini files EnableShellopen Allow users to pass Windows File Manager Open Data File Registershellfiletypes Register all application document Type Enable3DControls enable control to have three-dimensional appearance (dynamic library) enable3DControlsStatic enables control with three-dimensional appearance (static library)

Command operation

OnFileNew achieve ID_FILE_NEW command OnFileOpen achieve ID_FILE_NEW command OnFilePrintSetup achieved within ID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP SHIFT command OnContextHelp processing applications within the F1 Command F1 OnHelp processing applications help command (using the current context) OnHelpIndex processing ID_HELP_INDEX command, provide default processing Help topics OnHelpFinder ID_HELP_FINDER and ID_DEFAULT_HELP Commands Onhelpusing Processing ID_HELP_USING Command See CWINAPP overview | Base Class Members | Hierarchy Chart


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