AdopenForwardonly 0 Starts only a cursor for forward-only, default
AdoPenKeyset 1 Camper to launch the keyset
AdoPENDYNAMIC 2 Start the Dynamic type cursor
AdoPenStatic 3 Start the Static type cursor
The LockType parameter represents the LOCK type used.
Regular constant value
AdlockReadonly 1 starts with read-only mode, unable to run AddNew, Update, Delete and other methods, default
AdlockPESSIMISTIC 2 When the data is being updated, the system will temporarily lock other users.
Action to ensure data consistency
AdlockOptimistic 3 When the data is being updated, the system will not temporarily lock the action of other users.
AdlockBatchOptimistic 4 When the data is being updated, other users must set the CURSORLOCATION property to adusebatch to operate the database.
The Options parameter represents the type of database request.
Regular constant value
The COMMANDTEXT parameter type specified by AdcmDunkNown -1 cannot be determined, the default value
ADCMDTEXT 1 The commandText parameter specified is a general command type.
The CommandText parameter specified by AdcmdTable 2 is a table name existing.
The CommandText parameter specified by AdcmdStoredProc 3 is the Stored Procedure Table Name