OLE SDK - Frame Interface (1)

zhaozj2021-02-08  252


The IoleinplaceFrame interface control is the top-level frame window of the container. The control involves allowing the container to insert it into its menu group to the composite menu, install the composite menu in the appropriate window frame and remove the vessel menu tag. It sets and displays the status text to the associated in-place. It also activates or disables the non-mode dialog box of the frame, and is expected to translate across the container frame.

When is it realized?

If you want to write a container application activated in place (in-place), you will need to implement this interface.

When will I use?

This interface is used by the object application to display and arrange the composite menu, the key accelerate the translation, context-related help mode and the non-mode dialog box.

Method in the V table (VTABLE) sequence

IUNKNOWN Method Description QueryInterface returns a pointer to the specified interface. AddRef increases the number of Release reduces references

IoleWindow method describes getWindow gets a window handle. The ContextSensitiveHelp control uses context-related help available.

IoleinplaceUiWindow method describes getBorder translation messages. The status of the REQUESTBORDERSPACE container top-level framework. SetBorderspace The status of the container document window. SetActiveObject is careful that the needed object adjusts the spacing of the border.

The IOleinplaceFrame method describes the InsertMenus allows the container to insert the menu. SetMenu Add a composite menu to the window frame. Removemenus removing a menu tag of a container. SetStatusText Setup and Display Status Text. EnableModeless activates or prohibits non-mode dialogs. TranslateAccelerator translation accelerator.

Quick information

Windows NT: 3.1 or higher. Windows: Windows 95 or higher. Windows CE: does not support. HEADER: Oleidl.h.


IoleWindow, IoleinplaceuiWindow


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