JavaScript Window Function Guide Create Dialog
(Author: hear the wind compiler 2001 at 11:35 on January 19)
JavaScript supports several built-in dialogs: Window.Art (), Window.confirm (), and Window.Prompt (). When a dialog is pop-up, the user cannot focus on the initial page unless the dialog operation ends. In other words, the dialog is always focused. Internet Explorer supports some ways to use them to apply them on any new window: ShowModalDialog () (Internet Explorer 4 and above) ShowModelessDialog () (Internet Explorer 5 and Above) The following is the syntax of these methods: vreturnValue = Window.ShowModaldialog (SURL [, Varguments]); vreturnValue = Window.showModelessDialog (SURL [, Varguments] [, SFEATURES]); the first parameter is a string, which specifies loading in a new window and The document URL is displayed. The second parameter, Varguments, is a Variant, which specifies the command to display the document. When using this parameter, you can pass any type of array or value. The dialog can pass the value to the caller from the Dialogarguments property of the Window object. When a new window is opened by one of the methods, the new window (dialog box) is closely written with the Dialogarguments property, which contains the value of the Varguments parameter assigned to the call method. Let's take a look at the following statement: Window.ShowModalDialog ("MODALURL.HTML", Window; note that the second command parameter is actually the Window object of the current browser window.
Below is the code: