Oracle 9.2.0 Installing on Linux 9.0

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  40

1. Preparation before installation, this part can be performed under the character terminal. Install the required package and packets: to play before running RunInstaller. Fixed the patch of the Agent error. Truncate 3238244 patch required. The following 1 ~ 7 is logged in with root users, 8 9 Take Oracle login. 1. Package required for installation Views whether there are several packages in the system: Compat-libstdc - 7.3-2.96.122 Compat-GCC-C - 7.3-2.96.122 Compat-libstdc - DEVEL-7.3-2.96. 122 Compat-DB-4.0.14-5 Compat-GCC-7.3-2.96.122 Tcl-devel-8.3.5-92.i386.ipm (this is not needed) OpenMotiF21-2.1.30-8 (this is not needed) ) Setarch-1.3-1 (this is not needed) other related packages (may need when installing the above package): glibc-kemheadsers-2.4-8.34.i386.2-95.20.i386.rpm Glib-DereL-2.3.2-95.20.i386.rpm or more packages, if not, find the related RPM files from the RHAS3U2 CD3 and CD4, log in to the root user and password # groupAdd Oinstall (in Installing Oracle When UNIX Group Name: OinsTall # groupAdd DBA # Userdd -g OinsTall -g DBA Oracle # passwd Oracle Log in, copy all files on Oracle on the Oracle home directory with Oracle users.

3, Preparing for Directory: # mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0 # mkdir / var / opt / oracle # chown oracle.dba / var / opt / oracle # chown -r oracle.dba / opt / oracle 4, set the kernel parameters, adjust the signal light and shared memory: modify the /etc/sysctl.conf this file, add the following statement: kernel.shmmax = 2147483648 kernel.shmmni = 2097152 kernel.Sem = 250 32000 100 128 fs.file-max = 65536 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000 SEM 4 parameters are SEMMSL in turn (the maximum number of semapons of each user); SEMMNS (maximum number of system semaphors); SemOPM (per SEMOPM system call operation Number; SemMni (the number of system has a maximum number of hardships). SHMMAX maximum shared memory, the official document suggestion is the 1/2 SHMMMNI minimum shared memory 4096kb. SHMALL all memory size. 5. Set the requirements of Oracle pairs: : /Etc/security/limits.conf Add to the following statement: Oracle Soft Nofile 65536 Oracle Hard NPROC 16384 Oracle Hard Nproc 16384 6, GCC Dictionary #SU - Root #mv / USR / BIN / GCC / USR / BIN / GCC323 #LN -S / USR / BIN / GCC296 / USR / BIN / GCC #MV / USR / BIN / G / USR / BIN / G 323 #LN -S / USR / BIN / G 296 / USR / BIN / G 7, log in to the root user PTT patch installation: #CD / home / oracle #unzip #CD 3006854 #SH RHE13_PRE_INSTALL.SH APPLY ING PATCH ... PATCH SUCCESSFULLIED 8, log in with Oracle users, set the Oracle user's environment to open the .bash_profile file, join: export oracle_base = / opt / oracle export oracle_home = / OPT / Oracle / Product / 9.2.0 export PATH = $ PATH: $ ORACLE_HOME / bin: $ ORACLE_HOME / Apache / Apache / bin export ORACLE_OWNER = oracle export ORACLE_SID = boss export ORACLE_TERM = xterm export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = 2.4.1 export THREADS_FLAG = native export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: $ ORACLE_HOME / LIB EXPORT NLS_LANG = American_america.zHS16GBK EXPORT ORA_NLS33 =

$ ORACLE_HOME / ocommon / nls / admin / data 9, log on to the oracle, the release of the installation files #zcat ship_9204_linux_disk1.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv #zcat ship_9204_linux_disk2.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv #zcat ship_9204_linux_disk3.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv This step will generate three folders: Disk1, Disk2, Disk3, start formal installation, this part must be done under xwindow. During the installation process, it is recommended to open 2 terminal windows 1, open a window, switch to root user export oracle_base = / opt / oracle export oracle_home = / opt / oracle / product / 9.2.0 (Oracle is installed in these locations) 2, New open, first switch to the root user, then execute #xhost (XHOST Disable Access Control, the client can connect from any host) This command is used to ensure that the Oracle user calls X11, otherwise it will not be installed and then switch to Oracle users # Su - Oracle #Export Lang = En_us runs in the Oracle home directory: # / home / Oracle / Disk1 / RunInstaller During the installation process: 1. Let you enter unix group name: oinstall in the installation 2. Select in the installation Software ONLY Don't build a database 3, patch: switch to root's terminal (maintain Oracle_Home, Oracle_Base's environment variable Terminal): First Install Opatch. #CD / Home / Oracle #unzip archive: Creating: Opatch / create / inflating: opatch / docs / faq ... inflaning: readme.txt #EXPORT path = $ path: / home / oracle / opatch: / sbin (to modify the PATH Compressed opatch and sbin directory) # unzip # CD 3238244 # opatch Apply If hom variable error can be executed: #EXPORT ORACLE_BASE = / OPT / Oracle #Export Oracle_Home = / OPT / Oracle / Product / 9.2.0 Success's prompts are all installed successfully. After the patch is finished, it will be relinked one .mk file, switch to Oracle User Window CD $ Oracle_Home / Network / Lib Make -f Instal After l, you can start the Agent service to finally switch to the Oracle terminal, perform the #dbca to build an Oracle database If DBCA is executed, the error exits, modify the file /op/dbca, comment out 118, 121, 123, 124, I also tried to install JDK, pointing the JRE path to this, or solve the problem.


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