Under the Delphi database application, the reason / solution:
Data Perceived Control DataSource Attributes Not set or set up an error (link to other DataSource)
Cause: Do not change carefully when designing, the copy paste is not changed
There is no data in the standard code when testing, and it is impossible to test.
Solve: Determine the order of the table that needs to be input, in order to enter the test data, then test
When data is filtered in WWFilterDialog, the fields of the field list should be displayed not displayed, it is inconvenient to enter
Solve: Judgment field, find the list of coded fill fields
Fields that are not found when running programs
Reason: The database has been changed, and the list of DataSet is not updated.
When using DBGRID to display data, for easy reading, single line and odd lines show different colors, when browsing data, the DBGRID data is not enough, the color of single line and odd line cannot be displayed correctly.
Reason: There are more lookup fields in Dataset's Datasource's DataSouce
Solve: Take some find fields to remove
Form title
Reason: Not carefully checked after design
Solve: Change to Chinese
DBNAVIGATOR "Refresh" button Click to make an error
Reason is unknown
Solve: Remove the button
DBNAVigator used with DXDBGRID, when the DXDBGRID mode is loadAll, the navigation button is different from the expected way.
Reason: DXDBGRID is inconsistent with DataSet in loadall mode
Solve: Remove the partial buttons in navigation
DBNAVIGATOR "" Refresh "error corresponding to the data set obtained by the stored procedure
Reason: Unclear
Solve: Remove the button
After the form show, after entering the data editing, the data set does not open when some find fields edit
Cause: There is a problem with the order of data sets.
Solve: Adjust the open order of the dataset, let the code data forward to open
There is no error in the stored procedure
Cause: Rename the database stored procedure
Solve: Change the name of the storage program in DataSource
WWFilterDialog's header blank
Solve: Change to the title related to the data set, such as the "Screening Plan"
When the form is designed at 1024 * 768, even if the form is 800 * 600, the content in the form is 800 * 600, the content in the form cannot be displayed all.
Solve: 1024 * 768 Reserve a certain space when designing 800 * 600
Reason: Unknown
DXDBGRID cannot be edited when dragging a field to a packet bar: The current record in DXDBGRID is inconsistent with the current record of the data perceived control.
Solve: The two are implemented in different parts, not in the same form.
"General SQL ERROR" error
Cause: Unknown. However, it was found that there were a lot in FormShow. When trying to turn some tables, the error disappears, and the unenfoliated table does not disappear.
(After the system sleeps), when the database is connected (the user, the password is correct), there is an error, but the second time is normal.
Reason: Unknown
Open / save dialog box does not set filter criteria
Solve: Set reasonable filter, defaultext
Disobey fault measures are not perfect. (If the input data (number) is wrong, no alarm is resolved: verify the correctness before saving, set Mask
Data Perception Controls DBCOMBOBOX should be able to select and enter the input box, and cannot be input.
Solve: Change the style attribute as csdropdown
Other more general questions:
Modal dialog, ESCAPE key does not work
Solve: Reasonable Setting Button's Canceled Properties
Modal dialog box, enter the key to the default
Solve: Reasonable Setting Button's default properties
The focus jump order is irregular with the Tab key
Solve: Set the Taborder property of the control