OLE SDK - Frame Interface (4): ioleinplaceframe :: EnableModeless

zhaozj2021-02-08  263

IoleinplaceFrame :: EnableModeless

Activate or disable a frame of non-moderate dialog box.

HRESULT ENABLEMODELESS (Bool Fenable // Activates or prohibits non-mode dialog window);



Specify false prohibited non-mode dialogs by specifying the True Transfer Non-Mode dialog window.

return value

This method supports standard return value e_unexpected, also supports the following:


The dialog is activated or has been banned, depending on

Fenable value.



Active In-Place Object call ioleinplaceframe :: EnableModeless Activation or Open the Non-Mode Dialog that can be displayed by the container. To display a non-Mode dialog, the object first calls ioleinplaceframe :: EnableModeless, specifying the non-moderate non-mode dialog window of the FALSE to disable the container. After completing, the object calls ioleinplaceframe :: EnableModeless, specifying True to activate them.

Realize attention

You should track the value of EnableModeless and check it before displaying a dialog.

Quick information

Windows NT: 3.1 or higher. Windows: Windows 95 or higher. Windows CE: Header: Oleidl.h is not supported.


IoleinplaceActiveObject :: enablemodeless


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