Based on the 8088, 8086 instruction system to complete the following programming:
1. Define string Capl as follows in data segment, B, C, D, E, F; SMAL is as follows G, H, I, J, K, M
2. Implement the conversion of the uppercase string in the program
3. Save the result of the conversion to the data segment pre-defined variable Caplres, Smalres
4, please write the program
5, try to pass the debugging
my answer:
MyData Segment Capl DB 'Abcdef' Smal DB 'GHIJKM' Smalres DB 6 DUP (?) Caplres DB 6 DUP (?) MyData Ends Mycode Segment Assume Cs: Mycode, DS: MyData
Start: Mov Ax, MyData Mov ES, AX MOV DS, AX
MOV CX, 6 SUB BX, BX Againf: MOV Al, Capl [BX] Add Al, 20h MOV Smalres [BX], Al Inc BX Loop Againf Sub BX, BX Agains: MOV Al, Smal [BX] Sub Al, 20h MOV Caplres [bx], Al incc bx loop agains mycode ends ends