Web player code center camp and its parameter meanings
The web page player code concentration camp 1.AVI format code pieces are as follows: Embed> Object> 2. MPG format code pieces are as follows:
object> 3. SMI format code segment is as follows: Rvocx classid = CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020afbbbccfa width = 240 height = 180> object> 4.RM format code segment is as follows: object> 5.WMV format code pieces are as follows: < PA Ram name = "showtracker" value = "0"> object> 6.wma format is in The following is part of the explanation: -> -> Object> 7 .Windows Media Player series (different panel styles) integrated: < Param name = enablepositionControls value = 0> object>
Rvocx classid = CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020afbbbccfa width = 240 height = 180> object> 4.RM format code segment is as follows: object> 5.WMV format code pieces are as follows: < PA Ram name = "showtracker" value = "0"> object> 6.wma format is in The following is part of the explanation: -> -> Object> 7 .Windows Media Player series (different panel styles) integrated: < Param name = enablepositionControls value = 0> object>
-> Object> 7 .Windows Media Player series (different panel styles) integrated: < Param name = enablepositionControls value = 0>