Dynamic load tree (ASP + database)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

ASP Access is recorded in the amount of 1 million data volume, and the load speed is still amazing ...

// Reprinted online. Forgot the author ...:)

// ************************************************************* * //

<% @ Language = "Vbscript" CODEPAGE = "936"%> <% option explicit%> Tree </ title> <link href = "css / style.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css"> <script language = "javascript"> <! - var D1, d2;</p> <p>Function Expand (ID) {var D = New Date (); D1 = D.Valueof ();</p> <p>VAR S_ID = EVAL ("S" ID); var Dir_ID = EVAL ("DIR" ID); if (s_id.href! = ') {//window.open (S_ID.href); // OR / /top.frames['framename'].location.href = s_id.href;}</p> <p>Switch (Dir_id.open) {// Changes " ", "-" Case "true": {with (Dir_ID) {innerText = " "; open = "false"; classname = 'Dirclose';}}} .GETELEMENTBYID ("T" ID)) {EVAL ("t" id) .style.display = 'none'; document.getlementByid ("LOAD_" ID) .Style.Display = 'None'; return;} Else {document.getlementByid ("LOAD_" ID) .style.display = 'none';} Break;} Case "false": {with (Dir_id) {innerText = "-"; open = "true"; classname = 'Diropen';} Document.GtelementByid ("LOAD_" ID) .Style.Display = ''; if (Document.getElementById ("t" id)) {EVAL ("t" id) .style.display = '; EVAL ("LOAD_" ID) .style.display =' none '; return;} else {document.frames [' hifm ']. Location.replace ("Subtree.asp? Id =" id); } Break;} default: Dir_id.innertext = "; DIR_ID.CLASSNAME = 'DIRNODE'; RETURN;}}}</p> <p>Function Arrtohtml (arrnode, nodeid) {// output to page var node_html = '<table id = "t' nodeid '" width = "100%" border = "0" style = "Position: relative; Left: 18px "" Cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> ';</p> <p>Var Str, Opened, CLS for (VAR i = 0; I <arrnode.length; i ) {IF (arrnode [i] .ichildren == 0) {str = '.'; OPENED = 'NO'; CLS = ' DirNode ';} else {str =' '; OPENED =' false '; CLS =' Dirclose ';} node_html =' <tr> <td = "node ' arrnode [i] .id '" Class = "TD_NODE" VALIGN = "TOP"> <span class = "' CLS '" ID = "Dir ' ArrNode [i] .id '" οnclick = "expand (' arrnode [i] .id ') "Open ="' Opened '">' STR '</ span> <span class =" node "id =" arrnode [i] .id ' "οnclick =" expand (' Arrnode [i] .id ') "Title =" arrnode [i] .content ' "href =" ' arrnode [i] .strlink ' "> arrnode [i] .content ' </ span> </ td> </ tr> ';</p> <p>IF (arrnode [i] .ichildren> 0) {node_html = '<triple = "LOAD_' ArrNode [i] .id '" style = "display: none"> <td class = "td_node"> < Table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" style = "Position: relative; left: 18; top: 0px"> <tr> <td class = "td_node"> <span class = "dirnode" >. </ span> <span class = "loading"> loading ... </ span> </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ td> </ tr> ';}}</p> <p>Node_html = '</ table>'; if ("load_" nodeid) {document.getElementByid ("LOAD_" NodeID) .style.display = "none"; document.getlementByid ("Node" nodeid) .innerhtml = node_html; var d = new date (); d2 = d.Valueof (); message.innerhtml = "time:" (D2-D1) "MS";}} -> </ script> </ head> <body topmargin = "0" leftmargin = "0" scroll = "yes"> <% DIM CONN, RSDIM S, Open, Clson Error Resume Next Cn = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection ") conn.open" provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0; data source = "& server.mappath (" Tree / Tree.mdb ") &"; persist security info = false "set = Server.createObject (" AdoDb.recordset ")</p> <p>rs.open "SELECT *, (Select Count (*) from DeepTree WHERE PARENTID = T.ID) AS Children from DeepTree T Where Parentid = 0 Order By ParentID", CONN, 1, 3%> <Div ID = "Message" Style = "Height: 20px" align = "center"> </ div> <div align = "center"> <center> <table border = "0" width = "100%" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0 "Height =" 100% "BGColor =" # f2f2f2 "> <tr> <td width =" 260 "Valign =" TOP "align =" left "> <div id =" Treedir "style =" overflow: auto; width : 30%; Height: 100%; "> <table border =" 0 "cellspacing =" 0 "cellpadding =" 0 "style =" position: relative; Left: 18px; Top: 20px; "Width =" 100% " > <% Do while not rs.eof if = 0 THEN S = "." 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BackgroundColor = '# dddddd'} else {style.color = "# 000000" Style.Border = "1 Solid # 999999" style.backgroundcolor = '# ffffff'}}</p> <p>Function Blu () {if (Style.BackgroundColor! = '# fffff') {style.color = "# 000000" Style.Border = "1 Solid # f2f2f2" style.backgroundcolor = '# f2f2f2'} else {style.color = "# 000000" Style.Border = "1 Solid # 999999" Style.BackgroundColor = '# ffffff'}} function st () {returnaf false;} </ script> </ public: company</p> <p>// ***********************************************************</p> <p>Body {font-size: 12px} # {font-size: 12px; color: # 000000; Font-Family: Courier New; Border: 1 Solid # 3366cc} #hrf {font-size: 12px; color: # 000000; FONT-FAMILY: COUR NEW; Border: 1 Solid # 3366cc} #sb {font-size: 12px; color: # 000000; font-family: Courier New; Background-Color: # D2E8FF; Border: 1 Solid # 3366cc; cursor : Hand} .Node {POSITION: Relative; Left: 2; Height: 20; Padding: 3 3 1 3; Font-size: 12px; font-family: Courier New; Cursor: hand; border: 1 Solid # f2f2f2; behavior : URL (CSS / Node.htc)}. Load {Position: Relative; Left: 2; Height: 20; Padding: 1 3 1 3; Font-Size: 12px; Font-Family: Courier New; Cursor: Hand; Border : 1 Solid # 999999; Background-Color: # f2f2f2; color: # 999999} .td_node {} span.diropen {} span.diropen {padding-left: 2px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 3px; font -Size: 12px; Padding-top: 5px; Width: 11px; Height: 11px; Border: Solid 1px Black; Background-Color: #ffffff; Cursor: Hand;} span.dirclose {line-height: 6px; font-size : 9px; overflow: hidden; padding: 2px; width: 11px; height: 11px; border: solid 1px black; backgroun D-color: #fffffff; cursor: hand;}. 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