My solution:
Function setvoid () {returnaf false;}
Self.οnerrοr = setvoid;
Although it is simple but run for a while, all pop-up events are not easy. But it will still lead to page migration;
Quiet analysis, the reason is that in the Tag, HREF = "" This is the reason why the move is moved, and the error to be shielded, so the code is used
VAR g_error_retrun = false; var error_num = 0; function setvoid () {Error_Num ; window.status = error_num "" Return g_error_retrun;}
Self.οnerrοr = setvoid; var timerid;
function init () {var state = document.readyState; if (state == "complete") {self.clearInterval (timerID); g_error_retrun = true; for (init_index = 0; init_index
Timerid = Self.setInterval ("INIT ()", 100);