Upload file data with WebClient.uploadData

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  31

If a website has a form, for example (URL: http: //localhost/login.aspx):

account password

We need to submit data to this form in the program. For this form, we can use the WebClient.uploadData method to implement, the data you want to upload, you can simply, the program is simple:









Create a new WebClient instance.

WebClient MyWebClient



WebClient ();





UserName = admin & password = admin




Pay attention to this spell string ContentType

MyWebClient.Headers.Add (










Transforming into binary arrays


[] ByteArray


Encoding.ascii.getbytes; postData


Upload data and get the returned binary data.


[] ResponseArray


MyWebClient.uploadData (uristring,





For forms uploaded, for example (URL: http://localhost/uploadfile.aspx):


We can use this form

String uristring







Create a new WebClient instance.

WebClient MyWebClient



WebClient ();




@ "

C: /upload.txt




Upload directly, and get the return binary data.


[] ResponseArray


MyWebClient.uploadFile (uristring,





There is also a form that not only has text, but also documents, such as (URL: http: //localhost/uploaddata.aspx):

File name file

For this form, it seems that the two methods seem to be applicable. For the first method, the strings cannot be spent directly. For the second, we can only pass the file, return to the first method, pay attention to the parameters:

Public Byte [] UPLOADDATA

String address,

String Method,

Byte [] DATA


In the first example, it is apparent to the BYTE [] Data parameter value by spelling a string. It is obviously not possible for this form. In turn thinking that for UPLOADDATA.ASPX, you will submit data directly through the web page. What is the stream obtained in the background? (In my previous blog, I have analyzed this question:

ASP-free component upload schedule solutions), the final data is as follows:

---------------------------- 7D429871607FEContent-disposition: form-data; name = "file1"; filename = "g: / homepage .TXT"

Content-Type: Text / Plain

Baoyu: http://www.webuc.net

---------------------------- 7D429871607FE

Content-disposition: form-data; name = "filename"

Default filename

---------------------------- 7D429871607FE--

So just fight a such Byte [] Data data POST, you can achieve the same effect. But must pay attention to this file upload, which is different, such as the above, whose contentType is "Multipart / Form-Data; Boundary = ----------- ---------------- 7D429871607FE. With contenttype, we can know Boundary (above "---------------------- 7D429871607FE"), knowing Boundary, we will You can construct the Byte [] Data, final, don't forget, transfer our constructType to WebClient (for example, WebClient.Headers.Add ("Content-type", ContentType);) Upload the file data over the WebClient.uploadData method.

The specific code is as follows:

Generate a package of binary data classes

















/ ** ////

/// Create a binary array required by WebClient.uploadData method


Public Class CreateBytes

... {

Encoding encoding = encoding.utf8;

/ ** ////

/// Splicing all the binary arrays are an array


/// array


/// Plus end boundaries

Public Byte [] Joinbytes (ArrayList Byterrays)

... {

INT length = 0;

INT readLength = 0;

/ / Plus the end border

String endboundary = boundary "- / r / n"; // End the boundary

Byte [] endboundarybytes = Encoding.getbytes (Endboundary);

ByteaRrays.Add (endboundarybytes);

Foreach (byte [] b in byterrays) ... {Length = B.LENGTH;}

BYTE [] bytes = new byte [length];

// Traverse copy


Foreach (byte [] b in byterrays)

... {B.copyTo (Bytes, ReadLength); ReadLength = B.LENGTH;}

Return Bytes;


Public Bool UploadData (String Uploadurl, Byte [] Bytes, Out Byte [] Responsebytes

... {

WebClient WebClient = New WebClient ();

WebClient.Headers.Add ("Content-Type", ContentType;


... {responsebytes = WebClient.uploadData (UploadURL, BYTES); Return True;

Catch (WebException EX)

... {stream resp = ex.ress (); responsebytes = new byte [EX.RESPONSE.CONTENTLENGTH]; Resp.Read (responsebytes, 0, responsebytes.length);}

Return False;


/ ** ////

/// Get a common form area binary array


/// Table name

/// form value



/// ---------------------------- 7D52EE27210A3C / R / NCONTENT-DISPSITION: FORM-DATA; Name = / "table name / "/ R / N / R / N form value / R / N


Public Byte [] CreatefieldData (String FieldName, String FieldValue)

... {

String textTemplate = Boundary "/ r / ncontent-disposition: form-data; name = /" {0} / "/ r / n / r / n {1} / r / n";

String text = string.format (TextTemplate, FieldName, FieldValue);

Byte [] bytes = encoding.getbytes (text);

Return Bytes;


/ ** ////

/// Get file uplink form single area binary array


/// Table name

/// file name

/// file type

/// file length /// file flow

/// binary population

Public Byte [] CreateFieldData (String FieldName, String FileName, String ContentType, Byte [] filebytes)

... {

String end = "/ r / n";

String textTemplate = Boundary "/ r / nContent-disposition: form-data; name = /" {0} / "; filename = /" {1} / "/ r / nContent-type: {2} / r / n / r / n ";

// head data

String Data = String.Format (TextTemplate, FieldName, FileName, ContentType);

Byte [] bytes = encoding.getbytes (data);

// Tail data

BYTE [] endbytes = encoding.getbytes (end);

// Composition after synthesis

Byte [] Fielddata = new byte [bytes.length filebytes.length endbytes.length];

Bytes.couthto (fielddata, 0); // head data

FileBytes.copyto (FieldData, Bytes.length); // Binary data

Endbytes.copyto (fielddata, bytes.length); // / r / n

Return Fielddata;


Property #Region property

Public String Boundary

... {get ... {string [] barray, ctarray; string contenttype = contentType; ctarray = contenttype.split (';'); if (CTARRAY [0] .trim (). TOLOWER () == "Multipart / form-data ") ... {Barray = CTARRAY [1] .split ('='); return" - " Barray [1];} return null;}}

Public String ContentType

... {Get ... {if (httpContext.current == null) ... {return "Multipart / Form-data; boundary = ------------------ -------- 7D5B915500CEE ";} return httpcontext.current.request.contentType;}}




Call in WinForm












System.data; using








/ ** ////

/// frmupload's summary description.


Public Class frMupload: System.Windows.Forms.form

... {

Private system.windows.forms.label lblamigotoken;

Private system.windows.Forms.TextBox txtamigotoken;

Private system.windows.Forms.Label LBLFileName;

Private system.windows.Forms.TextBox txtFileName;

Private system.windows.Forms.Button Btnbrowse;

Private system.windows.Forms.TextBox txtfiledata;

Private system.windows.forms.label lblfiledata;

Private system.windows.Forms.Button btnupload;

Private system.windows.forms.openfiledialog openfiledialog1;

Private system.windows.Forms.TextBox txtResponse;

/ ** ////

/// The required designer variable.


Private system.componentmodel.Container Components = NULL;

Public fmupload ()

... {


// Windows Form Designer Support


InitializationComponent ();


// Todo: Add any constructor code after INITIALIZECOMPONENT call



/ ** ////

/// Clean all the resources being used.


Protected Override Void Dispose (Bool Disposing)

... {

IF (Disposing)

... {if (Components! = NULL) ... {Components.dispose ();}}

Base.dispose (Disposing);


Windows Form Designer Generated Code #Region Windows Form Designer Generated Code

/ ** ////

/// Designer supports the required method - Do not use the code editor to modify the // / this method. ///

Private vidinitiRizeComponent ()

... {this.lblamigotoken = new system.windows.forms.label (); this.txtamigotoken = new system.windows.forms.textbox (); this.lfilename = new system.windows.forms.label (); this .txtFilename = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox (); this.btnBrowse = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); this.txtFileData = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox (); this.lblFileData = new System .Windows.Forms.Label (); this.btnUpload = new System.Windows.Forms.Button (); this.openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog (); this.txtResponse = new System.Windows.Forms. TextBox (); this.SuspendLayout (); // // lblAmigoToken // this.lblAmigoToken.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (40, 48); this.lblAmigoToken.Name = "lblAmigoToken"; this.lblAmigoToken.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (72, 23); this.lblAmigoToken.TabIndex = 0; this.lblAmigoToken.Text = "AmigoToken"; // // txtAmigoToken // this.txtAmigoToken.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (120, 48); this.txtamigotoken.name = "txtamigotoken"; this.txtAmigoToken.Size = new System.Drawing.Size (248, 21); this.txtAmigoToken.TabIndex = 1; this.txtAmigoToken.Text = ""; // // lblFilename // this.lblFilename.Location = new System .Drawing.point (40, 96); this.lblfilename.name = "lblfilename"; this.lblfilename.size = new system.drawing.size (80, 23); this.lblfilename.tabindex = 2; this.lfilename. Text = "filename"; // // txtFileName // this.txtFileName.Location = new system.drawing.point (120, 96); this.txtFileName.Name = "txtFileName"; this.txtFileName.Size = New System. Drawing.size (248, 21);

THISTXTFILENAME.TABINDEX = 3; this.txtFileName.Text = ""; /// btnbrowse // this.btnbrowse.location = new system.drawing.point (296, 144); this.btnbrowse.name = "btnbrowse "; this.btnbrowse.tabindex = 4; this.btnbrowse.text =" Browse ... "; this.btnbrowse.click = new system.eventhandler (this.btnbrowse_click); /// TXTFILEDATA / / THIS.TXTFILEDATA .Location = new system.drawing.point (120, 144); this.txtFileData.Name = "txtfileData"; this.txtFileData.size = new system.drawing.size (168, 21); this.txtFileData.tabindex = 5 THIS.TXTFILEDATA.TEXT = ""; // // lblfiledata // this.lblfiledata.location = new system.drawing.point (40, 144); this.lblfiledata.name = "lblfiledata"; this.lblfiledata.size = new system.drawing.size (72, 23); this.lblfiledata.tabindex = 6; this.lfileData.text = "filedata"; // // btnupload // this.btnupload.location = new system.drawing.point (48, 184); this.btnupload.name = "btnupload"; this.btnupload.tabindex = 7; this.btnupload.text = "UPL oad "; this.btnUpload.Click = new System.EventHandler (this.btnUpload_Click); // // txtResponse // this.txtResponse.Location = new System.Drawing.Point (136, 184); this.txtResponse.Multiline = True; this.txtResponse.name = "txtResponse"; this.txtResponse.size = new system.drawing.size (248, 72); this.txtResponse.tabindex = 8; this.txtResponse.text = ""; // // frMupload // this.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size (6, 14); this.clientsize = new system.drawing.size (400, 269);

This.Controls.add (this.txtResponse); this.controls.add (this.btnupload); this.controls.add (this.lblfiledata); this.controls.add (this.txtFileData); this.controls.add ( This.btnbrowse; this.txtFileName; this.controls.add (this.lblfilename); this.controls.add (this.txtamigotoken); this.controls.add (this.lblamigotoken); this .Name = "frmupload"; this.text = "frmupload"; this.ResumeLayout (false);} #ENDREGION

/ ** ////

/// The main entry point for the application.



Static void main ()

... {

Application.run (New frmupload ());


Private void btnupload_click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E)

... {

// Non-air test

IF (txtamigotoken.text.trim () == "" | TXTFILENAME.TEXT == "" || txtFileData.Text.trim () == "" "

... {MessageBox.show ("please fill data"; return;}

// The file path you want to upload

String path = txtfiledata.text.trim ();

/ / Check if the file exists

IF (! file.exists (path))

... {messagebox.show ("{0} does not exist!", Path); return;

// read file stream

FILESTREAM FS = New FileStream (path, filemode.open,

FileAccess.read, Fileshare.Read;

// This part needs improvement

String contentType = "Application / OcTet-stream";

Byte [] filebytes = new byte [fs.length];

fs.read (filebytes, 0, convert.toint32 (fs.length));

/ / Generate a binary array that needs to be uploaded

CreateBytes CB = New Createbytes ();

// All form data

ArrayList BytesArray = new arraylist ();

// ordinary form

BytesaRray.Add (Cb.createfieldData ("FileName", txtFileName.Text);

BytesaRray.Add (Cb.Createfielddata ("Amigotoken", txtamigotoken.text);

// File form

BytesaRray.Add (Cb.createfielddata ("FileData", Path

, ContentType, FileBytes));

/ / Synthesate all forms and generate binary arrays

Byte [] bytes = cb.joinbytes (bytesArray); // Returned content

Byte [] responsebytes;

// Upload to the specified URL

Bool Uploaded = Cb.uploadData ("http://localhost/uploaddata/uploadavatar.aspx", bytes, out responsebytes;

// output the content returned to the file

Using (filestream file = new filestream (@ "c: /response.text", filemode.create, fileaccess.write, fileshare.read))

... {file.write (responsebytes, 0, responsebytes.length);}

TXTRESPONSE.TEXT = System.Text.Encoding.utf8.getstring (responsebytes);


Private void btnbrowse_click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E)

... {

IF (OpenFileDialog1.Showdialog () == DialogResult.ok)

... {txtfileData.text = OpenFiledialog1.FileName;




Complete code


UploadData.rar (38K), decompressed, build a virtual directory "UPLoadData" for the web directory, where UploadavaTar.aspx is the actual upload process page. If the upload is successful, return to the file name and file type. Default.aspx is an ASP.NET page to call the WebClient.uploadData method to submit data, and the UploadDataWin project is WinForm program call.


New Post(0)