Be careful about your little action, don't let it expose you.

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  40

A female university in Japan, a professor for female students for many years, after meticulous observing these girls' behaviors, and found a lot of interesting phenomena. He summed up: Compared with men, women will do some little awareness, especially when she is inherently uneasy, hesitating or unconfident, always want to use language and expression to cover these psychological states.

Many company's supervisors or personnel departments will specially observe the small actions of the other party when they see their applicants, and they will decide whether to recruit as a reference. It can be seen that if you don't pay attention to control your own little action, it may also affect the road of life.

The following simply tells you that others will see something through your little action.

Arm action

Keep playing something on your hand. People who have no experience will think that your attention is else, not the other party of the conversation, but the eyes can see that you can see that you are very careless to each other, or even in each other. Because you are very nervous, you don't consciously use some things in your hand and release this tense.

While saying "I", I used my finger to my chest. This action indicates that there is no confidence. Since there is no feeling, it will confirm your own existence by referring to yourself, and make the other party accept your own opinion.

Two hands were twisted together inexplicably powerful. Explain that you feel very nervous and unconfident, for fear that you "怯", your heart is uneasy in your hand.

Two hands crossed in front of the chest. A typical protective posture, because both hands are equivalent to being built on the chest, equal to expressing a refusal or veto. This action gives people an impression neither confident and not friendly.

The hands are wrapped together with the hands up to the ceiling. Note You are full of confidence and pride at this time, but it will be unpleasant by others.

Always dried skirt. Wearing a narrow mini skirt, from time to time, pull a skirt, it seems that I am afraid that I have seen my own thigh, but it caused someone to pay attention. This action indicates that you are eager to look at others but feel embarrassed, in the middle of the induction and defending motives.

Action related to the head

Short your mouth with your mouth when talking or laughing. This is an unique posture that wants to cover the secret of yourself, so this "desperate" action will actually see that you are hiding your desire.

Taro. "I really want to end this conversation" is the subtext of this action. I am bored by the words of the other party, I want to interrupt the other party, let it stop talking, but I have to bear it.

Touch your nose or blink on the side. Touching the movements of the nose when talking to people may contain "what you are telling the truth?" Doubt or "I don't agree".

Strike yourself while talking. When talking to people, often unconsciously use your hand, pick your ears, touch your face, or a lot of tangle, which means that you are very unstable. For example, when you want to be with the other party, you want to hide a little secret, or when you are a man's single coupon, you will make these small actions because of your concerns.

Frequent hair with your hair. When the actual function of changing your hair is not necessary, you will reveal your sensitivity and a bit of neurotuff. In interpersonal communication, since you are very sensitive to others' attitude and speech reaction, once you find that your own thing or inner heart is touched, this action will be made by autonomous.

Continuously talking about your long hair. This is one of the actions of long-haired women's favorite, especially when he encounters handsome men. Of course, I like to do this action, most of them are confident on their appearance or hairstyle.

Tilt the head listening to the other party. It is good for the other party, or is interested in the content of him, it will naturally make similar affinity actions like children.


Turning your legs or sway your feet. The shake is due to mental uneasiness and nervousness, indicating that your heart is always looking forward to something, and this action will continue to continue.

Shake high heels in the tips. Women who often have such actions give people a very relaxation and pleasant, and in subconscious, it is often an action that attracts men with a strong sense of nature.

Keep your legs. When you are impatient, or inner irritability, lonely is bored, you will unconsciously put your legs. No one will don't care about others, so if you want to shape some image, pass a kind of information, you should pay attention to these small actions, once the wrong information, may cause the misunderstanding of others.

Editor: Jiamu Source: Oriental Network


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