Interpretation ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit (3) - Code File

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  32

After understanding the database and user profiles of the ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit, see what kind of function is implemented, I think it is necessary. The table below lists the list of files contained in the project and gives an explanation. Nothing technology, when you use it!

File Name Description Administration Site Management Folder AccessDenied.aspx Access Failed (No Access) When you replace the page EditAccessDenied.aspx Edit Failed (No Edit) Timeup The page logoff.aspx logout page; move out your identity Authentication information, is a cookie invalid ManageUsers.aspx new and modify user information page moduleFinitions.aspx Add and modify user template control pages, add information user function template Moduledefs.ascx to modify module information Management Function Template ModuleSettings.aspx users Module Information Settings page Notimplement.aspx When the corresponding link content is not provided, the redirected page register.aspx user registration page ROLES.ASCX modifies the management function template for role information SECURITYROLES.ASPX Modify the user role page Sitesettings.ascx modified the website Information management function template TABLAYOUT.ASPX Modify tag name, access role, and user module and display location displayed under the tag.

Tabs.ascx Modify Tag Information Management Function Template Users.ascx Modify User Information Management Function Template Components Folder Each module Data Returns the database access class of the Component File AnouncementsDb.cs public information table; inclusion, delete, change, and get the module All public acquisition individual announcement information (the database access table of each user module basically contains some methods) Configuration.cs configuration information related transaction component contactsdb.cs contact information table database access class DesktopControls.cs "desktop" desktop Browser user control base class; discussiondb.cs Discussion Database Database Access Class DocumentDb.cs Document Database Database Access Class EventSDB.CS Event Meter Database Access Class HTMLTEXTDB.CSHTML Text Meter Database Access LinksDB .CS link information table Database Access the class mobileControls.cs "mobile device browser" user control base class; ROLESDB.CS role information table database Access class security.cs contains two class portalsecurity (Site authentication) ) And usersdb (data access class for website users) DATA folder stored users XML files in the construction site XML files and other DesktopModules files in the "Desktop Browser" User Control Folder Announcements.ascx "Announcement" Announcement Template User Control Contacts.ascx "Contact" Template User Control DiscussDetails.aspx Display Discussion Detail Page Discussion.ascx "Discussion" Template User Control Document.ascx "Document" Template User Control Editannouncements.aspx Edit Announcement Page EditContacts.aspx Edit contact information page EditDocs.aspx Edit Document page Edits.aspx Edit Event Page EdithTML.ASPX Edit HTML Text Page EditIml Text Page EditiMage.aspx Edit Image Added Page EditXML.ASPX Edit XML / XSL Template The page Events.ascx "Event" Template User Control HTMLModule.ascx "HTML Text" Template User Control ImageModule.ascx "HTML Text" Template User Control ImageModule.ascx "Image" Template User Control Links.ascx "Link" Template User Control Quicklinks.ascx "Quick Link" Template User Control Signin.ascx "Login" User Control ViewDocument.aspx View Document Page XMLModule.ascx "XML / XSL" template User Control DOCS folder Portal documentation (Can not publish the website) Image File Mount Picture MobileModules folder in the "Mobile device browser" displayed on the User Control Folder and DesktopModules in DesktopModules in DesktopModules STARTER KIT Source Codes Some files used by the browser (not when publishing a website) UPLOADS Folder Document Module Uploaded to the document on the server can be placed in the ASPNETPORTAL.CSS style file, modify it to change the website appearance Default.aspx entry page, judgment The program is running in the "Desktop Browser" or "Mobile Device Browser", then determines to go to the home page (DesktopDefault.aspx or MobileDefault.aspx) DesktopDefault.aspx "Desktop Browser" to run the Home DesktopModulettitle.ascx Module Title Control in Desktop Browser. DesktOpportalbanner.ascx "Desktop Browser" TOP section, contains the navigation bar label and the current user information Global.asax initially loads the configuration file.

The MobileModuletle.ascx "Mobile Device Browser" module title control in the mobile device browser. Portalcfg.cs User Profile Data Sets Settings Architecture Files, contains properties, methods, and event definition portalcfg.xml user profiles in the configuration file, XML data portalcfg.xsd user profile architecture web.config research code Tips: When watching the source of others, don't look at the code first. Let's take a look at "Class Trying". What classes are in the program, and each class has a method attribute. It is best to turn the project in reverse project to see the relationship between each class. This is very helpful for understanding code.

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