Realize Double-click Automatic scrolling.
A: Add the following code to the page you need to automatically scroll
Var Currentpos, Timer;
Function initialize () {
Timer = setInterval ("ScrollWindow ()", 1);
Function sc () {
ClearInterval (Timer);
Function scrollwindow () {
Currentpos = document.body.scrolltop;
Window.scroll (0, CurrentPos);
IF (CurrentPos! = Document.body.scrolltop) {
sc ();
Document.onmousedown = sc;
Document.ondblclick = initialize;
s cripe>
Mouse specifiers.
A: The mouse will appear on the link will appear in the explanation, with scrolling text description
IF (! Document.Layers &&! Document.all)
Event = "TEST"
Function helpor_net_show (current, e, text) {
IF (Document.all && Document.ReadyState == "Complete") {
Document.all.tooltip2.innerhtml = '
Document.all.tooltip2.style.pixelleft = event.clientx Document.body.Scrollleft 10
Document.all.tooltip2.style.pixeltop = event.clienty Document.body.scrolltop 10
Document.all.tooltip2.style.visibility = "visible"
Else if (Document.Layers) {
Document.Tooltip2.document.nstip.document.write ('' text '')
Document.tooltip2.document.nstip.document.close ()
Document.tooltip2.document.nstip.Left = 0
Currentscroll = setInterval ("scrolltip ()", 100)
Document.tooltip2.Left = E.PAGEX 10
Document.tooltip2.top = E.Pagey 10
Document.Tooltip2.visibility = "show"
Function helpor_net_hide () {
IF (Document.all)
Document.all.tooltip2.style.visibility = "hidden"
Else if (Document.Layers) {
ClearInterval (Currentscroll)
Document.Tooltip2.visibility = "hidden"
Function scrolltip () {
IF (Document.Tooltip2.Document.nstip.Left> = - Document.Tooltip2.document.nstip.Document.width)
Document.tooltip2.document.nstip.Left- = 5
Document.Tooltip2.document.nstip.Left = 150
// ->
Text random output can be used to make a bulletin board.
A: Script Description:
Step 1: Add the following code to the
VAR max = 0;
Function textlist () {i : textlist.arguments [i]; max}
TL = New TextList (
"With the gradual arrival of the Internet era, people's understanding and perception of the network is getting deepering."
"The Internet is mainly to browse the web page, so the wonderful level of the web page is the birth of a website."
"People show their talents by making personal homepages, and because of the software software that produces a variety of web pages,
"However, the optical software creates the various page effects you want? The answer is definitely negative, but is the optical software creates the various pages you want? The answer is definitely negative." ,
"JavaScript is a kind of interpretation that Netscape (Netscape) company first launched" "
VAR x = 0; POS = 0;
Var L = TL [0] .length;
Function texticker () {
Document.tickform.tickfield.value = TL [x] .substring (0, POS) "_"; if (POS == L) {
POS = 0;
SetTimeout ("TextTicker ()", 2000);
IF ( x == max) x = 0;
L = TL [x] .length;
SetTimeout ("TextTicker ()", 50);
// end ->
Step 2: Add the following code to the