Location size
00h 4 'riff'
04H 4 file length
08h 4 'Wave'
0CH 4 'FMT'
10h 4 Transition byte 1000h
14h 2 format category PCM format is 01h
16h 2 channel
18h 4 sampling rate
1CH 4 waveform audio data transfer rate, its value is the number of data digits × per second data bits / 8
20h 2 Data block adjustment (according to the word ancillary), its value is the channel number × data bit value / 8 of each sample.
24h 4 'Data'
28h 4 speech data length
- Data
8-bit mono
8-bit double channel
16-bit mono
16-bit double channel
8-bit PCM 0 ~~ 255
16-bit -32767 ~~ 32767