XMLDOM object method: Object properties

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  37

The async property is an Async property indicating whether asynchronous downloads are allowed. Basic syntax BOOLVALUE = xmldocument.async; xmldocument.async = boolValue; said that the Boolean value is an erasable (准 准 异 下载), the value is true; vice verse is false. Modular XMLDoc.Async = "false"; Alert (XMLDoc.async);

Attribute property is a list of properties that follow current nodes. Basic syntax objattributeList = XMLNode.attributes; If this node does not contain attributes, the null value is returned. Modal objattlist = xmldoc.documentelement.attributes; Alert (objattlist);

The ChildNodes property is submitted back to a node list, which contains all the child nodes available. Basic syntax objNodelist = node.childNodes; If this node does not have a child node, return to NULL. Modular ObjNodelist = XmLDoc.childNodes; Alert (ObjNodelist);

The DOCTYPE property is followed by the file type node, which contains the current file DTD. This node is a general file type declaration, for example, nodes, node objects called Email will be back. Basic syntax objDOCTYPE = XmLDocument.doctype; Said back to an object, this property is read-only. If this file does not contain DTD, it will return null. Modular objDOCTYPE = XmLDoc.doctype; Alert (ObjDOctype.NodeName);

The DocumentElement property is used to confirm the root node of the XML file. Basic syntax objdoc = xmldocument.documentelement; It is said that the object contains data in a single file element. This property read / write, if the root node is not included in the file, will return NULL. Modular objDocroot = Xmldoc.documenTelement; Alert (ObjDocroot);

The firstchild property is used to confirm the first child element in the current node. Basic syntax objfirstchild = xmldocnode.firstchild; explain this property is read only and will pass an object, if the node is not included in the node, the NULL will be returned. Mode objfirstchild = xmldoc.documentelement.firstchild; Alert (objfirstchild);

The Implementation property is a DOM application that can use other objects. The Implementation property confirms the DomImPlementation object of the current XML file. Basic syntax objimplementation = xmldocument.implement; statement is read-only and transmits back an object. Modular objimp = xmldoc.implementation; Alert (Objim);

LastChild property works to confirm the last child elements in the current node. Basic syntax objlastchild = xmldocnode.lastchild; This property is read-only and transmits back an object. If there is no last child element in the node, it will pass back NULL. ModraStchild = XmLDoc.documentelement.lastchild; Alert (ObjlastChild); NextSibling property is transmitted back to the next brothers node in the sub-node list of current file nodes. Basic syntax objnextsibling = xmldocnode.nextsibling; explaining this property is read-only and back to an object. If there is no other related node in the node, it will pass back NULL. Mode Objsibling = xmldoc.documentelement.childNodes.Item (1) .nextsibling; Alert (Objsibling);

The NodeName property is transmitted back to the string representing the current node name. Basic syntax strnodename = xmldocnode.nodename; said that the clear is back to a string. This attribute is read-only, returned element name, attribute, or entity reference. Modular Strnodename = XmLDoc.documentelement.NodeName; Alert (Strnodename);

NodeType property action identification node DOM type. Basic syntax numnodetype = xmldocnode.nodetype; Said this property is read-only and transmits back a value. Valid value respectively meets the following type: 1-ELEMENT2-ATTRIBUTE3-TEXT4-CDATA5-ENTITY REFERENCE6-ENTITY7-PI (processing instruction) 8-COMMENT9-DOCUMENT10-DOCUMENT TYPE11-DOCUMENT FRAGMENT12-NOTATION paradigm embodiment numNodeType = xmlDoc.documentElement. AleType; Alert (NumNodetyPE);

The NodeValue property is used to pass the text related to the specified node. This is not a value of data in an element, but is related to a node and unresolved text, like an attribute or a processing instruction. Basic syntax VarnodeValue = Xmldocnode.NodeValue; The text of the backup represented by the NodeType property is based on the NodeType property of the node. (Please refer to the NodeType property in the appendix.) Because the node type may be one of several data patterns, the return value is therefore different. The null nodes of the back NULL are: Document, Element, Document Type, Document Fragment, Entity, Entity Reference, and Notation. This property can be erased. Modular VarnodeValue = Xmldoc.documentelement.NodeValue; Alert (VarnodeValue);

Ondataavailable property action specifies an event to handle the Ondataavailable event. Basic syntax xmldocnode.ondataavailable = value; said that this property is only written, allowing files to operate once the data is available, that is, using data as soon as possible. Temperature XMLDoc.ondataavailable = Alert ("Data is now Available.");

OnReadyStateChange Property action Terset an event to process an OnReadyStateChange event. This event can identify the change of the ReadyState property. Basic syntax xmldocnode.onreadyStateChange = value; said that this property is only written, allowing files to specify call events when the ReadyState property changes. Modular XMLDoc.onReadyStateChange = Alert ("The ReadyState Property Has Changed."); OwnerDocument property is the root node of the return file, which contains the current node. Basic syntax objownerdoc = xmldocument.OWNERDocument;, this property is read-only, back to an object containing the root node, contains a specific node. Modular objownerdoc = xmldoc.childnodes.Item (2) .wnerdocument; Alert (ObjownerDoc);

The ParentNode property is used to return the parent node of the current node. Only in nodes with parent nodes can be applied. Basic syntax objParentNode = xmldocumentnode.parentNode; This property is read-only and transmits back to the parent node object that contains the specified node. If this node does not exist in the file tree, it will pass back NULL. Modular objParentnode = Xmldoc.childNodes.Item (1) .parentnode; Alert (ObjParentNode);

ParseError properties The use of a DOM parsing error object, this object describes the last resolution of the error. Basic syntax objParseerr = xmldocument.parseerror; howling This property is read-only. If there is no error, it will pass back 0. Modular objParseerr = xmldoc.parseerror; Alert (ObjParseerr);

PreviousSibling property is a brothers node before the current node. Basic syntax objPrevsibling = xmldocument.previoussibling; Said back to an object, this property is read-only. If the node does not contain the front brothers node, it will return to NULL. Modular ObjPrevsibling = Xmldoc.documentelement.childNodes.Item (3) .previoussiblingAlert (ObjPrevsibling);

ReadyState property is currently transmitted back to XML file information. Basic syntax intState = xmldocument.readyState; said this property is read-only, the return value is possible: 0-uninitialized: XML object is generated, but no file is loaded. 1-loading: The loader is in progress, but the file has not yet been analyzed. 2-loaded: Partial file has been loaded and parsed, but the object model has not taken effect. 3-Interactive: Only the loaded part of the file is valid, in which case the object model is valid but read-only. 4-Completed: The file is fully loaded, and the representative is successfully loaded. Modular Alert ("The ReadyState Property IS" XMLDoc.ReadyState;

URL attributes auto back the URL of the last loaded XML file. Basic syntax strDocurl = xmldocument.URL; explaining this attribute is read-only, back to the URL of the last loaded success file, if the file only exists in the main memory (indicating that the file is not loaded by external files), then returns NULL. Modular Alert (XmLDoc.URL); ValidateonParse property Tell if the parser file is valid. Basic syntax BOOLVALIDATE = xmldocument.validateonparse; xmldocument.validateonParse = BOOLVALIDATE; Said this property is erasable. If the return value is True, it is valid when the file is parsed. If False is back, it means that the file is invalid and is considered just a Well-Formed file. Modular XMLDoc.ValidateonParse = true; Alert (Xmldoc.ValidateonPars);

The XML property is transmitted back to the XML description and all child nodes of the specified node. Basic syntax xmlvalue = xmldocumentnode.xml; explaining this property is read-only. Modular XMLValue = Xmldoc.documentelement.xml; Alert (XMLValue);


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