Two-fork tree is looking for a father node

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  38

Dy # incrude

Using namespace std;

Struct node {// Node

Int data;

Node * LCHILD;

Node * rCHILD;


Node * cretenode (int data) //


Node * node = new node;

Node-> Data = DATA;

Node-> LCHILD = 0;

Node-> rchild = 0;

Return node;


Node * buildtree () // build tree


Node * root = 0;

Return root;


Void inserttree (node ​​* & root, int data) // inserted an orderly tree


Node * node = createnode (data);

IF (! root) root = node;

Else IF (Node-> Data data) inserttree (root-> lchild, node-> data);

Else InsertTree (root-> rchild, node-> data);



Void PrintTree (Node * root) // Assembly print


IF (! root) return;

PRINTTREE (root-> lchild);

COUT << root-> data << "

PRINTTREE (root-> rchild);


INT Finder (Node * root, int data)


IF (! root) Return 0;

IF (root-> data == data) Return 1;

Else Return (Finder (Root-> Lchild, Data) || Finder (root-> rchild, data);


Void Findfather (Node * root, Int i, int J)


IF (! root) return;

IF (Finder (root, i) &&finder (root, j))


IF (Finder (root-> lchild, i) &&finder (root-> lchild, j)) Findfather (root-> lchild, i, j);

Else IF (Finder (root-> rchild, i) &&finder (root-> rchild, j)) Findfather (root-> rchild, i, j);

Else Cout << "They are:" << root-> data << Endl;


Else Cout << "There is no node is not in the tree" << Endl;


Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])


Int Data, I, J;

Node * root = buildtree ();

Cout << "Please enter your data with -1 end" << endl;


While (Data! = - 1)


INSERTTREE (root, data);




Cout << Endl;

Cout << "Please enter the two data you want to find" << Endl;

CIN >> I >> J;

Findfather (root, i, j); system ("pause");

Return 0;


Maybe a little problem


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