Using system;
Using system.text;
Using system.Web;
Class clientpost {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
IF (args.length <1) {
} else {
IF (args.length <2) {
getPage (Args [0], "S1 = FOODS2 = BART (& S)");
} else {
GetPage (Args [0], Args [1]);
Console.writeLine ();
Console.writeline ("Press anyg" to continue ... ");
Console.readline ();
Public static void showusage () {
Console.writeline ("Try to send (POST) to URL");
Console.writeLine ();
Console.writeLine ("Usage ::");
Console.writeLine ("ClientPost Url [PostData]);
Console.writeLine ();
Console.writeLine ("Example ::");
Console.writeline ("ClientPost s1 = food & s2 = bart");
Public Static Void getPage (String Url, String Payload) {
WebResponse result = NULL;
Try {
WebRequest Req = WebRequest.create (URL);
Req.method = "post";
Req.contentType = "Application / X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED";
Stringbuilder urlencoded = new stringbuilder ();
CHAR [] reserved = {'?', '=', '&'};
Byte [] Somebytes = NULL;
IF (payload! = null) {
INT i = 0, J;
While (i j = payload.indexofany (reserved, i); IF (j == - 1) { UrlencoDed.Append (httputility.urlencode)); Break; } Urlencoded.append (httputility.urlencode (payload.substring (i, j-i))); UrlencoDed.Append (Payload.Substring (J, 1)); i = j 1; } Somebytes = encoding.utf8.getbytes (urlencoded.tostring ()); Req.contentLength = Somebytes.Length; Stream newstream = req.getRequestStream (); NewsTream.write (somebytes, 0, Somebytes.Length); newstream.close (); } else { Req.contentLength = 0; } Result = req.getResponse (); Street.getReStream = Result.getResponseSstream (); Encoding encode = system.text.encoding.getencoding ("UTF-8"); StreamReader SR = New StreAMReader (ReceiveStream, Encode); Console.writeline ("/ R / N has received response stream"); CHAR [] read = new char [256]; INT count = (read, 0, 256); Console.writeLine ("HTML ... / R / N"); While (count> 0) { String str = new string (read, 0, count); Console.write (STR); Count = (Read, 0, 256); } Console.writeline (""); } catch (exception e) { Console.writeline (E.TOString ()); Console.Writeline ("/ R / N does not find the request URI, or its format is incorrect"); } finally { IF (result! = null) { Result.close (); } } } }