Network Command: NET Command Complete Works

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Many windows NT network commands start with NET. These net commands have some public properties:

You can check all available net commands by typing Net /?.

Get the syntax help of the NET command in the command line by typing the NET HELP command. For example, to get the help of the NET Accounts command, type NET Help Accounts.

All net commands accept options / yes and / no (abbreviated as / y and / n). / y "Yes" is automatically replied to any interaction prompt generated by the command, / n answers "No". For example, NET STOP Server usually prompts whether to end all services in accordance with the server service, NET STOP Server / Y automatically answers "Yes" and turn off the server service.

Net Accounts

Update the user account database, change the login requirements for passwords and all accounts. You must run the network login service on a computer that changes the account parameter.

Net Accounts [/ forcelogoff: {minutes | no}] [/ minpwlen: length] [/ maxpwe: {days |

Unlimited}] [/ minpwage: days] [/ uniquepw: Number] [/ domain]

Net accounts [/ sync] [/ domain]



Type NET Accounts without parameters, will display the current password setting, login time limit, and domain information.

/ forcelogoff: {minutes | no}

Set the wait time before the user and server session is ended when the user account or valid login time expires. The NO option is forced to log out. The default setting of this parameter is NO.

After specifying / forcelogoff: minutes, Windows NT will give the user alert before it is forced to exit the network Minutes minutes. If there is an open file, Windows NT will warn the user. If Minutes is less than two minutes, the Windows NT warning users immediately log out from the network.

/ minpwlen: Length

Set the number of user account passwords. The allowable range is 0-14, the default is 6.

/ MAXPWAGE: {days | unlimited}

Set the maximum number of valids that the user account password is valid. Unlimited does not set up the maximum number of days. The number of days of / maxpwage option must be greater than / minupwage. The allowable range is 1-49,710 days (unlimited). The default is 90 days.


Setting the user must keep the minimum number of days of the original password. 0 value does not set the minimum time. The allowable range is 0-49,710 days, the default is 0 days.

/ uniquepw: Number

When the user is required to change the password, the same password is used to repeat the same password after Number. The allowable range is 0-8. The default is 5.

/ domain

Perform this operation on the current domain's primary domain controller. Otherwise only the operation of the local computer.

This parameter is only used in Windows NT Workstation computers in the Windows NT Server domain, and the Windows NT Server computer defaults to perform operations in the primary domain controller.


When used in the primary domain controller, this command synchronizes all backup domain controllers in the domain; when used for backup domain controllers, this command only synchronizes the backup domain controller with the main domain controller. This command applies only to computers of Windows NT Server domain members.

Net Computer

Add or delete your computer from the domain database. This command is only available on a computer running Windows NT Server.

Net computer / computername {/ add | /




/ computername

Specifies the computer to be added to the domain or from the domain.

/ add

Add a specified computer to the domain.



Remove the specified computer from the domain. NET Config

Displays the currently run configurable service, or display and change the settings of a service.

Net config [service]]]]



Type NET Config without parameters will display a list of configurable services.


Server or workstation configured via the Net Config command.


The specific option of the service. Full Syntax, please refer to NET Config Server or Net Config Workstation.

NET Config Server

Display or change the service settings of the server when running service.

Net config server [/ autodisconnect: Time] [/ srvcomment: "text"] [/ hidden: {yes | no}]



Type NET Config Server without parameters, the current configuration of the server service will be displayed.

/ autodisconnect: Time

Set the maximum time value of the disconnected user session idle. You can specify -1, indicating that it is constantly open. The allowable range is -1-65535 minutes, the default value is 15 minutes.

/ SRVComment: "text"

Add a comment for the server, you can display the comments on the screen via the NET View command. Note Up to 48 characters, text must be taken with quotation marks.

/ hidden: {yes | no}

Specifies whether the computer name of the server appears in the server list. Note that implies a server does not change the authority of the server. The default is NO.

NET Config Workstation

The settings of the workstation services are displayed or changed when the service is running.

Net config workstation [/ charcount: bytes] [/ chartime: msec] [/ charwait: sec]



Type NET Config WorkStation without parameters will display the current configuration of the local computer.

/ charcount: bytes

Specifies the amount of data that Windows NT collected before sending data to the communication device. If you simultaneously set / chartime: msec parameters, Windows NT is run by first satisfying the condition. The allowable range is 0-65535 bytes, and the default value is 16 bytes.

/ Chartime: msec

Specifies that Windows NT collects data from the data to the communication device. If you simultaneously set / charcount: Bytes parameters, Windows NT is run by first satisfying the condition. The allowable range is 0-65535000 milliseconds, and the default value is 250 milliseconds.

/ Charwait: SEC

Setting up Windows NT Wait for the communication device to become available. The allowed range is 0-65535 seconds, and the default is 3,600 seconds.

Net Continue

Reactivate the hang service.

Net Continue Service



The service that can continue to run, including: FILE Server for Macintosh (this service is limited to Windows NT Server), FTP Publishing Service, LPDSVC, NET LOGON, NETWORK DDE, NETWORK DDE DSDM, NT LM Security Support Provider, Remoteboot (This service is limited to Windows NT Server, Remote Access Server, Schedule, Server, Simple TCP / IP Services, Workstation.

Net file

Display all open shared file names on a server and the number of lock files. This command can also turn off individual files and cancel the file lock. Net file [id [/ close]]]



Type NET File without parameters to get a list of open files on the server.


File identification number.

/ close

Close the open file and release the lock record. Type this command from the server of shared files.

Net group

Add, display or change global groups in the Windows NT Server domain. This command is only available in the Windows NT Server domain.

Net group [groupname [/ comment: "text"]] [/ domain]

Net group groupname {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]

NET Group Groupname UserName [...] {/ add | / delete} [/ domain]



Type NET Group without parameters to display the server name and the group name of the server.


To add, extend or delete groups. Only a group name is available to view the list of users in the group.

/ Comment: "Text"

Add a comment for the new group or existing group. Note You can be up to 48 characters, and you will take the comment text using quotation marks.

/ domain

The operation is performed in the main domain controller of the current domain, otherwise the operation is performed on the local computer.

This parameter is only used as a Windows NT WorkStation computer as a member of the Windows NT Server domain. The Windows NT Server computer defaults to operate in the primary domain controller.

Username [...]

The list shows one or more users to be added to the group or from the group. Use spaces to divide multiple user name items.

/ add

Add groups or add usernames in the group. This command must be used to create an account to the user added to the group.

/ delete

Delete a group or remove the username from the group.


Provide a list of network commands and help topics, or provide a help of the specified command or theme. The network command can be listed in the "Command" window in the "Command Reference" below.

NET HELP [Command]

NET command {/ help | /?}



Type NET HELP displays with parameters to get a list of commands and help topics.


You need your help, don't use Net as part of Command.


Provide display help text mode.


Display the correct syntax of the command.

NET Helpmsg

Provide help for Windows NT error messages.

Net helpmsg message #


Message #

The four-digit code for the Windows NT message is required.

Net localgroup

Add, display, or change the local group.

Net localgroup [groupname [/ comment: "text"]] [/ domain]

Net localgroup groupname {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]

Net localgroup groupname name [...] {/ add | / delete} [/ domain]



Type NET localgroup without parameters will display the server name and the local group name of the computer.


To add, expand or delete local group names. Only GroupName can view global groups in the user list or local group.

/ Comment: "Text"

Add a comment for new or existing groups. Note The maximum length of the text is 48 characters and can be taken with quotation marks.

/ domain

The operation is performed in the main domain controller of the current domain, otherwise only the operation is performed on the local computer.

This parameter is applied only to Windows NT Workstation Computers in the Windows NT Server domain. The Windows NT Server computer defaults to operate in the primary domain controller. Name [...]

Lists one or more usernames or group names to be added to the local group or from the local group, multiple usernames, or group names are separated by spaces. Can be local users, other domain users, or global groups, but cannot be other local groups. If it is a user in other domains, add a domain name (for example, SalesRalphr) before the username.

/ add

Add a global group name or username to a local group. Before using this command, you must create an account before adding a user or global group to a local group.

/ delete

Remove the group name or username from the local group.

Net name

Add or delete a message name (sometimes known as alias), or display the name list of the computer receive messages. To use the net name command, the merry service must be run in the computer.

Net name [name [/ add | / delete]]]]



Type NET Name without parameters will list the names of the currently used.


Specifies the name of the received message. The name is up to 15 characters.

/ add

Add the name to your computer. / add is an option, type NET Name Name, and type NET Name Name / Add.

/ delete

Remove the name from your computer.


Pause the service running.




Refer to the following services: file server for macintosh (only Windows NT Server), ftp publishing service, lpdsvc, net logon, network dde, network dde dsdm, nt lm security support provider, remoteboot (only Windows NT Server), remote access server , Schedule, Server, Simple TCP / IP Services or Workstation.

Net Print

Display or control the print job and print queue.

Net Print / Computername ShareName

Net Print [/ computername] job # [/ hold | / release | / delete]



Share the computer name of the printer queue.


Print queue name. When including ComputerName and ShareName, use a backslash () separate them.

Job #

Assign the identification number of the print job in the printer queue. A computer with one or more printer queues assigns a unique identification number for each print job. If a job number is used to share the printer queue, you cannot assign other jobs, nor can you assign a job in other printer queues.


When using Job #, wait in the printer queue to wait. The print job stays in the printer queue, and other print jobs can only be entered after the job is released.

/ Release

Release the retained print job.

/ delete

Remove the print job from the printer queue.

Net send

Send a message from other users of the network, computer, or communication name. To receive messages must run the messenger service.

Net send {name | * | / domain [: name] | / users} message



To receive a username, a computer name, or communication name that sends a message. If the computer name contains empty characters, you should take it with quotation marks ("").


Send messages to all names in the group.

/ domain [: name]

Send messages to all names in your computer domain. If Name is specified, the message will be sent to all names in the specified domain or group. / users

Send messages to all users connected to the server.


Text sent as a message.

Net session

List or disconnect the local computer and a session with the client connected to it.

Net session [/ computername] [/ delete]



Type NET session without parameters can display all sessions of the local computer.

/ computername

Identify the computer to list or disconnect the session.

/ delete

End All Open Files with / Computername computing opportunities and closing the computer during this session. If the / computername parameter will be omitted, all sessions of the local computer will be canceled.

Net Share

Create, delete, or display shared resources.

Net Share ShareName

NET Share ShareName = Drive: path [/ users: Number | / undimited] [/ Remark: "text"]

Net Share ShareName [/ users: Number | Unlimited] [/ Remark: "text"]

Net Share {ShareName | Drive: path} / delete



Type NET Share with unparalleled NET Share will display information on all shared resources on your local computer.


It is the network name of shared resources. Type the net share command with ShareName, only display the shared information.

Drive: path

Specifies the absolute path to the shared directory.

/ users: Number

Set the maximum number of users that can access shared resources simultaneously.

/ undiMITED

The number of users who do not limit the simultaneous access to the shared resource.

/ remark: "text"

Add a comment on resources, and the text is taken by quotation marks.

/ delete

Stop shared resources.


Start the service, or display a list of start-up services. If the service name is two or more words, such as Net logon or Computer Browser, you must take quotation marks (") ..

Net Start [Service]



Type NET Start without parameters to display a list of running services.


It includes the following service: alerter, client service for netware, clipbook server, computer browser, dhcp client, directory replicator, eventlog, ftp publishing service, lpdsvc, messenger, net logon, network dde, network dde dsdm, network monitoring agent, nt lm security support provider, ole, remote access connection manager, remote access isnsap service, remote access server, remote procedure call (rpc) locator, remote procedure call (rpc) service, schedule, server, simple tcp / ip services, snmp, spooler, tcp / IP NetBIOS Helper, UPS and Workstation.

The following services are available only under Windows NT Server: File Server for Macintosh, Gateway Service For NetWare, Microsoft DHCP Server, Print Server for Macintosh, RemoteBoot, Windows Internet Name Service. Net statistics

Displays statistical records for local workstations or server services.

Net Statistics [Workstation | Server]



Type Net Statistics that does not have parameters will list the running services available for their statistics.


Displays statistics for local workstation services.


Displays statistics for the local server service.


Stop Windows NT Network Services.

NET STOP Service



Including the following services: Alerter, Client Service for NetWare (NetWare Client Service), Clipbook Server, Computer Browser, Directory Replicator (Directory Replicator), FTP Publishing Service (FTP) (FTP Release Services), LPDSVC, Messenger, Net Logon, Network DDE (Network DDE), Network DDM, NETWORK MONITOR Agent, NT LM Security Support Provider (NT LM Security Support), OLE (Object Links and Embedded), Remote Access Connection Manager, Remote Access ISNSAP Service (Remote Access ISNSAP Service), Remote Access Server, REMOTE Procedure Call (RPC) Locator (Remote Process Call Locator), Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service (Remote Process Call Service), Schedule, Server (Server), Simple TCP / IP Services (Simple TCP / IP Service) , SNMP, Spooler, TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper (TCP / IP NetBIOS Aid), UPS and Workstation.

The following services are available only in Windows NT Server: File Server for Macintosh, Gateway Service for NetWare, Microsoft DHCP Server, Print Server for Macintosh, RemoteBoot, Windows Internet Name Service.


Make the computer's clock synchronization with another computer or domain. Another computer or domain will be displayed when the / set parameter is used.

NET TIME [/ computername | / domain [: name]] [/ set] parameter

/ computername

To check or synchronize the server name.

/ domain [: name]

Specifies the domain to synchronize with its time.

/ set

Make the computer clock synchronize with the clock of the specified computer or domain.


Connect your computer or disconnect the computer and the shared resource connection, or display the connection information of your computer. This command also controls a permanent network connection.

NET Use [DeviceName | *] [/ computernameshaseame [volume]] [Password | *]] [/ user

: [DomainName] Username] [[/ delete] | [/ personistent: {yes | no}]]]

NET Use DeviceName [/ Home [Password | *]] [/ delete: {yes | no}]

NET USE [/ persistent: {yes | no}]



Type NET Use without parameters will list the network connection.


Specifies the name of the resource to be connected or the device name to be disconnected. There are two types of equipment names: Disk drives (D: to Z :) and printers (LPT1: to LPT3). If you type star, not the specified device name will allocate the next available device name.

/ computernamesharename

The name of the server and shared resource. If the computer name contains a blank character, you must use quotation marks ("") to take the double reverse slash and the computer name. The computer name length can be 1-15 characters.


Specifies the NetWare volume on the server. To connect to the NetWare server, you must install and run the NetWare Client Services (Windows NT Workstation).


Access the password for shared resources.


Tip Type your password. This password will not be displayed when you type a password in a password prompt line.

/ User

Another user that specifies the connection.


Specify another domain. For example, NET USE D: / Servershare / User: Admin Mariel is connected to the user Mariel, just as a connection from the Admin domain. If the domain is omitted, the current login domain will be used.


Specify the username of the login.

/ home

Connect the user to its host directory.

/ delete

Cancel the specified network connection. If the user specifies the connection as an asterisk, cancel all network connections.

/ persistent

Control the use of a permanent network connection. The default is the setup of the last used. No device is not permanent.


Save all connections and restore when logging in next time.


Do not save the established connection and secondary connection, and restore existing connections when logging in. Use the / DELETE switch to cancel the permanent connection.

Net user

Add or change user accounts or display user account information.

Net user [username [password | *] [options]] [/ domain]

Net user username {password | *} / add [options] [/ domain]

Net user username [/ delete] [/ domain]



Type NET USER without parameters will view a list of user accounts on your computer.


Add, delete, change, or view the user account name. User account names can have 20 characters.


Assign or change your password for your user account. The password must meet the minimum parameters set in the NET Accounts Command / MINPWLEN option. Up to 14 characters.


Tip Enter your password. This password will not be displayed when you type a password in a password prompt line.

/ domain

Perform actions in the primary domain controller of your computer domain.

This parameter is only available on the Windows NT Workstation computer of the Windows NT Server domain. By default, the Windows NT Server computer performs actions in the primary domain controller. Note: This action occurs in the main domain controller of the computer main domain. It may not be a login area.

/ add

Add the user account to the user account.

/ delete

Remove the user account from the user account database.

The options are as follows:


Enable or prohibit user accounts. If the user account does not activate the user account, the user cannot access resources on the computer. The default is YES.

/ Comment: "Text"

A comment for user accounts. The annotation can have up to 48 characters, and the text can be used with quotation marks.

/ countrycode: nnn

Use the country code of the operating system to provide the specified language file for the user help and the error message file. 0 value represents the default country code.

/ expiRes: {date | never}

If Date is set, it will cause the user account expiration, and Never does not set the time limit for the user account. The expiration date according to the / countrycode value can be the following format: MM / DD / YY, DD / MM / YY or MMM, DD, YY. Note that the account expires at the beginning of the specified date. The month can be a college, full name or three letters. The year can be two or four digits, using a comma or oblique line (do not use spaces) to distinguish parts. If YY is omitted, use the next year's next year (depending on the computer's clock). If you enter the following date on January 10, 1995 to January 8, 1995, then they are:

Jan, 91/9/95

January, 9,19951 / 9

/ fullname: "Name"

Specifies the user's full name instead of the username. Use quotation to take the name.

/ homedir: path

Set the path to the user host directory. This path must exist.

/ homedirReq: {yes | no}

Set whether the host directory is required.

/ Passwordchg: {yes | no}

Specifies whether the user can change your own password. The default is YES.

/ passwordReq: {yes | no}

Specifies whether the user account needs a password, the default is YES.

/ ProfilePath: [PATH]

Set the path to the user login profile. This path name points to the registry profile.

/ scriptpath: path

Log in to the script setting path for the user. PATH cannot be an absolute path; Path is a relative path relative to% SystemRootscripts:.

/ TIMES: {TIMES | All}

Specifies the time to allow the user to use a computer. The Times value is represented as days [-day] [, day [-day]], time [-time] [, time [-time]], the incremental limit is one hour. Days can be full name or short-handed (M, T, W, TH, F, SA, SU). Hours can be 12-hour or 24-hour system. For 12 hours, AM, PM or A.M, P.m are used. ALL indicates that the user can always log in. Null value means that users can never log in. Use a comma separation date and time, a separate number of units (eg M, 4 AM-5PM; T, 1 PM-3PM) with a single separation time and date. Do not use spaces when specifying / TIMES.

/ Usercomment: "text"

Let the administrator add or change the "User Notes" of the account. Use quotation marks to take the text.

/ WorkStations: {computername [, ...] | *}

List up to eight users can log in to the network. Use a comma to divide multiple items in the list. If the / Workstations does not have a list, or if the list is an asterisk "*", the user can log in from any computer. Net view

Display domain lists, computer lists, or a list of shared resources for specified computers.

Net view [/ computername | / domain [: domainname]]]

Net View / Network: NW [/ computername]



Type NET View without parameters will display a list of computers of the current domain.

/ computername

Specifies the computer to view its shared resource.

/ domain [: DomainName]

Specifies to view the domain of its available computers. If DomainName is omitted, all domains of the network are displayed.

/ network: NW

Displays all available servers in the NetWare network. If a computer name is specified, the available resources of the computer are displayed in the NetWare network. You can also use this switch to specify additional networks added to the system.


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