SME server configuration scheme (Mail server) sendmail server qmail server

zhaozj2021-02-11  277

SME Server Configuration Scene (Mail Server)

2001-06-05 12:29

Publisher: NetBull Readings: 155 Tanghaijing (Submission) Chapter 4 Mail Server Section 1 Sendmail Server & 1.1 Introduction Mail Service is the most important network service that users need. The web has a large traffic, but the mail is mainly used in communication between individuals, and people - human communication is the foundation of business. The network without mail service is an incomplete network. In other words, if you cannot provide the user to provide mail support under the full TCP / IP, such a network operating system is not trustworthy. Configuring Sendmail is a big and complex work, but it is not entirely, and Linux has configured most of the settings compared to the case where other web server systems are installed, the SMTP server software is installed. Under the majority system, the default configuration can run well. I will give some suggestions for some configurations in this chapter. The main configuration parameters are recommended not to change at will. (LinuxByte Download Sendmail) & 1.2 Required Resources & 1.2.1 Required Package RedHat 6.2 Server Installation & 1.2.2 Required Profile /etc/ System Ossage, Administrator Configuration / Etc/ system comes with Administrator Configuration & 1.3 Configuration Scenario 1./etc/ Description: Sendmail The master configuration file controls the configuration of Sendmail runtime. Complete Sendmail Configuration should include 7 sections: local info (local information): This section defines the information option of the local host: Use to set options to define the Sendmail environment. Message Precedence: Sendmail Message Priority Trusted Users: Defines the user's Format of Headers that allows you to change the send address when you send an email: Define the message header information that is inserted in Sendmail ReWriting Rules. Rewinding rules): This part saves the rewritable email address command to use this command to rewrite the address form of the mail address from the address of the user mail program as the address of the mail sender. MAILER Definition: Defines the program that sends an email, the rewrite rule is the rule used by the mail, and is defined in this section. Source File: V8 / Berkeley CWLocalHost FW /etc/ cp. DyuuNet.u.Net CPUUCP DS Co @%! C .. C [[Kmailertable Hash -o / etc / mail / mailertable # Making DB Library KdomainTable Hash -o / etc / Mail / DomainTable KGENERICS HASH -O / ETC / Mail / GenericStable Kvirtusertable Kaccess Hash -o / etc / Mail / Access KMxServed Bestmx -z: - T

Kreesolve Host -a






CM root


# Set the mail server name




O sevenbitinput = false

O EightBitMode = pass8

O aliaswait = 10

O aliasfile = / etc / mail / aliases, / etc / mail / majordomo

O MinFreeBlocks = 100

# Regulate minimum empty block

O MaxMessagesize = 1000000

# Specify the user's maximum mail size

O Blanksub =.

O Holdexpensive = false

O DeliveryMode = background

O Autorebuildaliases = TRUE

O TempfileMode = 0600

O helpfile = / etc / mail / sendmail.hf

O SendmimeErrors = TRUE

O ForwardPath = $ z / .forward. $ W: $ z / .forward

O connectionCachesize = 2

O connectionCachetimeout = 5M

O Useerrosto = false

O Loglevel = 9

# Record the event level of the log file

O CheckaliaSs = false

O ildstyleheaders = TRUE

O PrivacyOptions = Authwarnings, NoExpn, Novrfy

O Queuedirectory = / var / spool / mqueue

O Timeout.queuereturn = 4D

O Timeout.queuewarn = 4h

O Supersafe = true

O statusfile = / var / log /

O Defaultuser = 8: 12

O SMTPGREETINGMESSAGE = $ J Sendmail $ V / $ Z; $ B

O UnixFromLine = from $ g $ d

O Operatorchars =.:% @! ^ / []

Pfirst-Class = 0


PLIST = -30

PBULK = -60

Pjunk = -100

Ft -o /etc/mail/sendmail.ct




R $$ # Error $ @ 5.7.1 $: "550 relaying Denied"

# Above is the default option for Linux, and the client is not allowed to use the mail server to send and receive mail. If the client is allowed, the upper side should be changed to

R $ - $ @ ok

# Note: The middle is two Tab keys

# 一下 邮头 信息 信息

H? P? Return-path: <$ g>

HRECEIVED: $? SFROM $ s $. $? _ ($? S $ | from $. $ _)

H? D? Reason-date: $ a

H? D? Date: $ a

H? F? Rest-from: $? X $ x <$ g> $ | $ g $.

H? F? From: $? X $ x $ g> $ | $ g $.

H? X? Full-name: $ x

H? M? Reason-message-id: <$ h!

H? M? Message-id: T. $@j

# Above is the mail header information

2. Administrators need Touch / etc / mail / aliases and Touch / etc / mail / majordomo to create two files, then restart sendmail, generate two library files using to generate two libraries: aliases.db And Majordomo.db; & 1.4 Test and Management Measures

& 1.4.1 Test Method

1. Administrators can make changes by executing /etmail restart by performing /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart

The configuration takes effect.

2. Administrators use not mail by performing fetchmail -u yourname yourserver

The user needs their password, and the user needs to be set according to the client.

3. Administrators should open the POP3 service, that is, change the configuration file

3. Administrators can perform Echo Test | / USR / SBIN / Sendmail on the server

- v to test whether the created mail user can work properly.

& 1.5 small knot

In fact, we can implement the function of the Mail server as long as we set a few places, because Sendmail has strong applicability, and it is constantly updated. So now the SENDMAIL's configuration solution has been practiced, and there is no need to make too much changes to the administrator, you can achieve powerful SendMail features.

Section 2 QMAIL server

& 2.1 Introduction

Qmail is a new generation of Unix mail systems that can completely replace the Sendmail-Binmail system. Qmail has a lot of features compared to Sendmail, including:

Safety ---- qmail divides the MAIL process into multiple processes, trying to avoid ROOT users

Run. At the same time, QMAIL prohibits direct delivery of privileged users (root, deamon, etc.)


Reliable ---- QMAIL direct delivery guarantee that email will not be lost during delivery.

Qmail supports new and more reliable mailbox format maildir, ensuring the system

The entire mailbox is not destroyed under sudden crash.

Efficient ---- On the BSD / OS running in the Pentium, QMail can be easily delivered every day 200000

Sealing letter.

Simple ---- qmail is much smaller than other Internet mail systems. Qmail through

One forward mechanism completes Forwarding, Alias ​​and Mailist etiquette

Yes, qmail uses a simple and efficient queue to handle delivery. Qmail-smtpd can be

Inetd starts and saves a certain resource.

QMAIL support: host and user masquerading

Full host Hiding

Virtual Domains

Null Clients

List-owner shutriting

Relay Control

Double-Bounce Recording

Arbitrary RFC 822 Address Lists

Cross-host mailing list loop detection

& 2.2 Resources required


Linuxbyte downloads QMAIL, most other software can be found in LinuxByte, please use the LinuxByte search engine to find if you need.

& 2.2.1 Requirements

QMAIL-1.03.tar.gz qmail basic system package

UCSPI-TCP-0.88.Tar.gz TCPServer and other service programs

Daemontools-0.70.tar.gz Monitoring Tools

Checkpassword-0.90.tar.gz POP3 Verify User Programs

vpopmail-4.9.8.tar.gz virtual domain user POP3

VQSIGNUP-0.4 web way user registration

Sqwebmail-1.2.4.tar.gz webmailqmailadmin-0.42.tar.gz virtual domain web mode management

EZMLM-0.53.tar.gz Mail List Management

AutoRespond-1.0.0.tar.gz automatic reply program

& 2.2.2 Download URL

& 2.3 Installation Process

2.2.1 Install QMAIL Basic Package

(1) Add QMail to users and groups

MKDIR / VAR / Qmail

GroupAdd Nofiles

UserAdd -g Nofiles -d / var / qmail / alias alias

UserAdd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmails

UserAdd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmaill

UserAdd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmailp

GroupAdd Qmail

UserAdd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmailq

Useradd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmailr

UserAdd -g nofiles -d / var / qmail qmails

(2) Install the QMAIL package

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR XVZF QMAIL-1.03.tar.gz


Make setup check

./config-fast $ hostname

# Set the QMAIL server host name

CD ~ alias; touch .qmail-postmaster .qmail-mailer-

Daemon .qmail-root

Sed S / Mailbox / Maildir // / VAR / Qmail / Boot / Home>



2.2.2 Installing TCPServer and other services

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR XVZF UCSPI-TCP-0.88.tar.gz



Make setup check

2.2.3 Installing POP3 Verify User Programs

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR XVF Checkpasswd-0.90.tar.gz

CD Checkpasswd-0.90


Make setup check

CHMOD OG-RX / BIN / Checkpassword

2.2.4 Installing the virtual domain user POP3 support

GroupAdd vchkpw

UserAdd -g vchkpw vpopmail


Echo "127.0.0.:Allow ,ylayclient=" ""> ~ vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp

echo "192.168.0.:Allow ,ylayclient=" "" >> ~ vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp

echo ": allow"> /etc/tcp.smtp

/ usr / local / bin / tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR XVZF vPopmail-4.9.8.tar.gz


Make clean

./configure --enable-hardquota = 10485760 --Nable-Deliver-filter = y


Make Install-Strip

CD / home / vpopmail / bin

./vadddomain Weboa./vadduser THJ

2.2.5 Change Sendmail to qmail

Killall -Term Sendmail

MV / usr / lib / sendmail /usr/lib/

MV / usr / sbin / sendmail /usr/sbin/

mv /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail /etc/rc.d/init.d/

LN -S / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / Sendmail / USR / lib / sendmail

Ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail

Cp / root / qmail / qmail-start /etc/rc.d/init.d/ -f

Cp / root / qmail / datates / var / qmail / control / -f

Ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/s98qmail

2.2.6 Making QMAIL Control Scripts

#! / bin / sh

Case "$ 1" in


echo "Start QMail:"

/ VAR / QMAIL / RC &

Echo "Start SMTP Service:"

/ usr / local / bin / tcpserver -v -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 SMTP



echo "Start Pop3 Service:"

/ usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r 0 POP3 / VAR / QMAIL / BIN /

qmail-popup $ hostname / home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw




echo "stop qmail:"


KILLALL -9 qmail-lspawn







2.2.7 Installing Monitoring Tools

CD / USR / Local / SRC

Tar Zxvf daemontools-0.70.tar.gz

CD daemontools-0.70


Make setup check

# Execute the file will be installed in / usr / local / bin.

# After installing this tool, you can use # mkdir / var / run / qmail

# Supervise / Var / Run / qmail / var / qmail / rc

To launch QMAIL, you can also use SVC to turn off or restart qmail, monitor SVSTAT

QMAIL operation

2.2.8 QMAIL Web Solution

(1) Install mailing list management

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR ZXVF EZMLM-0.53.Tar.gz


Make man

Make Setup

(2) Install automatic reply

CD / USR / Local / SRC

Tar Zxvf daemontools-0.70.tar.gz

GCC-Wall -o Autorespond AutoRespond.c

CP AutoRespond / USR / local / bin / autorespond

(3) Install the virtual domain web mode management

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR ZXVF qmailadmin-0.42.tar.gz

CD qmailadmin-0.42.tar.gz

Before installation, you must consider meeting the following requirements: a. Do you have a vPopmail user vchkpw

B.cgi-bin directory location

C.EZMLM directory location

The location of the D.AutoRespond directory

If you can reach the above requirements, you can continue to install



Make Install-Strip

Test if the installation is correct: Open the path in the browser


Whether it can be successfully logged in according to the user and password set up.

(4) Install Webmail package

CD / USR / Local / SRC

TAR ZXVF SQWwebmail-1.2.4.tar.gz

CD SQWwebmail-1.2.4.tar.gz

./configure --without-authpam --without-authuserdb

Enable-webpass = no --without-authpwd


Make configure-check


# When the Make Times is missing DB.H

Can cp /usr/include/db1/db.h /usr/include/db.h

Make Check

Make Install-Strip

Make Install-Configure

Test if the installation is correct: Open the path in the browser

(5) Install VQSIGNUP

TAR XVFZ vqsignup-0.4.tar.gz


a. Modify the Makefile file:

Flags = -i / home / vpopmail / incn

Modify -i / home / vpopmail / include to the real vpopmail / incline directory

Modify this line below

$ (CC) $ (FLAGS) -O $ (BIN) $ (OBJS) -L / Home / vpopmail / lib --lvpopmail -lcrypt

Modify -L / Home / vpopmail / lib for the real vpopmail lib

b. Compilation


c. Installation

Copy Signup.cgi and Signup.conf files to cgi-bin directory

Switching directory to the CGI-BIN directory

Chown vpopmail signup.cgi

Chgrp vchkpw signalup.cgi

CHMOD UG S Signup.cgi

CHMOD UGO R Signup.conf

Copy the vqsignup_html directory to the CGI-BIN directory, confident

User readable

Copy vqsignup.html file to the DocumentRoot directory, confident

Can be accessed. Edit the vqsignup.conf file under the CGI-bin directory

Modify all lines of "add_domain", plus your real domain, put others

The line deletes it. Change the vqsignup_text / *. Html file, the path to the row containing "result_ *" refers to the correct whole road.

Modify all the files under the vqsignup_text directory so that they only contain you

If you want to support the domain, you can customize these pages to make them more well.

Modify the vqsignup.html file in the documentroot directory, make it only

Contains the domain you want to support, you can customize this page so that it is better

Look at it.

d. test

Use your browser to access http: // your web server / your sub Dir / vqsignup.htm, try to register new users, if successful,

So congratulations. If there is an error, return to the installation step to carefully view the permissions of the file and whether the value in vqsignup.html is correct. & 2.4 Other Resources


Qmail FQA (included in qmail 1.03 source code)

Http:// There are several more good installation documents

Http://www.linux on QMAIL discussion

That is also good

& 2.5 small knots

QMAIL configuration work is greatly simplified than Sendmail, but wants to truly establish a powerful, running a mail server, mastering its flexible configuration, carefully reading its how-to and faq is necessary. About Dot-Forward, Mail List, etc. A very useful method and use skills are limited to the space, it is recommended to refer to the relevant documentation in the package.


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