Stable live water

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  34

It is necessary to maintain the mobility of employees, but also to maintain the relative stability of the organization, many companies have to face problems.

A Chinese student who graduated in Harvard University took a confusion to the US to participate in the Alumni Association. After he returned to China, he created an IT service company, providing office software products for large enterprises. Due to the stability of the business, the company's profits have been very good. However, some talents have excessive liquidity, and the business capacity of enterprises is reduced. It has been serious. He has adopted emergency measures to significantly improve employee compensation and welfare, and the employee team is finally stable. But the next trouble makes him not, the company has quickly formed several factions, internal battles and corruption make companies difficult to operate smoothly.

When he was attending the alumni association, he confessed his own hardship to the instructor. He didn't send it. He took him to the Charles River, looked at the crystal clear river, said to him: "Remember that China has a sentence Ancient poems, what is the order, for the source of live water. "

He looked at the teacher in a bit. The teacher took the shoulders and said: "It is too rushing to leave the fish, and you must use the fish to live healthily." It is necessary to use 'stable live water'. "

Manufacturing flow

Treasing uncomfortable employees is a key initiative to organize restructuring and rejuvenating enterprise vitality. "Only people who are not suitable will leave the right person." This is an entrepreneurial experience. "When you are not sure who is right for your business, you can at least find anyone who is not suitable for enterprises."

A private enterprise is a teaching auxiliary book business. Due to the fixed channels, the company's profits have been very good, but they will always do it. The reason is that "the company is a person from the head to the end". The business owner is originally a self-cultivation, although there is no too many culture, but there is a businessman's vision and mind. Cooperating with relevant government departments, through this relatively unique business method, corporate profits have always been ahead of industry competitors.

But he faces a huge problem. Because all employees, including their relatives and their relatives through the government relationship, they are reliable and unavailable. On this issue, he has thought about it very seriously. From his experience, there is no pure low quality employee in the world. He only has junior high school degree, and is there no struggle? But the performance of these employees has made him disappointment. Although there have been more than 20 employees, he still wants to be. He has also accepted the suggestion of the consulting company and has adopted various incentives. Today, he has begun to listen. His distress comes from the cultural model of the company. Because the staff members are mainly friends and relatives, this is facing the difficulties that are unforgettable, that is to say that most employees cannot be dismissed.

McGregor proposed XY theory in the book "of" people in the middle ". X Theory is also known as the "economic people hypothesis", Y theory is also called "social people hypothesis". X Theory believes that human nature is lazy, disgusting work, as evocation as possible, the only incentive approach is to organize production with economic remuneration, as long as it increases money rewards, it can achieve higher production. Y Theory believes that the general people are not disgusting, if appropriate, people like work and desire to play their talents. The incentive is to make the employee work as a meaningful and challenging, so that employees have encouraged themselves.

We implement positive incentives for employees, which is based on "Y" assumptions. That is to assume that employees are positive, ideal and ambitious, and they can be competent. Negative excitation is based on "X" theory, and it is the opposite of "Y" theory.

In fact, experienced managers know that there are people who are in line with "Y" theory, these people have a leading role in the company, or finding that companies cannot make their own hands and leave away. These people need to guide and retain through orthot. Each company also has people who meet the theory of "X", which are often the backward molecules of the enterprise. Some people keep up with large teams through negative motivation, and some people have been abandoned by organizational, and some people have lost their breath. Therefore, for a company, effectively manage organizations must prepare some of the "X" people who are unhappy, and are ready to have a part of the "Y" who is difficult to take into the company. Only in this way, enterprises can ensure that their organizational mainstream is unaffected, mainstream culture is not alienated.

Keep the fluidity

Everyone knows 2/8 rules. 80% of the value comes from 20% of people's creativity, and companies have to give these 20% of people return. This theory is currently used in organizational management. Its great idea is to retain 80% of the enterprise to abandon 20%. Because of the normal distribution, since there are 20% of the elites, it seems that there should be 20% needed to be eliminated. Although this number is some subjective, its truth is self-evident. Every company has some people to be excluded, but how do you find these people?

Enterprises are not uncomfortable, but they are not allowed. This is a difficulty of many business managers. When the company made a layoff, for the people who must leave, no matter how cruel things. This requires a clear statement that not only requires clear provisions, but also requires precise quantization. In addition, it is indispensable to let everyone feel that the company is alright. When the employee finds that the process of enterprise layoffs is too cruel, it will have a psychological barrier, which will have doubts about corporate culture, and it is no longer faithful to the original values. This invisible barrier is not only difficult to eliminate, but also bring a negative impact on business management.

In general, companies are striving for pragmatics and decent. "Guardian" is an incentive that puts layoffs as an incentive. Cabbling some tendency or strikes for some kind of force through layoffs. Laylings are not the purpose, but only means. Through layoffs, let the organization have re-integrated and make a crisis awareness. "Being pragmatic" is a means of adjusting layoff as a strategic adjustment. During the adjustment process, the interests of some employees will be affected. From the perspective of corporate interests, some employees have to be cut off.

Whether it is pragmatism, still a virtual, eventually to grasp a degree. Some people have said: "An enterprise that often strategically adjusts cannot be said to be a smart business, and a lack of stability organization, it will not be a clear organization."

GE Company CEO Jack Welch's standard is 20/70/10. He divided employees into three levels of best, medium and worst. 20% of the people are best defined, to be raised or promoted, the last 10% is the worst, to be eliminated. A company in the northwest area has always heard a lecture. After knowing the standard of Welch, he immediately flew back to the company to conduct a similar deployment.

However, the situation of our company is very different from GE. First of all, the creation time is not long, and it is currently the stage of doing work together to work together. Most of the recruitment of enterprise employees is recommended through various executives, as long as one layoff, it will inevitably affect all aspects of political forces, causing organizational shock. This is undoubtedly the current strategy of companies currently striving. Second, the current business has not been programmed, so it is very difficult to assess. How to define which people will improve, which people are laid off, and it is difficult to have a quantitative standard. After that, after this, it will inevitably bring many people to cause accidents and uneven. Third, the company's strategy is still unclear. Organizers are not just preparing for today, but also reserves tomorrow. At this time, layoffs, it is conceivable to know.

The unhappiness of the answer, let the entrepreneur of this executive efforts have completed 20/70/10 programs quickly. But the next thing makes him not. Assembging the departers, if you don't have a face, the company is not absent-minded because of worrying your own fate, and the benefits of the company have gradually declined. Until this entrepreneur spent the force of Nine Bull, twisted the wrong twist, and revealed the passive situation after the effectively incentive mode was implemented. A wisdom leader is not in the law of others, but is the law. Welch's standard is fixed, because this standard has become a system, a culture. However, most enterprise models in China are now exploring the stage. At this time, it is wise to keep a dynamic standard.

It can stabilize the situation

The organization's fluidity is difficult to control in certain industries. "Ren Talent Flow, stay the knowledge", this is a slogan of IT. Unlike other companies, this company has never shifted the flow of talents. Employees don't have to worry about their secret openness, everyone can work together in a frank relationship. "Our employees and companies are always friends. No matter where he is going." The manager of this company believes in such a concept, "because the employee is controversial here, she is doing things frankly. This experience is just entered society. The college student is coming, it is a master that is difficult to buy. "

"We don't avoid employees to leave, objectively, because this trend is not avoided or accepted to block can contain. It is always unhappy, why can't you break your hand?"

"Subjective, if you regard employees as friends, you have to think about his future. Only by mind, you can exchange sincerely. So, after my employee leaves, not only always keep friends with me Relationships and mutual advice, and many employees have returned to the company after a while. "

"This culture gives me two guarantees. First, each employee leaves deeply thinking, there is no inexpensive choice. Second, each employee will introduce your experience to the boss and colleagues."

Perhaps the theory is somewhat is too ideal, but a creative organizational atmosphere is indeed a key factor in maintaining corporate vitality. Because good employees are not hired, it is cultivated.

In order to explore the way to governance, I found a hermit. The hermit poised at the river of the flood, and the emperor suddenly turned over. The mystery of governing the country is that it is the same, and the management is also the same. Only the situation can be stable, and if the branch is hung on the shore, then it is inevitably scattered, only the water, the branches can be gathered. However, never forget the flow is not the purpose, the purpose is to stabilize the company.

The core talent is the last line of defense. An entrepreneur in the south interviews in the North during the North, several core backbone of the enterprise take over decision and management. Because I started the house in the beginning, I have experienced many wind and rain, everyone is very familiar with each other. So after the take over, these core executives are light and easy to grasp the ideas of the boss.

Unfortunately, they made a huge mistake. When expanding the Xinjiang market, they signed an exclusive agent agreement with a partner company. But this partner has carried out capital privately with exclusive agency rights. When the matter was exposed, the company had suffered a loss of 10 million yuan. The entrepreneur returned to the south. When I saw it all, I didn't say that I had a restrained core backbone. Soon new people have added it. However, since then, when the business of the business is studying in north, it is found that the business is difficult to start. Several core talents have left to let the entire procedure of the enterprise, this disconnection is not a newcomer to be linked.

For many managers, maintaining the stability while maintaining employee fluidity seems to be "fish and bear's own". However, in a sense, management is to find a balance process, and absolute balance is difficult to achieve, but relative balancing is a technique and method can be achieved. Transfer "IT Manager World"


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