SME server configuration solution (Tomcat server)

zhaozj2021-02-11  238

SME server configuration solution (Tomcat server)

2001-06-05 12:08

Publisher: NetBull Readings: 99 Tanghaijing (Submission) Section 2 Tomcat Server & 2.1 Introduction JSP is a new web development tool that Sun develops on SERVLET, foreign EJB JSP / Servlet Application Server Database It has already become an epidemic architecture of an e-commerce site. Tomcat3.1 implements the latest servlet2.2 and jsp1.1 standards. Sun is also recommended to use Tomcat, this article introduces Tomcat3.1 installation under RedHat. (LinuxByte Download Tomcat) & 2.2 Requirements Required Resources & 2.2.1 Requirements 1. JDK1_2_2-Linux-I386.Tar.gz 2. Jakarta-Tomcat.tar.gz, http: // 3. MOD_JSERV.SO & 2 .2.2 Required configuration file / etc / profile /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/server.xml /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/ & 2.3 Installation Steps 1. Install JDK CD / USR / Local Tar ZXVF / ROOT/JDK1_2_2-Linux-i386.tar.gz mv JDK1.2.2 JDK 2. Modify / etc / profile environment file Add the following: java_home = / usr / local / jdk classpath = / usr / local / jdk / LIB: / usr / local / jre / lib path = $ paht: / usr / local / jdk / bin: / usr / local / jre / bin export java_home export classpath 3. Install Tomcat CD / USR / LOCAL TAR ZXVF / ROOT / Jakarta-tomcat.tar.gz 4. whole Apache and Tomcat CD / Home / httpd mkdir libexec cp / ot/ / home / httpd / libexec cp /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/tomcat.conf / ETC / httpd/conf vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Add the following: include /etc/httpd/conf/tomcat-apache.conf & 2.3 Configuration and Management Tomcat 1. / usr / local / jakarta -to McAT / Conf / Server.xml & 2.4 Test and Management Measures & 2.4.1 Test Method 1. Type Java in any directory on the server, see if there is execution 2. Browse to see if there is The lovely kitten is salad! ! 3. Browse to test whether Apache and Tomcat have become ready. & 2.5 Other References 1. For information on Tomcat, please 2. Other JSP information can be between & 2.6 small knot Tomcat and JSERV What is the difference? Tomcat == jserv, isn't it? This is an ordinary misunderstanding.

JServ is established to servlet API 2.0 compatible containers used with Apac. Tomcat is a container that is completely rewritten and is compatible with Servlet API 2.2 and JSP 1.1. Tomcat uses some JServ code, especially Jserv's Apaci Server Adapter (Adapter), but similar places are just this. source:


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