SME server configuration solution (proxy access server) single network card network configuration

zhaozj2021-02-11  239

SME server configuration scheme (proxy access server)

2001-06-05 12:52

Publisher: NetBull Readings: 153 Tanghaijing (Submission) Chapter 1 Agent Access Server First Net Card & 1.1 Introduction As one of the most basic components of the LAN, NIC is generally not within the standard configuration of many downtimers. But if there is no NIC in the LAN, just like only the display is not a graphics card. No network card is impossible to form a local area network, which acts as an important accessory connected to the network terminal, playing a huge role in the entire network. The NIC is a network interface card that sends data, controls data, accepts and converts data to the network. It is installed in the expansion slot of the computer or server, which acts as a physical interface between the computer and the network.

& 1.2 Required Resources & 1.2.1 Required Package RedHat 6.2 Server Mode Installation & 1.2.2 Required Profiles / Etc/conf.modules system comes with, administrator configuration / etc / sysconfig / network system comes with, administrator configuration / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0 system comes with, administrator configuration & 1.2.3 Related tools 1. IPTRAF Description: A tool that monitors all access service devices, of course, network card download URL: ftp: // ftp / .mirror2 / / constraf-2.0.2-1.i386.rpm 2. Linuxconf Description: The system comes with 3. NetConf Description: System self With & 1.3 Configuration Procedure 1./etc/conf.modules Description: Drive Module Profile Source File: Alias ​​Parport_lowlevel Parport_PC Alias ​​Eth0 Ne # NET Device and Kernel Module Options Ne IO = 0x240 IRQ = 5 # If it is an ISA network card, Need to set IO and IRQ If you don't know, you can install a 98 to see 2./etc/sysconfig/network Description: Network configuration file source file: hostname = Weboa # server hostname DomainName = "" # server Domain name gateway = "" # Gateway settings Gateway = "eth0" # Gateway device networking = yes # 是 启 网络 网 服务 网络 网络 = yes # Network service Configuration take effect when starting forward_ipv4 = "yes" # server support IP forwarded 3./etc/sysconfig/neetWork-scripts/IFCFG-TH0 Description: The first block configuration file source file: device = "eth0" # network card device name bootproto = "none" ipaddr = "" # ip Set Netmask = "" # 子 网 mask setting onboot = "ipxnetNum_802_2 =" "ipxprimary_802_2 =" NO "IPXACTIVE_802_2 =" no "IPXNETNUM_802_3 =" "IPXPRIMARY_802_3 =" no "IPXACTIVE_802_3 =" no "IPXNETNUM_ETHERII =" "IPXPRIMARY_ETHERII =" no "IPXACTIVE_ETHERII =" no "IPXNETNUM_SNAP =" "IPXPRIMARY_SNAP =" no "IPXACTIVE_SNAP =" no "& 1.4 Test and Management Measures & 1.4.1 Test Method 1. Ifconfig observes whether there is an eth0 device exists, set IP and subnet mask pairs are not to 2. ping ip first ping themselves, see if there is a response; then PING other machines.

& 1.4.2 Management Method 1. Modify the NIC settings via LinuxConf or NetConf and then execute: /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart 2. Directly modify the configuration file and execute: /etc/rc.d/init.d/ NetWork Restart & 1.5 Other Resources Website for famous NIC production companies: .CN Shenzhen Guotong Company: acccton: 3com: D-Link : Http:// intel: Realtek Company: US Novell: http://www.novell. COM & 1.6 Related Method 1.ISA NIC: PNP: Method 1: When installation needs to indicate its IO and IRQ, if you don't know, you can install a 98 first, look at its IO and IRQ in "Device Management". . Method 2: PNPDUMP and ISAPNP can achieve non-PNP: You need to brush a new BIOS in 98, turn into PNP, then install 2.PCI network card: If it is Linux support, it will be automatically identified during installation, and Will prompt you for IP, if there is no prompt, then explain your NIC does not recognize Linux, so it is more troublesome. A simple solution is to install in accordance with the compatible network card of the NIC. If you still don't make it, you have to go online to search for search. 3. D-Link530 Revb1 PCI NIC installation: System supports D-Link530 Reva PCI's network card, but later D-Link has a revb1, more wol, so the original driver via-rhine.o is not good. It is very simple to do it yourself.

(Note: The sign is in bold where modified) edited via-rhineB.c static struct pci_id_info pci_tbl [] = {{ "VIA VT86C100A Rhine-II", 0x1106, 0x6100, 0xffff, PCI_USES_MEM | PCI_USES_IO | PCI_USES_MEM | PCI_USES_MASTER, 12 8, via_probe1}, { "VIA VT3043 Rhine", 0x1106, 0x3043, 0xffff, PCI_USES_IO | PCI_USES_MEM | PCI_USES_MASTER, 128, via_probe1}, { "VIA VT3043 Rhine RevB1", 0x1106, 0x3065, 0xffff, PCI_USES_IO | PCI_USES_MEM | PCI_USES_MASTER, 128 , via_probe1}, {0,}, / * 0 terminated list * /};. then modify /usr/src/linux/drivers/net/ tristate / PCI NE2000 support / CONFIG_NE2K_PCI tristate / TI ThunderLAN support / CONFIG_TLAN tristate / VIA Rhine support / CONFIG_VIA_RHINE tristate / VIA Rhine RevB support / CONFIG_VIA_RHINEB if [ "$ CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL" = "y"]; then then modify / usr / src / linux / drivers / net / Makefile ifeq ($ (CONFIG_VIA_RHINE), y) L_OBJS = Via-Rhine.o else Ifeq ($ (config_via_rhine), m) m_objs = via-rhine.o Endif Endif iFeq ($ (config_via_rhineb), y) l_objs = via-rhineb.o else Ifeq ($ ($) Config_via_rhineb), M) M_OBJS = VIA-RHINEB.O ENDIF END IF Configuration Kernel: Make MenuConfig Networking Device Support -> Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) Press M Exit Make DEP Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Make Makes_Install If /Lib/Modules/2.2.14-5.0 /Net/via-rhineb.o exists, we have a drama. Then execute insmod via-rhineb.o in this directory. If there is no error, it will succeed. & 1.7 Split Network is one of the most basic devices in the network, so the success of the NIC installation directly related to the success or failure of the server configuration, Linux supports the network card support can be said to be good, but due to its installation requires administrator manual configuration More than the Windows driver is much more complicated, many people think that Linux supports hardware support, in fact, this is incorrect, if you master the method, it is still very simple. source:


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