The "GNU / Linux Programming Guide" is written in the error processing part.
Common content is as follows:
The L C standard defines __line__ and __file__macromacromacromavers, the GNU C extension defines the __function__ macro.
The Abort (), Exit () and the ATEXIT () function are defined in l
l Function Abort () will lead to an exception termination, and there is no function of the ATEXIT () registration without the opportunity to terminate the program, and there is no program to perform some regular clear work. At the same time, Abort () also produces Core Dump if there is no Ulimit limit.
l Functions exit () and abort () are similar, but it terminates the program after completing the cleanup work.
l Function ATEXIT () Register the function to be called when the program is normally terminated.
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Syslogd interface is defined in l