DBStart Oracle8.1.6 under Redhat Linux under the redhat linux

zhaozj2021-02-11  239

Establishment of Oracle Launch Scripts under Redhat Linux

2001-06-05 8:25

Publisher: Crystal Readings: 102 1. Modify $ Oracle_Home / Bin / DBStart Script First Test your $ Oracle / bin / dbstart script, if you can start Oracle normally, jump to the second part. I operate as redhat7.1 oracle8.1.6, find that the dbstart script has problems and cannot get the currently running Oracle version number. Edit DBStart, find status = 1 if ["$ version" = "8.1"] Plus Version = "8.1" two, create the /etc/init.d/oracle script as follows: #! / Bin / bash # # Oracle . This shell script takes care of starting and stopping # the MySQL subsystem (mysqld) # # chkconfig: - 90 10 # description: Oracle database server # processname: oracle ORA_HOME = / home / oracle ORA_OWNER = oracle prog = "Oracle" #. Source function library... /Etc/rc.d/init.d/functions if [! -F $ ora_home / bin / dbstart] THEN Echo "Oracle Startup: Cannot Start" EXIT FI START () {Su - $ ORA_OWNER -C $ ORA_HOME / BIN / DBSTART> / DEV / NULL 2> & 1 & Ret = $? IF [$ RET-EQ 0]; THEN ACTION $ "Starting $ PROG:" / BIN / TRUE ELSE ACTION $ "Starting $ PROG:" / bin / false Fi [$ RET-EQ 0] && touch / var / limited $ RET} Stop () {su - $ ora_owner -c $ ora_home / bin / dbshut> / dev / null 2> & 1 RET = $? IF [$ RET-EQ 0]; THEN Action $ "Stopping $ PROG:" / BIN / TRUE ELSE ACTION $ "Stopping $ PROG:" / BIN / FALSE FI [$ RET-EQ 0] && rm - F / var / lock / subsys / oracled return $ RET} Restart () {stop start} # See How Wee Were Called. Case "$ 1" in Start) Start ;; Stop ;; Restart) Restart ;; condrestart) Condrest ;; *) Echo $ "usage: $ 0 {start | stop | restart}" EXIT 1 ESAC 3, Run Command ChkConfig --Add Oracle, register your system service, and then use ntsysv command to manage your Oracle service. Fourth, you can download this article mentioned in this article in http://fancao.oso.cn/script/dbstart http://fancao.ostart http://fancao.ostart http://fancao.ostart http://fancao.oso.com.cn/script/oracle Author: Where the grass 0515 Source:



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