Linux study notes - Samba uses the SMB file sharing

zhaozj2021-02-11  275

Linux study notes - Samba usage articles

Foreword: Start installing half a month ago, learn redhat linux7.0. As a linux newbie, it is inevitable to meet some problems. By flipping through books, view BBS, our own exploration practice, also solves some problems. Thinking of your own lessons can be used for others, so boldly, you can be used as a study notes, and I have to help friends who have just come into contact with Linux. Since my ability is limited, I have inevitable insufficiency in my notes, and I will also ask the high fingers. 1. Introduction to Samba NetBIOS is an API designed to facilitate development based on local area network-based resource sharing applications. After that, NetBIOS-based NetBeui protocols and NBT (NetBIOS over TCP / IP) protocols are produced. The NBT protocol further develops into SMB and CIFS protocols. Windows LAN default is the NetBeui protocol, and the Samba package is the CIFS protocol. The result is that the machine with the Samba package can communicate with the machine of the Windows network, so that there is no NetBeui protocol, Linux machinery Samba helps with Windows Network Share Resources. Second, Samba's installation Redhat Linux7.0 is installed in the default installation mode. You can use the "rpm -q samba" command to see if Samba is installed and installed. No, you can manually install from the RPM file of Samba from the installation CD. Third, Samba's start-up uses "ps -aux | grep smb" to see if the Samba service is running, whether the default is. Start it with the command "/etc/init.d/smb start; or" LinuxConf "sets the Samba to start when the system is started. For the specific step, run "LinuxConf", click "Control Service Activity", the displayed screen is as shown in the figure, click "SMB" in the "SEVICE Control" list, set the start to "Automatic", "Run Level" is "5". 4. After accessing the Windows client SMB startup, it is not used as any setting you can have access to the machine running Windows. Now there are two machines, running Linux and Windows98, and host names are redhat and LILY, respectively. There is a directory "Download" on LILY, with printer "hp", directory set to "full access", password is "ABC". 1. Access the shared directory on LILY. The first step is to view the shared resource of the LILY machine, "SMBCLIENT -L // Lily", when prompted, the password will list the resources available on LILY. In the second step, "MKDIR / MNT / DOWNLOAD", establishes a directory under "/ mnt". The third step, "mount -t smbfs -o username = abc, password = abc // lily / download / mnt / download", hooks the shared directory on the LILED below "/ MNT / Download" below. Next, you can access the shared directory like using the local hard drive. You can also edit "/etc/rc.d/rc.local", add "mount -t smbfs -o usrname = abc, password = abc // lily / download / mnt / download" to the end of the file, so The system starts, the shared directory is also hung. 2, use the printer on lily. Click the Gnome icon on the taskbar, click System, click Control Panel.


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