Linux Network Administrator Manual (Directory) Agreement

zhaozj2021-02-11  235

Linux Network Administrator Manual (Directory)

2000-07-31 15:01

Publisher: NetBull Readings: 5859 Translation: Zhao Wei preface Linux documentation About this book official print version More information About Author Acknowledgment Print Convention Linux Document Schedule File System Standard 1. Network Introduction 1.1 History 1.2 UUCP network 1.2.1 How to use UUCP 1.3 TCP / IP network 1.3.1 TCP / IP network introduction 1.3.2 Ethernet 1.3.3 Other hardware classes 1.3.4 Internet protocol 1.3.5 Online IP 1.3.6 Transmission Control Protocol 1.3.7 User Data News Agreement 1.3.8 About Port 1.3.9 Socket (Socket) Library 1.4 Linux Network 1.4.1 Different Development Directions 1.4.2 Code 1.5 Maintain your system 1.5. 1 System Security 1.6 Chapter Outlook 2. TCP / IP Network Question 2.1 Network Interface 2.2 IP Address 2.3 Address Resolution 2.4 IP Route 2.4.1 IP Network 2.4.2 Subnet 2.4.3 Gateway 2.4.4 Routing Table 2.4.5 Measure Value 2.5 Interconnection Network Control Packet Agreement 2.6 Domain Name System 2.6.1 Host Name Resolution 2.6.2 Enter DNS 2.6.3 Use DNS to find 2.6.4 Domain Name Service 2.6.5 DNS Database 2.6.6 Reverse Look 3. Configure Network Hardware 3.1 Equipment, driver, etc. 3.2 Core configuration 3.2.1 Linux 1.0 and above version of the kernel option 3.2.2 Linux 1.1.14 and above version of the core option 3.3 Linux network device list 3.4 Ethernet installation 3.4.1 Ethernet cable 3.4 .2 Supported board 3.4.3 Ethernet automatic detection 3.5 PLIP driver 3.6 SLIP and PPP driver 4. Setting serial hardware 4.1 Modem Connection Communication Software 4.2 Serial Device Overview 4.3 Access Serial Device 4.4 Serial Hardware 5. Configuring TCP / IP Network 5.1 Installing Proc File System 5.2 Installing Executive File 5.3 Another Example 5.4 Setting Host Name 5.5 Assign IP Address 5.6 Writing Hosts and Networks File 5.7 IP Configuration 5.7.1 Turning Roal Interface 5.7.2 Ethernet Interface 5.7.3 Configuring Gateway 5.7.5 PLIP interface 5.7.6 SLIP and PPP interface 5.7.7 Dumb interface 5.7.7 About IFCONFIG 5.9 Using NetStat Check 5.9.1 Display Routing Table 5.9.2 Display Interface Statistics 5.9.3 Display Connection Status 5.10 Checking ARP Table 5.11 Prospect 6. Name Service and Resolution Configuration 6.1 Resolution Device Library 6.1.1 Host.conf file 6.1.2 Analytical Environment Variable 6.1.3 Configuring Name Server Back Ring - RESOLV.CONF 6.1.4 Resolvator Stability 6.2 Running Named 6.2.1 Named.boot file 6.2.2 DNS Database file 6.2.3 Write main file 6.2. 4 Verify the setting of the name server 6.2.5 Other useful tools 7. Serial line IP 7.1 General requirements 7.2 SLIP operation 7.3 Using DIP 7.3.1 A description file sample 7.3.2 DIP Reference 7.4 Run in Server Mode 8. Point-to-point protocol 8.1 Unpacking P Letter 8.2 PPP 8.3 Run PPPD 8.4 Using Options File 8.5 Using Chat Election 8.6 Debugging Your PPP Settings 8.7 IP Configuration Options 8.7.1 Select IP Address 8.7.2 Route 8.8 Link Control by PPP Connection Option 8.9 General Safety Consideration 8.10 PPP Authorization Certification 8.10.1 CHAP and PAP 8.10.2 CHAP Secret Files 8.10.3 PAP Secret Files 8.11 Configuring a PPP Server 9. Various Network Applications 9.1 inetd Super Server 9.2 TCPD Access Control Facility 1.3 Services and Protocols file 1.4 Remote Procedure Call 1.5 Configuration R Commands 10. Network Information System 10.1 Understanding NIS 10.2 NIS and NIS

10.3 NIS 10.4 of 10.4 Running a NIS server 10.5 Setting up a NIS Customer 10.6 with NYS Selecting the correct MAPS 10.7 using Passwd and GroupMaps 10.8 Using the traditional NIS 10.9 using traditional NIS code 11. Network file system 11.1 Prepare NFS 11.2 Load an NFS Volume 11.3 NFS Background Procedure 11.4 Exports File 11.5 Linux Auto Loader 12. Managing Taylor UUCP 12.1 History Review 12.1.1 UUCP More Information 12.2 Overview 12.2.1 UUCP Transfer and Remote Execution 12.2.2 UUCICO Internal working mechanism 12.2.3 UUCICO command line options 12.3 UUCP profile 12.3.1 Taylor UUCP Introduction 12.3.2 UUCP To know what 12.3.3 Site Name 12.3.4 Taylor Profile 12.3.5 General Configuration Options - Config File 12.3.6 How to inform UUCP What equipment is in other systems - SYS file 12.3.7 - PORT file 12.3.8 How to dial a number - Dial file 12.3.9 TCP UUCP 12.3.10 Use Direct Connection 12.4 UUCP can do with What to do - Adjustment Permissions 12.4.1 Execution 12.4.2 File Transfer 12.4.3 Forward [Beforeward, Push] 12.5 To set your system 12.5.1 Setting Getty 12.5.2 Provide UUCP account 12.5.3 Liar protects yourself 1.1.4 To persist - call sequence detection 1.1.5 Anonymous UUCP 1.6 UUCP Low-level protocol 1.6.1 protocol overview 1.6.2 Adjustment Transfer Protocol 1.7 Select Specific Protocol 1.7 Questions 1.8 Log File 13. Email 13.1 What is an email message? 13.2 How is the mail delivery? 13.3 How is the email address 13.4 How does the mail route work? 13.4.1 Mail routing on the Internet 13.4.2 UUCP World Mailing 13.4.3 UUCP and RFC 822 Hybrid 13.5 Path Alias ​​and MAP File Format 13.6 Configuring ELM 13.6.1 Global ELM Options 13.6.2 Country Character Set 14. Configure and run SMAIL 14.1 UUCP settings 14.2 Settings 14.2.1 in the LAN 14.2.1 Writing a profile 14.2.2 Running Smail 14.3 If you can't complete 14.3.1 Compile SMAIL 14.4 Mail delivery mode 14.5 Various config options 14.6 Message Routing and delivery 14.7 Routing 14.7.1 Paths Database 14.8 To local address delivery message 14.8.1 Local users 14.8.2 Forward [forward, forward] 14.8.3 alien file 14.8.4 Mail send list 14.9 Based on UUCP-based transmission 14.10 Based on SMTP 14.11 Host Name Limited 15. Sendmail IDA 15.1 Sendmail IDA Overview 15.2 Profile - Overview 15.3 file 15.3.1 An example file 15.3.2 Typical use Sendmail.m4 parameter 15.4 sendmail

IDA table list 15.4.1 Mailertable 15.4.2 UUCPXTABLE 15.4.3 Pathtable 1.1.4 DomainTable 1.1.5 AliaSES 1.1.6 Little Table 1.5 Installing Sendmail 1.5.1 Extracting the binary release 1.5.2 Creating 1.5. 3 Test file 1.5.4 Synthesis-Integrated Test and Form 1.6 Repeatable mail processing work and stupid mail skills 1.6.1 Forward mail to relay host 1.6.2 Force email to send an error remote remote Site 1.6.3 Forced Email Transfer through UUCP 1.6.4 Avoid sending mail via UUCP 1.6.5 Running sendmail queue 1.6.6 Report mail static parameters 1.7 mix and matching execution file release 1.8 Where to get more information 16. Web News 16.1 Usenet history 1.2 In short, what is usenet? 1.3 How to deal with News? 17. C News 17.2 Delivery 17.3 Sys file 17.4 Active file 17.5 Batch 17.6 Expired News 17.7 Various files 17.8 Control News 17.8.1 Cancel Message 17.8.2 NewGroup and RMGroup 17.8.3 CheckGroups 17.8.4 Sendsys , Version, and Senduuname 17.9 C News 17.10 Maintenance Tools and Tasks in NFS 18. NNTP Description 18.1 Overview 18.2 Installing NNTP Server 18.3 Limiting NNTP Access 18.4 NNTP Authorized 18.5 NNLPD and C News Interaction 19. NewsReader Configuration 1.1 TIN Configuration 1.2 TRN Configuration 1.3 NN Configuration Appendix A PLIP No Printer Cable B SMAIL Profile Example C GNU Universal Public License C.1 Preface C.2 Terminology and Conditions C.3 How to Use these Terms Words Add Note Bibliographic Book on Bibliography Common Book Management Book Background Howtos What is Linux Howtos? Where can I get Linux HOWTOS? HOWTO index miscellaneous and legal terminology RFCS Source:

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