Some netizens asked a hypertext online editing control Lion.Web.Webhtmleditor 1.0, because the lack key could not compile the source code, and studied the solution to share the solution. Let's talk about the download address of the control first: source code Demo
Enter sn -k webhtmleditor1.0.snk to SN -K Webhtmleditor1.0.snk to SRC Project to get lion.web.Webhtmleditor.dll with sn -tp lion.Web.Webhtmleditor.dll> 1.txt (attention) Size) get public key and public key tag
Then open the resx.cs file under the core directory in the SRC project, and the value of publickey in the publickey is replaced with the public key and replaced the value of the publickeyToken in the web.config in the Files directory to recompile the public key tag. Lion.Web.Webhtmleditor.dll
In the Demo project, open licenses.licx, replace the publickeyToken value to delete lion.web.webhtmleditor.dll, and add the latest lion.web.Webhtmleditor.dll to recompile, get it!
Simultaneously introduce another permission to view tools Caspol.exe
Also in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 command prompt, enter caspol -all -resolvegroup lion.web.webhtmleditor.dll can see more detailed permission information, can Caspol detailed usage, can be viewed with CASPOL /?, Have time I write one detailed introduction.