Class (all HTML files) file type html> (starting with the beginning of the file) File topic
code> (Show Original Code) Sample Samp> Keyboard Enter KBD> Variable var> Definition DFN> (Some browser is not available) Address address> 3.0 big words big> 3.0 small words small> related to the appearance (Author Self - reserve) Bold b> Intracking i> 3.0 bottom line u> (still browse Not available) 3.0 Delete line s> (there are still some browsers do not provide) 3.0 subscript sub> 3.0 bundled sup> typewriter tt > (Use Single Space Filter Display) Predetermined Format pre> (Size of Space in File) The width Pre> (calculated) n1.0 齐 center> (text and pictures can be) N1.0 Shine